Message: #66810
Лена Калининград » 02 Feb 2017, 01:45

Effective Rolling Pin Exercise to Burn Fat

Believe it or not, jumping rope is a very effective exercise for weight loss and fat burning! Jumping rope will allow you to do an intense cardio workout in the shortest possible time.

As you know, interval cardio is the best cardio workout for weight loss and fat burning. Therefore, the optimal rope workout should be jumping, which includes short periods of high intensity. The effectiveness of the exercises will be even greater if you use some resistance (such as ankle weights or dumbbells), but this is not necessary.

Jumping rope presents you with a huge selection of exercises and options for training. Jumping rope is a full body exercise that keeps your arms and legs in shape, engages your abs, improves coordination and overall muscle endurance. Jump rope workouts are also great for improving cardiovascular performance.

Just 15 minutes of intense jump rope exercise will give you an effective cardio workout for the whole body! Let’s take a look at a few different techniques and techniques that will allow you to jump rope in a more intense manner…

Rope jumping technique

Basic Rope Jumping – The technique for basic jumping rope is very simple. Hold the rope at hip or waist level with your palms facing your body. Start each jump with a slight bend in the knees, all bouncing should be done with the balls of the foot. While jumping rope, your back should be straight and your abdominal muscles tense. Try not to jump high, 2 – 4 cm is the optimal height for an intense workout.

Alternate jumps – Follow the same rules as the basic jumps, only standing on one foot, changing foot with each jump. Alternate jumping on one leg, then on the other leg is one of the most popular rope exercise techniques for developing coordination.

Combination rope jumps – This is a combination of basic jumps with alternate ones. Combination jumps look like this: jump on two legs, jump on the left leg, on two, on the right, on two, etc.

High jumps are a high-intensity jump rope technique reminiscent of successive jumps. The difference is that when your right foot touches the ground, lift your left knee as high as you can, and so on, alternating legs. In fact, these are the same alternate jumps only with high knees.

15 minute interval cardio workout with jump rope

1 minute: slow pace – basic jumps (warm-up)
2 minutes: moderate pace – basic jumps
2 minutes: moderate pace – Alternate jumps
2 minutes: fast pace – Combination jumps
3 minutes: moderate pace – basic jumps
2 minutes: moderate pace – high jumps
2 minutes: Fast paced – Basic jumps
1 minute: slow pace – basic jumps (cooling)
Advanced Rope Exercise Chart (500 jumps)

Every 50 jumps, change rope exercise

Basic jumps – Feet together.
Jumping to the sides – put your feet together and jump from side to side.
Basic jumps – feet shoulder width apart.
Cross jumps – While jumping, change the position of the legs and feet. Legs crossed – feet shoulder width apart, etc.
Successive jumps.
high jumps
Combination jumps
Jumping with crossing arms – Feet together.
Basic jumps – 100 times.

Jumping rope helps to burn subcutaneous fat, lose weight, improve agility, coordination and endurance. In addition to the obvious benefits, jumping rope can be fun as you can always practice different tricks and jumping techniques while improving your skills.

Rope exercises are a very effective means of achieving fitness results, however, to achieve the best progress, you must “surprise” your body and add variety. Therefore, take on board other fat-burning training schemes, for example, a 15-minute fat-burning workout at home or interval training with dumbbells. However, in addition to cardio exercises for high-quality body composition and fat burning, strength training is also necessary, in more detail – strength training and weight loss.

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