Message: #69208
Аннета Эссекс » 05 Feb 2017, 00:19

Spinning – ride a bike with pleasure!

Spinning or Cycle is also one of the most popular and very dynamic varieties of modern fitness. The name of this discipline comes from the word cycle (bicycle), and is basically an intense and rhythmic cycling under the instructor’s commands or fast music in order to effectively lose weight and get rid of fat. I want to note that spinning training can be done quite well at home or go for walks in nature and fresh air on a very ordinary bike.

Spinning very effectively solves the problem of excess weight, simultaneously strengthening the muscles of the legs, buttocks, abs, back, arms and positively stimulating the athlete’s cardiovascular system.

The uniqueness and originality of specific cycling trainings are enclosed in a specially organized system of conducting classes. During each workout, the athlete is accompanied by a specially selected set of commands, which can be either the instructor’s voice, or musical accompaniment, or a screen depicting various landscapes and pictures of the familiar environment. Each command of the instructor, change of musical rhythm or change of the image on the screen is a command to perform a certain action. This can be increased pedaling speed, lifting off the saddle, twisting body movements, calm intervals, extremely fast parts of the ride.

For example, when a fast and rhythmic musical accompaniment and an image of a straight open road appear, the participants of the classes begin to lean on the pedals of bicycles and accelerate significantly, when a mountain landscape appears, the load changes, it becomes heavier, the lake and the valley signal about rest and slowing down against the background of calm music. When the commands are given by the instructor himself, it is even easier.
Spinning gives a very decent cardio-strength load. Always, before signing up for a cycle group and starting classes, be sure to consult a doctor. It is better if it is a cardiologist, as he will help you at the initial stage to choose the optimal load on your heart for you and will not let you overload yourself when combining intensive cardio and strength work. All these instructions must be reported to the instructor of the group in order to draw up a correctly selected spinning program. Perhaps, spinning is the only fitness discipline where a trainee is able to visit all four cardio load zones in one session. And this is a solid aerobic load. The main thing is to master the technique of pedaling, then you can go for any record. Therefore, the results of classes in a cycling group are basically always the results that you expected. You can lose a large number of kilograms, strengthen muscles and the cardiovascular system.

Since the physical readiness of group members is always different, the spinning programs are designed for a certain level, which allows each athlete to adjust the applied load during the training process, depending on the degree of preparedness. There is even a program that already at the first stage suits absolutely everyone.

Cycle Reebok is a program that can be practiced at home without any problems, and which is suitable even for an unprepared fan of spinning. Let’s see together what cycle reebok spinning programs are available for those who decide to do this interesting type of fitness.

Reebok Cycle Interval – the program assumes a high level of fitness for training on exercise bikes. The elements of the program include high and medium intensity cardio components. The duration of the lessons is 45-60 minutes.

Bike Race is a program for very well trained athletes on exercise bikes. 35-40 minutes of high to very high intensity cardio.

Bike Trial is a program for highly trained athletes on racing bikes. Cardio load 30-40 minutes, medium and high intensity.

Tour De is a less advanced course than the previous ones. This program is designed for those who have just completed a 20-30 session beginner session on exercise bikes that mimic racing bikes. The complex of exercises of this program is quite fascinating and interesting. Moderate to medium to high intensity, duration 35-45 minutes.

Cycle + is a program for trained athletes. A uniform alternation of power and cardio load is carried out in one lesson. Suitable for those who want to not only lose weight, but also strengthen muscles. Duration 45 minutes.

Reebok Cycle Intro is a program for those who are just starting their acquaintance with spinning. It’s a complex Cycle Reebok exercises on exercise bikes that mimic racing bikes. The main goal of the lesson is to study and practice the basic pedaling techniques. Cardio loads of medium and moderate intensity, the duration of the cardio part is 20-25 minutes.

So, we got acquainted with the elements and examples of Spinning or Cycle Aerobics programs. I don’t know which classes you prefer, but each of the programs is quite intense and not boring. Classes are mostly group, the size of the group sometimes reaches 40 people. The average size of the group is 15-20 exercise bikes. And although there will be so many comrades of interest in your group, it will be possible to communicate only before the start of classes, or after they have ended. During class, only you, the bike, and external teams exist. Happy cycling!

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