Message: #73129
Аннета Эссекс » 10 Feb 2017, 15:11

Slimming after childbirth

Losing weight after childbirth is a long and multi-stage process, which it is advisable to start even with preparation for childbirth, not only in terms of your own health and beauty, but also in terms of the health of the child. Weight loss after childbirth can be divided into three phases: before the recovery of the body, the breastfeeding phase and the rehabilitation period. It should be understood that the first two stages can and should be aimed at improving the health of a young mother and ensuring the quality of milk, since the priority is the health of the child, so the maximum during this period that you can achieve and which you need to strive for is achieving your “normal” weight. Each person has a genetic predisposition to fat accumulation, their own rate of fat in the body, the number of fat cells in a particular area, and in accordance with this, everyone has their own “normal” weight.
Losing weight after childbirth does not imply any special “methods”, one way or another, in order to lose weight, you need to normalize your diet, devote time to sports and create a calorie deficit. In the first two stages of weight loss after childbirth, of course, there can be no question of any calorie deficit, during this period you just need to normalize and systematize the diet, using only those nutrient sources that are useful. As for physical activity, even at the first stage of losing weight after childbirth, physical activity is already welcome, but it should be moderate. In the second stage, the intensity of physical activity can and should increase so that in the third stage you can fully return to your usual training regimen. If you have not been involved in sports before, then it is important to approach the matter without fanaticism so that the load is not excessive, but since we do not know your physical form, we cannot give specific recommendations on what to do here and not.

The first stage of weight loss after childbirth

The first stage lasts 3-4 weeks, during which the girl “comes to her senses” after giving birth. At this stage, there can be no talk of any weight loss, since a number of active hormonal processes are going on in the body that adapt the body to a new state. During this process, it is important to systematize your diet and gradually enter the training mode. It goes without saying that training should be gentle, most likely Stretching, brisk walking and a small set of exercises with your own weight will suit you. You need to enter the training mode gradually, so the first week you can limit yourself to walking, in the second week you can use walking, in the third week you can include stretching in the training process, and only in the 4th week you can also include more difficult physical exercises.

Nutrition should be systematic, but not monotonous. You have 2 options: the first is to calculate your energy consumption and, using the food composition table, select your menu in accordance with the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that you need. Proteins should be eaten about 1.5g per kilogram of body weight, since there is an active resynthesis of organic tissue, fats should be about 20-25% of the diet, as for their ratio, you can read about it here. Carbohydrates, of course, you will select in accordance with your energy consumption. The second method is different in that you will select your menu for a week in advance, based on five meals a day: breakfast – porridge, second breakfast – meat and complex carbohydrates, lunch – meat and complex carbohydrates, afternoon snack – fish and vegetables, dinner – cottage cheese.
The number of products will still have to be adjusted, since no one knows exactly how much of one or another product you need during this period. You will make adjustments at the expense of fats and carbohydrates, since protein is a more dietary product and during this period its surplus in the body is especially important. The need to adjust the amount of food you will carry out by weekly weighing. Losing weight after childbirth is a natural process, so it is important that you just do not get better, you do not need to force events. Be sure to take your vitamins and drink more water. Most likely, after giving birth, your water-salt balance will be disturbed, so 2.5-3 liters of water per day is the minimum that you should drink, and it is water, not juices, tea and other mixtures.

Выводы: на первом этапе похудения после родов Вы должны систематизировать питание, что бы получать 1.5гр белка на каждый килограмм собственного веса и такое количество углеводов и жиров, чтобы не замедлить естественный процесс снижения weight. It is important that the diet is controlled, that is, that you either know how many calories you eat, or it the number was the same. For example, on Tuesdays you eat 50g of rice, so it doesn’t matter how many calories you eat, it is important that every Tuesday there should be 50g of rice, so that in the future, if necessary, you can reduce or increase this amount. If you are losing weight too quickly, then you need to increase it, if you are not losing weight, then you need to reduce it.

The second stage of weight loss after childbirth

The second stage is characterized by feeding the child, this is what we will build on when losing weight. Task number 1 is feeding the baby so that he receives all the necessary trace elements with milk. We strongly recommend that you consult a doctor to find out the quality of the milk and adjust your diet accordingly. In terms of diet, this stage is no different from the previous one, since the main goal is still not losing weight, but health. This, of course, does not mean at all that a further diet and a healthy lifestyle should harm your health, but still the priorities will be set differently. During the very process of losing weight, you will systematically create a calorie deficit, which, one way or another, will be stressful for the body, and this is unacceptable during breastfeeding.

The second stage of weight loss after childbirth отличается от первого именно физической активностью, поскольку в этот период девушка уже восстановилась и может себе позволить достаточно тяжелые нагрузки. The problem often arises over time, since the girl is constantly attached to the child, there is no time to go to the gym and run, so the girl “has to” wait for better times. If there really is no one to leave the child with even for 1.5-2 hours 3-4 times a week, then you can always train at home, giving yourself an anaerobic load, and jump rope in order to give yourself an aerobic load. You get up in the morning, feed your child, do your chores, when the child falls asleep for 20-30 minutes, you do stretching and some strength exercises. While walking with a child, jump a couple of thousand times on a rope. It’s uncomfortable, I would like to do it differently – this is all understandable, but bad training is better than no training!

The third stage of weight loss after childbirth

The stage of recovery and breastfeeding is over, now it’s time to take care of yourself and your beloved. In fact, this can no longer be called weight loss after childbirth, since you will simply lose weight just as they would lose weight if they did not give birth. You need a diet that you already have, just need to be adjusted so that the calorie balance becomes negative, and a training program for women. Create a calorie deficit You will be the old proven way to gradually reduce daily calories and weekly weighing, the goal is to lose weight by 1-2 kg per week. If you lose weight faster – you need to increase the calorie content, more slowly – lower it. Avoid sudden jumps in calories, for a week you can reduce or increase calories within 10%. Do not force things, and your result will be more stable.

Weight loss after childbirth also includes the fight against stretch marks and sagging breasts. How to tighten the chest, we have already written in this article, where you will find a complete course of guidance on what to do to avoid sagging breasts, and what to do to restore her former elasticity. As for stretch marks, they, firstly, will eventually cease to be red and become white, that is, less noticeable. Secondly, to improve the quality of the skin, you need to eat more collagen. You need to regularly consume jelly, but not store-bought, but made by yourself, so that there is less sugar and more protein. Jelly, by the way, will allow you to get rid of cellulite, improve your hair, nails and, in general, provide you with protein. It is completely impossible to get rid of stretch marks, except perhaps with the help of plastic surgery, but you can minimize them, as well as prevent them with the help of collagen!

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