Message: #288498
Аннета Эссекс » 14 Jan 2018, 18:24

20 tips to live long

Now there are more and more studies that confirm that all the signs of old age are due to lifestyle. You can agree that heredity and luck play a very important role, but still it depends more on you.

The most curious thing is that following the advice there is no need to "live in a dark room and eat only rice", what we will offer you, moreover, is pleasant, and will help you get up every day with more energy and feel less sick or depressed.

1.-Do you know how useful fish is?

Fish is not only a good source of high quality proteins, but also the best source of fatty acids, omega 3, a very important component for maintaining the proper functioning of the brain and heart, eating river or sea fish several times a week maintains mental alertness for a long time and helps to live long.

Bottom line: Delicious fish like tuna or salmon are also the healthiest.

QUICK METHOD: You can take a fish oil extract capsule every day.

2. - Choose Whole Foods

Wholemeal bread is 100 times better than a bun and 100 times healthier. Eat whole grains instead of refined grains, which keeps blood glucose levels normal, reduces the risk of obesity, and increases the dietary fiber content of the meal.

Bottom line: Whole grains will give you a greater feeling of satiety, and therefore you will eat less amount of other foods.

QUICK METHOD: Make sure the labels on cereals, breads and baked goods are labeled "unrefined" or "whole".

3-. To live long, eat well, but do not indulge in "gluttony"

Eating too much increases the risk of a heart attack an hour after eating, and therefore it is preferable that meals be lighter and more frequent.

Bottom line: Eating several times a day, lightly, instead of the traditional three meals, will keep your blood glucose levels stable and give you more energy.

QUICK METHOD: Choose salads as a first course, fruit for dessert, and try to cook main courses without sauces and fried.

4. - Move!!

There are numerous studies that prove that a person who is physically active throughout life, and therefore more resilient, has a reduced mortality rate from various diseases, including cancer and heart disease.

Bottom line: Don't you think that the fact that exercise makes you feel better, more relaxed and happier, which is already more than enough reason to do it?. And besides, you will have a more beautiful and athletic body.

QUICK METHOD: Even if you don't have much time to exercise, it doesn't matter if you do it daily and regularly.

5. - Don't "oxidize"

Eating foods rich in antioxidants, low in fat and in less quantity will prevent the increase in body oxidation, which is directly responsible for aging. This is due to a decrease in the process of metabolism, the oxidation of food.

Bottom line: You should not eat less food to consume fewer calories, just choose low-fat foods, fruits and vegetables.

QUICK METHOD: Eat more foods containing antioxidants: vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, zinc, selenium and gluten.

6.-Be happy!

Although the statement may not seem fair to you, happy people live longer than depressed people. There are many studies that prove this to be the case.

Bottom line: Psychologists believe that happiness does not depend on what kind of life you have, but on your positive or negative attitude towards it.

QUICK METHOD: Try smiling more often and you will see how it will make you look at things in the most positive way, which will stimulate your mind and make you feel happier.

7. - Get enough sleep

Not getting enough sleep can cause physical, mental, and hormonal changes (due to changes in the hormones that are released during sleep). All this is reflected negatively in our body, aging the skin and increasing the risk of diabetes. Most adults sleep less than they should.

BETTER: Sleep more?. This is the best solution.

QUICK METHOD: Lie down and get up always at the same hour. Keep your bedroom dark and no more than 20ºC.

8.-You don't like broccoli?

Although you won't believe it, the substance that makes broccoli so healthy is responsible for the bitter taste that cauliflower, broccoli or Brussels sprouts have, and why kids don't like it (to put it mildly), is sulfurofan. This substance is sulfurofan, a chemical substance combined with sulfur, which protects against certain types of cancer. Learn to eat one of these foods several times a week and you will live much longer.

Bottom line: Broccoli is the one with the highest amount of sulfurofan of all foods. [Sulforaphane (isothiocyanate) was first isolated in 1959 from cress (Carddria draba), which contains it in large quantities].

QUICK METHOD: Luckily, broccoli extracts are available in capsules.

9. - Olive oil

One of the reasons Mediterranean Spanish cuisine is so healing is the extensive use of olive oil. Olive oil is a powerful antioxidant that protects our skin and our blood vessels. It lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure. People who eat olive oil throughout their lives have been confirmed to have lower rates of cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer, and arthritis. Unrefined olive oil is the healthiest.

