Message: #62020
Лена Калининград » 23 Jan 2017, 14:07

Sumo Squats – Basic Hamstring Exercises

Sumo squats – this leg exercise is even more basic than the classic squat, and even powerlifters use this squat variation in competition. В бо­ди­бил­дин­ге техника сумо ис­поль­зу­ет­ся реже, поскольку она пред­наз­на­че­на для сме­ще­ния нагрузки на более силь­ные мы­шеч­ные груп­пы, а нам этого не нужно, нам наоборот.Приседания сумо являются вариантом выполнения приседаний со штангой, то есть это не какое-то другое упражнение, а то же exercise, but with a different technique. The meaning of the exercise is to shift the load to a greater extent precisely on the legs. If in classic barbell squats the back plays a significant role, especially in the upper phase, then the sumo technique allows you to turn off the back almost completely. The difference in the work of the muscles of the legs is also noticeable. But in any case, the exercise is basic and involves many muscle groups and joints. Replacing classic barbell squats with sumo squats is not recommended, the most preferred option is microperiodization. For example, you can do sumo in one week, and classic in another, well, if you specialize in legs, then during heavy leg training you can do sumo, and during easy classic.

The fact is that sumo squats allow you to use heavier weights, so progressing the load in this exercise is a pleasure. However, the exercise develops the functional properties of the muscles more, so bodybuilders should not give preference to this particular squat technique with a barbell. But this does not mean that we do not recommend doing it, you just need to be aware of when and why! This exercise can be performed to develop strength indicators, during specialization on the legs, or when the “leading” back takes the lion’s share of the load during classic squats. In a word, each exercise, like the training program, has its place and time!

Muscle and joint work: During sumo squats, the load is mainly accumulated in the legs, and all other muscles perform only the role of stabilizers. Which muscles will be most involved depends on the depth of the squat. If the athlete squats to the parallel, that is, to the level where the knee joint forms an angle in 90 °, then the quadriceps and the adductor thigh muscle will receive the main load. If the athlete sits below the parallel, then the gluteus muscle will also receive the load, while the weights used will be much lower. There is another way to complicate the load for the legs – this is to use a “chair”. In this case, the athlete touches the pallet with his buttocks, pausing at the bottom point for 1-2 seconds, as a result of which kinetic energy is lost and the athlete is forced to pull the weight only with muscle strength. This technique is practiced in powerlifting to increase strength.

The joints, in fact, work the same as in the classic squats, however, during sumo squats, the athlete should not lean forward at all. That is, of course, in classic squats it is advisable not to fall forward, but still the technique involves a slight forward tilt, but in the sumo style, the tilt is not supposed. If you lean forward, then the knee joint will go beyond the line of the feet, and this is a gross violation, since in this position the weight presses on the knee, as a result of which you can get injured. So if you’re falling forward in a squat, train your abs and lower back as these muscles will help keep your torso upright. The legs are made up of many different muscle groups, many of which are large, so in order to bulk up your legs, they need to train a lot and varied. In this case, the adductor thigh muscle, which forms the thickness of the legs, is pumped especially well, but you should not overdo it, since its excessive dimensions can interfere with everyday life. Of course, the adductor and even the biceps femoris are not as pronounced muscles as the quadriceps, so they are given less attention, as a result of which the legs begin to look asymmetrical. The biceps femoris is very important in all back poses, while it supports the knee joint, which helps to avoid injury during heavy squats. And, in general, remember, two muscles are always more than one! Sumo squats – scheme:

1) Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width, approximately for a person of average height on the width of the training frame, while the socks should be turned to the sides.
2) Sit under the bar with one leg slightly forward for better stability, remove it from the racks and return your legs to the previous position.
3) The bar should be placed in the middle of the trapezoid, and not on the top, while the hands can be placed quite wide.
4) Сядьте вниз, держа спину прогнутой, а глазами глядя в потолок, не нагибаясь вперед, после чего вернитесь в исходное position.
5) At the top point, do not fully unbend your knees, this will allow you to keep the weight in the muscles and less erase the knee joint. 1) The knees and feet should look in the same direction, that is, you should turn not just the foot, but the whole leg.
2) Make sure that the knee joint is in the same plane throughout the entire range of motion, do not bring your knees together!
3) The center of gravity should be kept in the heel and outer part of the foot, which will provide better stability.
4) When you sit down, you should sit down not by tilting your knees forward, but by pulling your pelvis back.
5) Learn to do sumo squats in a shortened amplitude, but constantly try to sit deeper and deeper without breaking the technique. Summing up, we can say that sumo squats should be done by both powerlifters and bodybuilders. This exercise is especially effective during specialization on the legs, or during the development of the strength qualities of the muscles. For beginners, it is better to prefer the classical technique, since this exercise is technically more difficult, primarily due to the fact that the pelvis in this case is retracted more back, and this requires coordination and flexibility. In any case, be sure to pay attention to the deflection in the lower back, the speed of the exercise and ensure that the knees do not go beyond the line of the feet, and also do not change their position in the vertical plane. Start doing the exercise in partial amplitude and with moderate weights.

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