Message: #327890
Аннета Эссекс » 23 Mar 2018, 13:54

Arthritis and arthrosis: what’s the difference?

These are the names of two different joint diseases. They differ among themselves in the causes of development, the features of pathological changes occurring in the joints, symptoms and treatment.
Arthritis is an inflammation of one or more joints, which is most often a manifestation of more extensive and serious pathological changes in the body, such as autoimmune or infectious processes, or metabolic disorders. Less often, arthritis occurs due to injuries, in such cases it is the injured joint that becomes inflamed, while others remain intact.
Diseases associated with the development of arthritis:
Rheumatoid arthritis.
Systemic lupus erythematosus.
Still’s disease.
In addition, reactive arthritis, which occurs as a complication of infectious diseases, is distinguished into a separate group: intestinal infections, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, mycoplasmosis, influenza and other viral infections. Inflammatory changes in arthritis primarily affect the synovial membrane (developing synovitis) and synovial fluid. The amount of the latter increases, which explains the swelling of the inflamed joints. The cartilaginous tissue lining the articular surfaces of the bones also suffers – erosive defects gradually form on it, exposing the bone.
Arthrosis is a non-inflammatory disease, pathological changes in the joint with it are caused by degeneration of the cartilage that covers the articular surfaces of the bones. Although it is often a long-term inflammatory process that contributes to the thinning and damage of cartilage tissue. Arthrosis develops mainly in older people, which is associated with age-related wear of cartilage and osteoporosis, which negatively affects the state of the entire musculoskeletal system. However, the disease can also occur at a young age, for example, in athletes, in workers in professions associated with excessive stress on the joints, in obese people. All manifestations of arthrosis that disturb patients develop due to thinning and dystrophic changes in cartilage, their inability to fully perform the shock-absorbing function, exposure and friction of the bones that form the joint, proliferation of bone tissue (such growths are called osteophytes), reducing the amount of synovial fluid that should wash the articular surfaces.
Arthritis and arthrosis can develop in any joint, but in most cases there is a certain pattern in the localization of the pathological process in each of these diseases:
Osteoarthritis most often affects the large joints of the legs (hip, knee, ankle), less often the joints at the bases of the big toes and the distal joints of the fingers. In addition, arthrosis can develop in the intervertebral joints. All of these joints throughout life feel the greatest load, which explains the frequent occurrence of destructive processes in them.
For arthritis, on the contrary, “volatility” of damage to the joints is characteristic. Today the wrist joint becomes inflamed, tomorrow the knee joint, etc. In addition, several asymmetric joints can become inflamed at once, which is not at all typical for arthrosis.
In addition to the localization of the pathological process, arthrosis and arthritis have serious differences in symptoms:
Arthritis is characterized by joint pain that occurs mainly at rest and at night. In the morning, such patients, as a rule, feel severe stiffness in the arms and legs. After the development of the affected joints, pain and stiffness decreases. With arthrosis, pain, on the contrary, increases with movement, and after rest it almost completely disappears.
The appearance of diseased joints also differs. In arthritis, they increase in size (swell), redden, and become hot to the touch. With arthrosis, at the initial stages of the development of the disease, the affected joint looks completely normal, later it can be deformed due to the growth of osteophytes and modification of the bones that articulate in the joint. Another feature of arthrosis is a crunch in the affected joint, which is not observed with arthritis.
It is also worth noting that with arthritis, patients notice a significant deterioration in well-being, weight loss, periodic fever and the appearance of other symptoms of the underlying disease. Patients with arthrosis are only concerned about a poorly functioning and very painful joint.
To make an accurate diagnosis (arthritis or arthritis in the patient) and prescribe the correct treatment, doctors send the patient for an examination, which usually includes:
General analysis of blood and urine.
Blood chemistry.
Rheumatic tests.
X-ray of the affected joint.
In controversial cases, MRI and the study of synovial fluid.
Since arthrosis and arthritis have different causes and mechanisms of development, the approach to their treatment is fundamentally different. With arthritis, it is important for doctors to identify the cause of joint inflammation and, if possible, eliminate it. This is what all healing measures are aimed at. So, with arthritis of an infectious nature, patients are prescribed antibiotics. If inflammation of the joint is caused by an autoimmune process, hormones and cytostatics. For gout, specific drugs are used that affect the formation of uric acid, etc. With arthrosis, the main goals of treatment are the restoration of cartilage tissue and the return of mobility to the joint. Therefore, patients are prescribed chondroprotectors, hyaluronic acid, sessions of physiotherapy and manual therapy, courses of physical therapy. For pain relief in both arthrosis and arthritis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used internally and externally (in the form of ointments). With inflammation of the joints, these drugs not only anesthetize well, but also help reduce signs of inflammation (swelling, stiffness, redness, etc.). Both for arthrosis and arthritis, both conservative therapy and surgical treatment (minimally invasive operations, joint prosthetics) can be carried out – it all depends on the degree of impaired function of the affected joint and the financial capabilities of the patient.

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