Message: #73368
Лена Калининград » 11 Feb 2017, 00:42

The serratus anterior. How to build

In order for the serratus muscles to receive an indirect load, it is necessary to train the back, chest and shoulders. The main exercises will be adduction and abduction of the arms, as well as compression and stretching of the chest.
The role of the serratus muscles is to move the shoulder blades forward and outward. In conjunction with other muscle groups, the dentate raise their arms above the horizon line and take part in the expansion of the chest. Based on the functions that the dentate perform, it is easy to guess which exercises are most suitable for training the dentate.

But, even despite the available information, it is quite difficult to determine specific exercises. Serratus muscles, by and large, indirectly work during the training of other muscle groups. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to isolate the gears. The gears receive the greatest load during the training of the chest and deltas. In order to create the most productive training system, you first need to determine the set of exercises that will work out the gears in parallel with other muscle groups.

1.Exercises for serratus muscles without weights
Since we have already decided to figure out how to train the serratus, it would be logical to offer several exercises that will best load the target muscle.

*Exercise “Latissimus dorsi”
In order to properly train gear, you can not deprive attention of static exercises. A set of such exercises can be carried out both with weights, and using the weight of your own body.

The best exercise for training the serratus can be considered the static exercise “Latissimus dorsi”.

Starting position: hands rest on the sides, legs – shoulder width apart. All movements in this exercise are performed in the upper body. Movements begin with the fact that tension is created in the latissimus dorsi. At the same time, you should bend at the waist and push the chest forward.

Thus, the shoulder girdle goes back, and then, together with the elbows, moves forward. The shoulder blades are kept as wide apart as possible and shifted forward.

When you feel a point of maximum tension, catch this position and stay in it as long as possible – this is the moment when the serratus muscles are in a state of maximum tension.

When the exercise is over, relax all muscle groups, and then pull yourself up on the horizontal bar a couple of times. It is necessary to perform the exercise in several approaches, two or three will be enough, no more.

2. Exercises for dentate muscles with weights
In order to work out the serratus muscles, you can and should use exercises performed with weights. An excellent option is to perform exercises with a dumbbell – the same pullover.

*Pullover with dumbbell
Starting position – lie with your back on the bench along and pick up a dumbbell. Pay special attention to how to hold the dumbbell: with both hands at one end. Holding the dumbbell in this way, the arms should be extended vertically upwards, while bending the elbows.

Having taken the starting position, we proceed directly to the exercise. Without bending your arms, you should smoothly and under control lower the dumbbell down behind your head. It is important to feel the stretch in the chest. Having caught this moment, linger in it for a few seconds. Then, exhaling, return to the starting position.

It is critically important before starting the exercise to check the reliability of the fastening of pancakes. As the saying goes, it only happens once. And, of course, you should follow the technique of performing the exercise. Inhale – lower your arms with a dumbbell, exhale – return to the starting position. The maximum effect can be achieved by performing the exercise in 3-5 sets of 15-20 repetitions each.

Thanks to this exercise, the load is received not only by the serratus muscles, but also by the press, pectoral, latissimus dorsi and trapezium. The pullover can also be performed while sitting not along, but across the bench: only the upper back should be placed on the bench, and the feet should rest on the floor.

If the pullover is performed from a position across the bench, then you need to ensure that the pelvis is below the level of the bench, and the head is in weight. Actually, this is the whole difference. Performing a pullover lying along or across the bench is a personal matter of everyone’s taste.

You can turn on diagonal twists – they also work well with jagged ones.

By including the proposed exercises in your workouts, after a fairly short time you can see the results of the work. Drawn jagged muscles will give the torso additional impressiveness and relief.

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