Message: #277911
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Dec 2017, 18:42

Marry in 2 months! Or How to get married, and at the same time remain yourself! Julia Shchedrova

where you scored.

30-45 points: Trouble is brewing in your love. Perhaps you yourself do not notice them yet, but over time they will appear. Sit down with a partner, discuss those points where the warning signals are especially strong. Solve your problems together, this will help you get closer.

45-60 points: Your love is very unstable. Today you love, and tomorrow you are cold as a frog. And your partner behaves no better. You risk that your love boat will capsize and you will both be underwater. Think together about how you can make your relationship more stable before it's too late.

60-75 points: Your love is in danger. Your relationship will either hit a dead end or end in a breakup. If you are хочешь спасти свою love, tell your partner that you both need help urgently. Find a good therapist or marriage counselor.

75-100 points: GUARD! Your love is in crisis. It may still be possible to save her, but this cause must be given entirely. You can't waste time. Consider that you need an urgent operation - only it can save a dying love.

Action 3. Talk to your loved one in HIS love language!

According to the famous American psychologist Henry Chapman, there are FIVE emotional love languages. Each person speaks one, maximum two languages, and it is very rare for partners to have the same love languages.

If you are будешь разговаривать с любимым на ЕГО языке любви, а не на своем собственном, то его сосуд любви всегда будет наполнен до верху, и период влюбленности растянется на целую вечность. It's great if he does the same for you. Usually they say about such couples: "they live in perfect harmony, like doves"


words of encouragement

In order for a man to believe in your love, you should praise your beloved as often as possible, compliment him, reinforce any of his positive actions with kind words.

Find out what remarks your man is most offended by: this is the area that needs to be praised with great enthusiasm. For example, he is depressed by your words that he is slowly making a career, and so far has not achieved anything in this direction. So, from now on, notice every smallest of his successes in this area, and very soon his vessel of love will overflow to the brim. In any case, tell him that you believe in him, admire him, and are always ready to help him.

Acts of Service

With such a man you need to talk not with words, but with actions, "acts of service." Find out what kind of help he needs, what he asks for most often, and do it for him ... regularly. Let's say he will feel your love if you vacuum the house once a week (this is not a joke, but a real story). Let's say you don't like vacuuming, and you wouldn't do it for any money. But in this case, the game is worth the candle - this is how he will feel that he is loved, and will begin to give his love to you.

Men, for whom this language is the main one, are delighted with housewives who wash, clean and iron for them all day long. And no white woman or business woman like that a man will not be interested ... provided that she does not begin to selflessly "serve" him.

Язык прикоснAriesий

If you are будешь говорить такому мужчине, что любишь его и понимаешь, не прикасаясь к нему и не обнимая его, он не поверит тебе. Чтобы он поверил в твою любовь, ты должна подкреплять свои слова прикоснAriesиями и поглаживаниями. Actually, you can even not say anything, most importantly, touch him as often as possible.

For one man who speaks this language, the main proof of love will be the number of sexual contacts. For another man, the proof of love will be your ability to massage or the habit of ruffling his hair. Как и в любом языке, здесь много диалектов, и в твоих силах узнать, на каком диалекте говорит твой «прикоснAriesный» мужчина.

The Language of Gifts

To declare love to such a man, you will have to stock up on gifts. For him, gifts are materialized love. In this case, the amount of the gift does not matter: it can be a candy, a homemade postcard or a balloon. «If она пришла вечером и не принесла мне даже леденца, значит, она обо мне не думала?!» - this is how a typical “gift” man thinks. Even if it’s not like that at all, stock up on candy!

The language of quality time

Such a man will feel your love if you communicate with him qualitatively - sitting on the couch, holding hands and looking into his eyes. If при этом ты будешь отвлекаться на просмотр теa lionизора или посматривать в сторону компьютера, такое общение не будет считаться качественным. High-quality communication is time, undividedly presented to a loved one.
By the way, in order to communicate well, it is not necessary to sit on the couch. You can play cards together, walk in the park, wash the window ... You can do anything, just to spend time together.
Now the fun part - how to determine the love language of your partner?
There are several elementary ways:

1. Each of us offers our love in the way we understand it. So watch what your loved one does for you and offer him the same.

2. Think about what you do or don't do for your spouse that hurts him the most? For example, if he is most hurt by criticism and condemnation from you, then perhaps his main language is the language of "Words of Support".

3. Answer the question: what he most often DEMANDS from you? These demands you usually perceived as sawing, in reality, these are the efforts that he made to receive emotional love from you.
Perhaps your loved one is bilingual. If так, то он облегчил тебе задачу: у тебя есть две возможности, любая из которых надежно передает твою любовь.

By successfully applying the above principles, you do NOT run the risk of becoming just such a girl, aged in anticipation of the perfect man.
On the contrary, very soon you will catch in your nets one or more men who want to share their life and salary with you.
I ask you: before you say "yes", listen to your heart. If у тебя возникают хоть малейшие сомнения в том, что это твоя вторая половинка, - не соглашайся! Don't marry the first male that gets into your net! At any age, value yourself as a woman, as a person, and you will definitely meet a worthy man with whom you will live easily, pleasantly and comfortably, and without whom you will no longer be able to breathe.
Do not exchange for trifles! And be happy whether you have a man or not. In this case, you will meet him much faster ...

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