Message: #73877
Аннета Эссекс » 11 Feb 2017, 23:18

Training Shoulders: 500 reps at a time

Is this workout right for me? The answer to this question depends on whether you are able to squeeze the weight of your body over your head. If the answer is no: if you can’t press your own body weight over your head, then you’re weak…and you really need to get stronger first. If you’re not that strong yet, then don’t think about attacking the shoulders by doing 500 reps at different angles. Build strength, and then return to this method. If the answer is yes: then this program will turn your “good” deltas into stunning cannonballs.

Overview of the program “500 repetitions at a time”

Do this workout twice a week, with a few rest days in between sessions.

The workout consists of 5 exercises performed in a specific order.

Each exercise is performed in the amount of 100 repetitions in total. In some exercises, repetitions are broken into several sets, in others they are performed in one set without interruption, or at least close to this value.

After 6 weeks, take a break from this program for a few weeks and then return to it.

Briefly about training

Seated Overhead Presses (10 x 10)
Side raises with dumbbells, changing dumbbells (25, 15, 10 and 10, 15, 25)
Front disc raises (100 consecutive reps)
Stretching a rubber band in front of you (100 reps, rest-pause)
Bent over rows on a low block (5 x 20)

1 – Seated Overhead Press

Your goal here is to warm up and then do 10 sets of 10 reps with only 60 seconds to rest between sets. So, this is your goal, but if you have already tried to perform this volume of training, then you know that it is most likely that you will not succeed in doing 10 sets of 10 reps in a quality manner. It does not matter – the volume will take care of hypertrophy. But here are a few simple guidelines that will get you closer to your goal.

Start with a weight that is significantly lighter than required and increase as you go. Don’t add weight too quickly, because fatigue will overtake you very soon – around the sixth set.

Increase the weight until you get a very hard set of 10 reps somewhere in the seventh set. After that, reduce the weight and keep trying to do 10 reps.

Do at least 100 total reps. This means that you can finish doing more than 10 sets.

Here is an example of what might happen:

Warm-up with an empty neck, 3 set of 20 reps
115 x 9 (failed to make 10)
110 x 8 (failed to make 9)
90 x 8 (failed to make 9)
80 x 5 (failed to do 6) = 100 reps

So in this case, we ended up doing 11 sets. Do the last set to failure, no matter how many reps you get. That is, if you get to the tenth set and have done all 100 repetitions by the third repetition of this set, then continue to perform the exercise to failure. So, in fact, you can get 100+ repetitions.

Note: You can also do the exercise while standing. Just don’t use your legs and turn it into a push press.

2 – Raises arms with dumbbells to the sides changing dumbbells

Here is a circuit for 100 total reps: 25, 15, 10, rest, 10, 15, 25.

Grab a pair of relatively light dumbbells and do 25 reps.

Without rest, grab a pair of slightly heavier dumbbells and do 15 reps.

Without rest, grab a pair of even heavier dumbbells and do 10 reps.

If you get a little sloppy on the last set, that’s not a problem. Just try to be smart about your weight selection and realize that you will be a little tired by the last set. Don’t do the exercise too casually so you don’t look like that rave-dancing guy who’s been on ecstasy.

Rest 3 minutes.

Now reduce the weight in the same way as you increased it.

Do 10 reps with the heaviest pair of dumbbells you’ve ever used.

Do 15 reps with lighter dumbbells without rest.

Do 25 reps with the lightest dumbbells without rest.

3 – Lifting the disk in front of you

Do 100 reps in a row without a break. Take the disk. Not 20 kg. You won’t succeed. I love working with 10kg, but for most, a 5kg disc will be just right, especially at this stage of the workout. Lift the weight above your head, not just to eye level. In this case, the trapezius muscles are involved, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, because the trapezius is great. Don’t bend your arms too much. Just bend them slightly, maybe 5 degrees or so. This will prevent the exercise from becoming a predominantly trapezoid and upper back movement. Don’t forget, we’re still working with deltas, but not complain if the trapezius and rhomboids are also involved.

4 – Stretching the rubber band in front of you

Try to complete all 100 repetitions without a break, but if you need to stop and take a few breaths, then it’s okay. Just don’t rest for more than 20 seconds. Start moving with shoulder blades apart. The shoulders need to push forward, not be pulled back at the beginning of each rep, otherwise the middle back will take all the work for itself, and the rear delts will get much less. So do not start the movement by tightening the shoulder blades. Push your shoulders forward and hold them in that position almost as if you had a hump. If you really have a hump, then I apologize. In the absence of a rubber band at hand, a rear deltoid simulator is suitable. Simply set a weight that will allow you to complete 100 reps at a time with the fewest pauses.

5 – Bent over rows on a low block

Do 5 sets of 20 reps. Rest three minutes between sets. Use a rope handle for this hybrid exercise. It’s part vertical pull, part face pull. The whole complex of shoulder exercises should reach its climax at this point. Instead of standing up straight, lean back slightly and use the weight block as a counterweight. From the bottom point, pull the rope handle to your face, to your chin, spreading your arms to the sides. You should feel… yes, in general, nothing. Your shoulders should be pretty numb at this stage, and the only thing you’ll feel is an urgent need to leave the gym or get a sharp blow to the groin that could distract you from the pain in your delts.

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