Message: #55631
Юля Смоленск » 13 Jan 2017, 19:16

Street workout for beginners

In the summer, there is a desire to conduct physical training in the fresh air. Indeed, in order to gain strong muscles, it is not at all necessary to go to the gym. You can achieve this goal with the help of street training. Workout for beginners will help you with this. The street workout movement originated in America, and specifically in New York, it happened no more than a dozen years ago. Since then, street workout has been actively gaining popularity. The program for beginners will help to feel like a real street athlete, even for those who do it for the first time. What was before street workout?

Back in Soviet times, horizontal bars began to appear actively at stadiums and courtyards. Thus, the Soviet government promoted a healthy lifestyle. Even then, young people enthusiastically engaged in street training. And some time later, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, videos began to gain popularity among young people, where people are engaged in street workout sites. The government supported this fashion, and similar sites began to appear in cities. To practice jimbarr, a person requires not only strength, but also increased joint mobility. Not everyone can practice such a street sport, otherwise it threatens with injuries. The workout program for street workout also differs from street gymnastics. This is the case when professional athletes are engaged in ordinary horizontal bars. This, by the way, can also be fraught with injuries and is not suitable for everyone.

Street Workout is easy to work out. Anyone can practice these exercises. The main thing is to correctly calculate the load for an unprepared organism.

How to start doing street workout?

If a workout is of interest to you, then before starting training, you need to soberly assess your physique, and starting from this, a training program will be built:
► For example, if you have a thin physique, then it is best to start practicing exercises with dumbbells and push-ups. Results will appear faster if you start eating more white meat and dairy products in your diet.

► If you are a representative of a normal physique, then you can not follow any special diet, but, of course, you should limit yourself to fast food. You will also be shown exercises with dumbbells, different types push-ups, as well as all exercises aimed at hanging pull-ups, when a person hangs over the horizontal bar and slowly falls down.

► If you are overweight, then you should stick to a protein diet. From carbohydrates, eat only healthy ones (cereals, whole grain bread). In this case, it will also be useful to supplement training with aerobic exercise so that the weight goes away faster. Street Workout Workout Program

Beginners need to master street workout workouts starting with the basic elements. Such exercises include: push-ups from the floor, pumping the press, pull-ups. It is these simple elements that will help a person develop strength and easily perform more interesting elements in the future. Let’s touch on the basic exercises in more detail. Horizontal bar

► We hang on the horizontal bar. The peculiarity of this hang is that you hold on to the horizontal bar when your palms are turned to your face. Hands are shoulder width apart. Perform pull-ups and try to hang your chin above the horizontal bar. Repeat this 5 to 10 times.
►Now hover on the horizontal bar as usual. That is, perform the same exercise, turning your palms to the other side.
► The third version of the pull-up, when one palm looks at you and the other away from you. Repeat as many times as you can. Then change hands.
► Pull-up and flip. Grasp the bar as usual, pull yourself up to face level, and then use the swing to throw your legs up over the horizontal bar and roll over. The exercise is considered completed when the torso is vertical to the legs, arms are straightened, and the horizontal bar is at waist level. Press

Perform all the exercises described below for one minute without rest.
► Lie on your back, raise your arms up, legs and arms hang 15 centimeters above the ground. First, lift your right leg and touch its toe with your left hand, then return to its original position. Then there is a change of arms and legs. Throughout the minute, the limbs do not touch the ground.
► Lie on your back. The hands are under the head. Bend your knee and touch the opposite elbow, then switch arms and legs. Legs at the end of each time can be straightened, but not put on the ground.
► Starting position as in the first exercise. Straight legs touch straight arms. Then return to the original position and try to touch the ground first to the right of the body, then to the left. Then we repeat everything from the beginning. Push ups

Exercises for different types of push-ups are an integral part of training in a street workout. They are of several types:
► You rest with straight arms. Hands are slightly wider than your shoulders. Slowly lower yourself, making sure that the head is kept at the level of the spine, while the stomach and legs are straight. Rising, do not straighten your arms completely. In this version, the biceps are better worked out.
► Narrow stop when the arms are narrower than your shoulders. Your palms should be turned inward. This is a more difficult version of push-ups. But on the other hand, triceps are worked out very well in them. They are very useful for girls. It is enough to do a few of these push-ups every workout to have a toned triceps.
► Emphasis when arms are wider than shoulders. In this option, the pectoral muscles are well worked out. It is also highly recommended not only for men but also for girls. Here are some more tips for those who want to do street workout

► A balanced diet will help you gain muscle mass properly during your workouts. Eliminate harmful carbohydrates from your diet, eat protein foods and foods rich in fiber, do not forget about clean water.

► When it turns out to do the first street workout lessons, it is very inspiring. In this case, beginners are in a hurry to supplement it with more complex exercises. But you shouldn’t do it too actively. Let the basic program be worked out by you to the fullest.

► Street workout lessons are good because if there is a goal to pump up the press, then it is not necessary to perform isolated exercises. When practicing push-ups, various lunges, pull-ups, the press is also perfectly worked out.

►In order for workout exercises at home to be performed correctly, it is worth contacting a coach or more experienced athletes for the first time.

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