Message: #75798
Лена Калининград » 14 Feb 2017, 21:16

Yoga in 15 minutes – hips and shoulders

Everyone needs a reliable source of energy to stay energized. Forget about a cup of coffee in the morning, try this short workout instead.
Even one yoga session can improve concentration, eliminate nervousness and symptoms of PMS. When we are exhausted or agitated, we unconsciously tense up the body – this is a defensive reaction – plus we inhale less oxygen. It is worth relaxing and opening the chest – and breathing becomes deeper, you feel less constricted, but cheerful and cheerful.
The complex works out the most tense points – hips, shoulders and chest, and ends with an inverted asana that stimulates the central nervous system, that is, energizes you.
Go from one pose to another in order, perform 3-4 such circles.
Add a few cycles of “salutations to the sun” – inserting them between the circles of the main program.
To increase the effect, start by setting a goal (for example, you want to “keep calm” or “focus on the moment”).
1. “Dog face down” with a twist
Get on all fours, tuck your toes in and, moving your pelvis back and up, go into the “downward-facing dog” position.
With your left hand, reach to the outside of your right ankle.
Without bending your right arm, turn your chest to the right. Hold this position for 8 breaths. Then repeat the same on the other side.

2. Elongated triangle
Spread your legs wider and turn your left foot outward, the second – a little inward. Bring your right hip back to flatten your pelvis.
Straighten your arms to the sides at shoulder level, turning your palms to the floor.
With an inhale, stretch both sides up, and with an exhale, tilt the body to the left and grab your ankle with your hand or place it on the floor at the outer edge of the foot.
Raise your right hand up, expanding the chest. Hold this position for 8 breaths. Then repeat on the other side.

3. “Dolphin”
Get on all fours and place your forearms on the floor – shoulder-width apart.
As you exhale, twist your toes and move your pelvis back and up.
Step forward with your feet to a comfortable distance for you – just do not take your shoulders beyond the line of your elbows. (Если подготовка позволяет, можешь выйти в стойку на предплечьях.) Hold this position for 8 breaths.

4. Camel
Get on your knees, spreading them shoulder-width apart: shins parallel to each other, hip joints – exactly above the knees; put your palms on your lower back.
pull coccyx to the floor, and the stomach – up. Bring your elbows back to open your chest.
Slowly tilt your shoulders and lower your head; at the same time, push your chest towards the ceiling, supporting your back.
Reach your hands to your feet and grab your heels. Hold this position for 8 breaths.

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