Bottom line: Olive oil has a delicious taste that enhances food.

A QUICK METHOD: There are olive oil capsules that we advise you to take in the morning with breakfast.

10. - Watch your weight, drop a few kilos.

According to the WHO, the top 10 causes of death are due to weight-related diseases. There are many studies that show that most adults are, albeit slightly, overweight.

BETTER: Losing some weight will improve your life and overall health.

QUICK METHOD: By exercising you will lose calories without having to eat less.

11. - Laughter, the best medicine

Laughter releases endogenous chemicals that relax blood vessels. In addition, laughter stimulates the immune system and helps to recover from diseases and live longer.

Summary: Laughter is contagious. Surround yourself with happy people!

QUICK METHOD: Try watching a comedy movie or TV show every night. This is very good for your health!.

12. - Control yourself

A study conducted on 800 subjects showed that those who control themselves in life have a longer average life expectancy. For example, keeping work life under control, reduces stress, especially if the work is very responsible.

Outcome: Your boss wants to lower your stressful condition, especially if it allows you to work better.

QUICK METHOD: If you're not already doing this, start exercising; it will help you maintain your physical and mental balance. If you can't manage it, seek help.

13. - Choose red

Red food items like tomatoes, peppers, etc. very rich in a carotenoid, the so-called lycopene, which reduces the risk of prostate cancer by at least 50% and improves the heart system

Bottom line: A tomato cooked with a little olive oil (making a delicious tomato sauce) is very effective.

QUICK METHOD: There is lycopene in capsules: choose your preferred carotenoid complex.

14. - Essential fatty acids

Fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids) are vital for our body. In addition - important anti-aging agents, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve blood circulation, stimulate the immune system and improve inflammation, increase HDL cholesterol or "good" cholesterol.

Bottom line: Linoleic acid and linolenoic acid are very effective for increasing athletic performance.

QUICK METHOD: Fatty sea fish and seafood, delicious foods rich in fatty acids.

15. - Salt, the hidden enemy

Salt (sodium chloride) is in sufficient form in food, and therefore there is no need to use a salt shaker, excess salt is very harmful to the body, as it accumulates in the arteries forming atherosclerosis, which leads to hypertension, thrombosis and cardiovascular disease.

Outcome: Get used to do little by little without salt. In the end, you will not notice that the food is tasteless.

QUICK METHOD: Replace salt with some spices, they will add flavor to your food and you will improve your health.


Yoga is ideal for all athletes and for sedentary people in particular. It improves flexibility, promotes neuromuscular communication, improves concentration, and even increases strength. Yoga helps us relax and relieve stress. A more balanced life means a longer life.

Bottom line: Yoga coordinates the body, develops mental concentration through breath awareness, strengthens muscles and bones, relieves tension, expands range of motion, and if that's not enough, it's also exciting.

QUICK METHOD: For 20 minutes a day, sit in a dark room and focus on your breathing. Relax your muscles and clear your mind. You will see the result.

17. - Avoid the smoke

It is no news that pollution is associated with a decrease in life expectancy. Particles of pollution increase the risk of heart attack or lung disease.

QUICK METHOD: If you live in a highly polluted city, try to have hot days in air-conditioned buildings. If you exercise outside, do it preferably in the morning or at night, avoiding crowded streets. You can also go to live in the country ...

18. - Choose your favorite animal

It is known that having a pet reduces stress. More specifically, having a dog means that someone is waiting for you with joy when you come home. Plus, having a dog to walk with increases your time outdoors, and you can even exercise with it.

Bottom line: A pet will never leave you, although your girlfriend / or friend may do so.

19. - Get married ... (yes, that's right)

Married men live longer, according to several studies. There are two possible reasons: one is that maintaining a happy relationship is good for the body and mind. The other is that marriage helps men get their lives in order, eating healthier and breaking bad habits...drinking too much, going out late, etc.

Who doesn't like marriage?

QUICK METHOD: Don't think to yourself like that... and don't look at your friends' marriage failures.

20. - Enjoy your sex life

Sex increases the average life span, you have another reason

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