Message: #71119
Татьяна Юсупова » 07 Feb 2017, 18:54

Calf Slimming Diet and Special Exercises

Beautiful legs should be slender, not full. But, sometimes, the legs are beautiful, and the calves are full. How to fix it?

Before losing calves, doing special exercises, you need to find out if there are any contraindications to these procedures.

You can not give active loads on the calf muscles with:

the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system,
in the presence of varicose veins.
in the presence of diseases of hormonal metabolism,
in the presence of diabetes,
in the presence of infectious diseases,
in the presence of oncology,
with increased bleeding of the skin.

In these conditions, you should consult your doctor.

You can change the appearance of your calves with calf surgery. But, this operation is not always effective, because you still need to train the calves.
By the way, you can train your calves by walking in women’s boots. How? As soon as you buy women’s boots with high heels, your calves will become more toned!

Diet for slimming calves

There is no special diet for losing calves. You need to not only eat right, but also exercise.

To remove excess fat from the calves, follow any low-calorie diet with a restriction on the intake of carbohydrates, fats. But, calves will only shrink if they are thick due to excess fat, not pumpiness.

After the calves of the legs lose weight, the muscles must be trained to make the legs beautiful.

You must eat right to maintain your appearance at the level after bringing the calves to the proper form.

Beautiful legs will be only when the skin is elastic, the muscles are embossed. This can be achieved with the constant use of protein foods, unsaturated fatty acids.

Exercises for slimming calves:

Exercises for weight loss of calves Beautiful calves happen only when you get the right loads. When the calves get a load, they start to whine, hurt.

Your calves will not lose weight soon – you will not get the result quickly, but the result is worth it.

For weight loss of calves, you cannot use only strength training, because you can pump the calves and they will become ugly.

Calf exercises should be light, aerobic, with lots of sets and reps.

You can do static exercises for tension and stretching of the muscles.

It is best to do exercises using a step platform or a low benches ten centimeters high.

First exercise:

We put our foot on the step-platform, rise to the toe, put the second leg to the foot on the platform, and stand with both feet on the step-platform. Then again stand on the toe of one foot, put the other on the floor, then lower the foot that is on the step platform. Switch legs and repeat this exercise for the other leg.

Second exercise:

We put one foot on the platform, transfer the weight of the body to it, raise the other leg, bend it high at the knee, put the foot on the platform. We return to the starting position.

Third exercise:

We put one foot on the step, put the other foot on it, get off the platform with the 1st foot, put the second foot on it.

Fourth exercise:

We get up on the step, lower the leg from the platform, return to the platform, move the weight of the body. We change the leg.

What procedures are useful for losing calves?

1. To normalize the metabolism in the calves, take thermal procedures, for example, a contrast shower – pour hot water on the calves, then cold water, and then rub them with a towel and rub with a moisturizer.

2. Massage the calves – the movements should be stroking, rubbing, then active circular movements with kneading, active tapping movements, and then stroking again.

For each leg we do a massage for ten minutes. For him, we use the usual massage oil or anti-cellulite cream.

If you take time to care for your calves every day, then you will have very beautiful ones! And remember: calf care should be constant!!!

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