Message: #71181
Лена Калининград » 07 Feb 2017, 20:59

Injury-Free Running .How to stay safe during your workouts

Possible injuries
Most often, knee and ankle joints are injured, due to a violation of running technique and / or difficult conditions – a route over rough terrain, for example. A separate story is the so-called “runner’s knee”. This is a whole complex of diseases that occur when individual elements of the anterior joint are overloaded.
How to prevent
– Choose the right and comfortable sports shoes for running. No sneakers, just running shoes.
– Choose a route. Ideally, tracks specially prepared for running. Remember that it is better to run on the ground than on the asphalt: the return to the joints is reduced.
– Run right. To get started, watch training videos on the Internet, or better, spend a few with an instructor.
– Don’t forget to warm up.
Important: Scientists Douglas Jackson and John Pagliano spent ten years studying runner injuries, examining the training of more than three thousand athletes of various levels of training – from housewives to Olympic champions. Such characteristics as age, weight, gender, shoes used and many others went into the account. It turned out that men are injured more often than women, and in addition: 46% of those injured rarely and little, 66% run slowly, 34% cross-country.

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