Message: #78003
Юля Смоленск » 19 Feb 2017, 13:28

Valerian during pregnancy

Pregnant women often hear advice not to worry, so as not to harm the development of the child. However, this is not always easy: hormonal changes, the results of examinations and tests, anxiety about going on maternity leave and uncertainty about upcoming changes in life make the expectant mother pretty nervous. When it comes to the use of sedatives, valerian tops the list of mild sedatives. However, pregnancy is not the time when you can use any medication without thinking about the consequences. In the case of valerian, as with other medicines, the pros and cons must first be weighed. Valerian as a drug

Valerian officinalis (lat. Valeriana officinalis) has long been used in medicine for increased nervous excitability, insomnia, headaches, and increased blood pressure. Thanks to its active substances and essential oils, it also has an antispasmodic effect. For pharmacological purposes, the root extract of this medicinal plant is used. It is an ingredient in many drugs on the market. The sedative effect of valerian does not come on as quickly as from sleeping pills, but it is longer, so it is often prescribed to take a course for a longer and more productive effect.

The big plus of valerian is that it does not cause addiction, unlike other drugs.

Currently, valerian can be found on sale in the following forms:

tablets – contain 0.02 mg of valerian root extract;
drops – alcohol infusion of valerian roots and rhizomes, 20 g of plant roots per 100 ml of tincture;
dried rhizome – filter bags with 1.5 g of vegetable raw materials for brewing.
All three forms of release have some features. To get a good sedative effect from the tablets, you need to take them regularly, because they have a cumulative effect. Drops begin to act quickly enough, however, the alcohol included in their composition may not be suitable for everyone. The decoction has a faster sedative effect than tablets, but when it is used, it is not always possible to correctly observe the dosage. Indications for the use of valerian in the early and late periods pregnancy

A doctor may prescribe valerian to a pregnant woman in the following cases:

Increased nervousness. Valerian is, first of all, a sedative, so it is often prescribed to pregnant women if they are stressed and anxious during the period of bearing a child. In addition, this drug helps to cope with insomnia.
Tone of the uterus. Valerian is prescribed in case of a threatened miscarriage as part of complex therapy, since the drug relieves the tone of the uterus.
Мнения экспертов, однако, расходятся относительного того, можно ли валерьянку принимать уже в первом триместре pregnancy. Some doctors believe that the use of any drugs at this time is contraindicated.

Preeclampsia. Taking valerian is recommended by doctors in the third trimester in case of preeclampsia – late toxicosis of pregnant women.
Hypertension. If a mother-to-be is having problems with high blood pressure, valerian can help to bring it down gently due to its calming properties. In addition, the drug is prescribed for tachycardia.
Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Valerian helps soothe heartburn. The extract of this plant is often used in medicines to combat gastrointestinal problems, as it relieves stomach and intestinal spasms well.
Instructions for use

Many gynecologists agree that valerian is a natural and safe sedative for pregnant women. However, this does not mean that it can be taken in any form and in any quantity. First, it is worth figuring out in which form the drug will be most favorable for a woman in position.

Important! Применяя валериану при pregnancy, следует чётко соблюдать дозировку для различных форм препарата, назначить которую может только лечащий врач по индивидуальным показаниям.

It is usually recommended to take valerian for a month, after which you need to take a break. In some cases, the drug can be used for all 9 months, but the doctor must decide on this.


Most often, pregnant women are prescribed pills, since they allow you to clearly observe the dosage. The medicine should be taken in the amount prescribed by the doctor, after meals, without chewing and with a glass of water.


Since valerian drops are alcohol tincture of its rhizome, then their use during the period of bearing a child is called into question in the first place. Of course, the amount of alcohol entering the body of a pregnant woman with a few drops of the drug is not so large. Even less will get to the child through the placental barrier. In addition, the liquid form is absorbed faster, and therefore can be used in cases where rapid stabilization of the emotional state is required.

According to some reviews, drops quickly help relieve nervous tension due to the essential oils they contain.

Nevertheless, resorting to this method of using valerian is advised as a last resort and only after prior consultation with a pregnancy specialist.


Decoction валерианы принимают за полчаса до еды. It’s easy to make your own:

2 tablespoons of dry vegetable raw materials pour a glass of boiling water;
heat in a water bath for 15 minutes;
dilute with hot water to a volume of 200 ml.
Nevertheless, it should be remembered that a decoction prepared independently may differ in the content of active substances, depending on the conditions in which the plant grew, or the timing of its collection. Therefore, it is almost impossible to correctly calculate a safe amount.


Experts advise not only to use the drops inside, but simply to inhale their smell. To do this, pour the tincture into a saucer or cup.

Essential oils, coupled with measured breathing, will have a calming effect.

Another way to use valerian is to make a sachet – a small rag bag stuffed with vegetable raw materials.


Valerian is contraindicated in:

individual intolerance to the drug;
allergic reactions, manifested by a skin rash.
Кроме того, от лекарственного средства стоит отказать в первом триместре pregnancy, когда плацента ещё не сформировалась.

Possible side effects

Being a sedative, valerian lowers concentration, which can be dangerous for a pregnant woman who is already faced with drowsiness and absent-mindedness. Other possible side effects:

sleep disturbance;
violation of the heart rhythm.
However, the most serious consequence of an overdose valerian appears to be an excessive decrease in the tone of the uterine muscles, which can lead to difficulties during childbirth. In addition, there may be problems with uterine contraction in the postpartum period (including caesarean section).

If there are any signs of a negative effect of the drug, you should immediately stop taking it and consult a doctor!

The negative impact of valerian on the child

Provided that the drug is taken in accordance with the doctor’s instructions, this sedative is safe for the unborn child. Однако передозировка валерианы при pregnancy может представлять серьёзную опасность для здоровья и жизни малыша.

If the expectant mother takes the drug in large quantities, then the fetal movements may become less intense, which can cause concern for both the pregnant woman and the attending physician.

In addition, valerian is capable of:

reduce the muscle tone of the child;
disturb his heart rhythm;
cause allergic reactions.
Чем можно заменить валерьянку при pregnancy

Не только валериана назначается в качестве успокоительного средства при pregnancy. There are many other drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect.

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