Message: #57935
Аннета Эссекс » 17 Jan 2017, 12:20

Glutus medius and minimus exercises

This group helps to quickly and effectively pump up the ass and work out the hips. Squats. For a deep study of the gluteus medius muscle, the execution technique is somewhat different from the previous one. The legs are wider than the shoulders, the back is straight, on the shoulders there is a barbell with the maximum possible weight for you (weight more than 50 kg is contraindicated for women). We push the head forward. We descend as gradually as possible, and for a moment we hang at the level if you sat on a chair. Do the same as the lift. This is a difficult exercise, done in several sets of ten times. Leg swings to the sides help to quickly pump up the ass at home, and remove extra centimeters in the sides. Stand next to the chair, leaning on it with one hand, and slowly, but energetically enough, lift the opposite leg to the side, the other hand should be on the belt. Important: move only the leg, limiting the recursion of the movement of the entire body. To enhance the effect, an ankle weight (you can wear a special sports bracelet) or an elastic band attached to the leg and chair, which you will have to stretch, will help. Mahi lying. These are exercises for both muscles of the gluteal group. It is especially important for women to give the buttocks smooth and appetizing outlines from all sides. Leg swings to the side in a prone position allow you to deeply pump your ass quickly, even using a small muscle. A bonus is the overall slimness of the legs. Lying on your side, you need to rest on one elbow and slowly raise and lower the straightened leg.

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