Message: #122530
Аннета Эссекс » 07 Jun 2017, 23:34

Recovery of Strength After a Workout

The human brain, like his body, must be stressed from time to time in order to adapt, develop and improve its function. This is the purpose of training. This is a process when, after a certain number of repetitions, the goal is achieved – the assimilation of information …

Our body receives its portion of the load during strength training or cardio exercises. Over a period of time, we regularly load our body with physical exercises until we reach our goal: lose weight, build muscle, create relief, and so on. This is not to say that the brain rests during physical exertion. After all, under his control is the coordination of movements, accounting for repetitions and lifted weight, metabolic processes that occur under the influence of physical activity, and many others.

Recovery of strength after training

However, it is important to note that both our body and our brain cannot be subjected to constant and long-term stress. They require rest to adapt, restore development and improve performance. If we do not take the recovery process seriously, then our body and brain will not be able to work at full capacity. That is why it is so important to fully rest after a workout. The recovery period is directly dependent on the type of exercise performed, the number of workouts per week and the individual structure of the human body. Elite athletes can train 2-3 times a day, 6 days a week. And for a knowledge worker, one workout a week is enough to feel its effects for a long time to come.

In the theory of sports medicine, there are four main phases of recovery of the body after training:

1) Rapid recovery phase. This phase continues for about 30 minutes after the end of the workout. During this period, the body tries to restore the reserves of the lost “fuel”, glycogen, ATP, cretin phosphate, restores hormonal balance, and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
2) The phase of slow recovery. This phase begins after the body has restored metabolic processes. During this period, the body actively absorbs nutrients obtained with food, synthesizes enzymes and amino acids to restore muscle tissue, and normalizes water balance.
3) Super payment. Two 2-3 days after training, the recovery processes in the body are similar to the previous two phases. But, during this period, the body’s capabilities exceed its capabilities before training. It is during this period that you need to repeat the training to consolidate the result and further development.
4) Delayed recovery. In this phase, the physical state of the body returns to the level that it was before the training, provided that the body did not receive additional physical activity during the super compensation phase.

The average person should rest for 1-2 days before starting to exercise again. And to fully restore the spent energy and strength, he also needs one additional day a week free from training. Sleep is essential for recuperation. During sleep, growth hormone is released, neuronal plasticity is restored, and protein synthesis occurs. To do this, a person should sleep 7-8 hours a day. If this is not enough for a complete rest, then try to take a nap an hour and a half after the workout is over and you have eaten. Such rest refreshes forces and restores the body.

There are several control parameters that signal that the body needs additional rest and a period of time to recover, here they are:
1) fatigue due to insufficient sleep period;
2) loss of appetite;
3) unwillingness to go to training;
4) muscle stiffness.

As a rule, this kind of symptoms occur in those who train without rest day after day. If one of the above conditions is observed in you, try taking an extra day off during the week. In addition to the daily break between workouts and 7-8 hours of sleep, there are other little tricks that help speed up recovery.

One of the most popular methods is to wear pull-up (compression) clothing during cardio workouts. Compression clothing can be for both the upper and lower body. Wearing this kind of clothing dampens muscle vibrations that mainly occur during intense activities, maximizes the power of movements, minimizes fatigue and reduces recovery time.

A balanced diet high in protein is one of the best methods not only for restoration of strength, but also for an effective set of muscle mass.

Sports nutrition also helps to restore strength. There are many nutritional supplements in the sports nutrition stores that provide the body with nutrients for quick recovery.

30-40 minutes after a workout, the first step is to provide the body with carbohydrates to restore energy reserves and proteins as a building material. Mineral water will help restore the water-salt balance.

If on the day of rest from training you feel stiffness and fatigue, then you can swim in the pool. The resistance provided by the water massages tired muscles and helps them to stretch.

Visit a sauna or a Russian bath. The steam will relax your joints and muscles, open your pores and unclog your skin, support your immune system, and flush out toxins from your body. Just remember to drink water to prevent dehydration, as the body loses a lot of water through the pores in the sauna. If it is not possible to go to the sauna or bath, take a contrast shower. 1 minute in hot water and the same in cold water, 5 sets. A very effective way is to visit a massage parlor.

Choose the methods that you like the most. Have a good recovery before your next workout!

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