Message: #75553
Лена Калининград » 14 Feb 2017, 15:04

Training program for the abs and buttocks – 2 weeks before the model’s body

*Always start with a warm-up and end with a cool-down.
*On low-intensity cardio days, take your pick of cycling, swimming, easy running, or long walks.

*Legs + buttocks
1. Lunges back with knee lift
Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Step your right foot further back, drop into a deep lunge and stay in this position for a few seconds.
Straighten back up and immediately lift your right knee to your chest. Here, too, pause, and then lower yourself into a lunge again.
Do: 12 reps per leg.

2. Squats
Spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders: the shoulders are relaxed, there is a natural deflection in the back.
Taking the pelvis back and not lowering the chest, sit down at a comfortable depth for you.
At the bottom point, linger for a few seconds and rise to the starting position.
Do: 20 reps.

3. Standing leg abduction
Stand straight: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on sides. Slightly bend your knees and tighten your abs.
Slowly take one leg back as far as possible, then return to the starting position. (You can increase the intensity of the exercise by wearing an ankle brace.)
Do: 20 repetitions with each leg.

4. Glute bridge on one leg
Lie on your back, bending your knees and stretching your arms out to the sides. Straighten your left leg up.
Leaning on the right foot, raise the pelvis to the ceiling. Squeeze your buttocks at the top and hold for a few seconds. Then drop back down.
Do: 20 repetitions on each leg.

5. Hip Abduction Combination
Get on all fours. Raise your bent right leg to the side until parallel with the floor. Pause and drop back. Do 20 of these repetitions.
Now lift your leg 20 more times – only with a smaller amplitude, springy movements.
Pull it back – again to parallel with the floor.
Cross over to the left and touch the toe of the floor.
Then again lift it in line with the body and, without bending, lower it (also until it touches the toe). Repeat this 20 times. Change sides.
Do: All sets of 20 reps.
Between exercises – intense running in place or walking with high knees for 15 seconds.
*HIIT & press
1. “Spiderman push-ups”
Take emphasis lying down.
Lower yourself while bringing your right knee up to your elbow. Return to the starting position and put your foot back.
Do: 45 seconds.

2. Jumping “frog” from side to side
Get into a plank position with straight arms.
make it out of it jump diagonally to the left – closer to the hands.
Now jump right, then left again. Keep jumping back and forth.
Do: 45 seconds.

3. Plank with knee bend
Start with the classic lying position.
Bending your knees, sweep your body back.
Then again stretch out in a straight line and perform a classic push-up. Keep alternating.
Do: 45 seconds.

4. Sit-ups with outstretched arms
Lie on your back, straighten your legs and put your hands behind your head.
Gently lift your upper body off the floor and rise to a sitting position, stretching your palms towards the ceiling.
Hold for a few seconds, further reducing the press, and slowly lower back.
Do: 45 seconds.

5. Crease
Stay on your back. Exhale and tighten your abs. While balancing on your buttocks, simultaneously lift your torso and legs to form a V.
Try to reach your feet with your hands. Hold this position for a few seconds and lower yourself back down.
Do: 45 seconds.
*Arms and abs
Between exercises – intense running in place or walking with high knees for 15 seconds.
1. Glute bridge with bench press
Lie on your back, bending your knees and placing your feet on the floor. Take dumbbells in your hands, hold shells at your shoulders.
Squeezing the shells to the ceiling, simultaneously raise the pelvis. Hold for a few seconds, tensing your abs (yes, it hurts). Then drop back down.
Do: 15 reps.

2. Reverse triceps push-ups from the bench
Place two benches or two chairs next to each other (at a distance of straightened legs). Sit down on the edge of one, resting your hands on the sides of the body; on the other place the heels and ankles.
Slowly bending your arms, lower yourself to a comfortable depth for you. Without touching the buttocks of the floor, push up to the starting position.
Do: 15 reps.

3. Jumping over the bench with push-ups
Place your palms on the edges of the support, and your legs on the side on the floor.
Push off with your toes and jump over the bench to land mirrored on the other side.
Come back with the same jump. And slowly do push-ups from the bench. This is one repeat.
Do: 15 reps.

4. Plank with a change in hand position
First, get into a plank position on your forearms. Rest your left palm on the floor and straighten your arm, then do the same with your right – and you will find yourself in a plank with straight arms.
In the same way, return to the starting position. Remember to keep your back straight.
Do: 15 reps.

5. Weighted sit-ups
Lie on your back with your legs extended. Take the dumbbells and squeeze them exactly over your shoulders.
Straining the press, lift the body from the floor: keep your hands with the dumbbells clamped in them vertically. Lower yourself carefully.
Do: 15 reps.

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