Message: #65446
Татьяна Юсупова » 29 Jan 2017, 17:28

Is it necessary to deal with smoking?

Each of us has met with such a problem as smoking people in our environment. It can be employees at work, and a neighbor on the porch, and in general just a person standing next to you and smoking a cigarette. And often the question arises: is it necessary to fight smoking?

Smoking, of course, needs to be fought and it needs to start with the upbringing of a child in adolescence. In order for the child not to want to smoke, it is necessary to talk with him on this topic, you can find videos on the Internet about the dangers of smoking and about what problems smokers have.

smoking It is worth focusing your child’s attention on the fact that smoking is not a sign of growing up and you should not smoke for company or friendship. And most importantly, it is necessary to explain in an accessible way that smoking is the cause of many diseases, and incurable ones.

Now we can move on to the question: is it necessary to fight smoking in adults? With adults, the situation is much more complicated, they understand everything, they know about the consequences of this addiction, but they cannot or do not want to get rid of it. Often you have to deal with smokers in the workplace. Such people very often leave for a smoke break, while their work in a given period of time is performed by non-smoking employees. To eliminate this kind of injustice, the administration should stipulate time intervals for smoking. And the best way to deal with smokers is financial incentives for non-smoking employees. This moment can become one of the reasons for quitting smoking.

In our country, it is forbidden to smoke in public transport, in public places and in public places. But even with such a ban, problems often arise. And we have to return to the question again: is it necessary to fight smoking in public places? Of course you do! Penalties that will be punished by negligent smokers are very well suited for this kind of struggle.

Public opinion plays an important role in the fight against smoking; this is especially effective in youth groups. In this work, not only slogans should be used, but also constant explanatory conversations about the dangers of smoking.

An important role in the fight against smoking is played by inscriptions about the dangers of smoking on cigarette packs, and can also be used as anti-advertising and photographs with the consequences of smoking. One of the ways to deal with cigarettes could be a ban on the use of scenes with smokers in feature films. And in general, cigarettes should completely disappear from TV screens. This measure will also be anti-advertising of tobacco products.

It must always be remembered that, along with the smoker, the air poisoned by nicotine is inhaled by the surrounding people. Therefore, giving up cigarettes can protect not only yourself, but also those around you from the harmful effects.

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