Message: #75548
Аннета Эссекс » 14 Feb 2017, 14:56

Effective fat loss. Drying Bodybuilding Workout Program

It's time to pay attention and share tips with people who do not have problems with weight gain, but have huge problems with driving off excess fat mass, that is, with drying the body. Agree that the embossed body looks much more spectacular than the massive "carcass"

With this article, I begin a series of articles about effective weight loss, that is, about cutting in bodybuilding and relief. Moreover, I will try to teach you to "dry" without harming the increased muscle mass.

Relief training (drying in bodybuilding) is a serious and very difficult test for a bodybuilder. Relief training is fundamentally different from mass training. If in training for mass you could eat as much as you want, thereby replenishing energy reserves in the body, then in bodybuilding training for relief, the very energy coming from food will be sorely lacking and you will need to force your body to use energy from the subcutaneous stocks, that is, from fat. But this is not so easy to do ... The main essence of drying in bodybuilding is to force the body to burn excess subcutaneous fat.

Relief training (drying) is a whole test for a bodybuilder due to the fact that it becomes much more difficult to lift the usual working weight, the psycho-emotional state worsens, nervousness, irritability and no desire to do anything - this is a side effect of the strictest diet and exhausting workouts.

Relief training improves blood circulation, and therefore muscle nutrition.

When should you cut in bodybuilding?

If your bodybuilding experience is long enough and your body weight is already approaching 100 kg and the formula “your weight = height - 90” is already applicable to you, you also feel that it is time to lose weight and all your acquaintances and friends point to this, then feel free to start training. However, most beginner bodybuilders do not understand one rule of cutting - in order to dry, you need to have what to dry, that is, you need to have subcutaneous fat and muscles. You should not work on the relief if you have not gained enough muscle mass, as your muscles will melt along with the fat. The relief training program gives shape and beautiful outlines to the muscles that the athlete has.

The main factors that will hinder you during the cutting cycle in bodybuilding are:

* Low metabolic rate (It can be increased by training with using heavy weights and basic exercises, also through frequent meals.)
* A low percentage of muscle mass in the body (if your muscle mass is not yet sufficiently formed, then it is too early to move on to drying, since in this case you will not get the desired result - a sculpted body, but you will get the result - a lean body. There is a way out - continue to gain more precisely muscle mass, having previously identified the cause of the lag in muscle recruitment.)
The “inability” of the body to use subcutaneous fat as an energy source (before that, your body was used to the fact that it received all the necessary energy from carbohydrates and fats obtained with food. And now it’s a completely different matter ... We need to force the body to feed on its internal reserves(This is very easy to do - consume fewer calories than you expend.)
* Elementary laziness and low motivation. Perhaps this is the main factor that does not allow us to achieve heights in any business. It must be fought in the most merciless way. However, if a person is phlegmatic in himself and does not want to change himself, then at least beat your head against the wall, but you cannot force him to change himself.

Rules for compiling an individual relief training program:

During terrain training, work with lighter weights and perform 15-20 reps to failure on each set. Make your muscles "burn" as it were. During a high-rep workout, you burn a lot more calories than usual. But how to make the body burn calories during the rest from training?

Along with the multi-rep regimen and light weight, perform 1 set of each exercise with the maximum weight for you. That is, with the weight that you can technically competently lift no more than 8 times. By doing this, you will make your metabolism spin up and the body will burn fat even during a night's sleep or rest.
Increase the number of workouts per week to 5. It is the increase in the number of workouts to 5 per week that allows you to achieve maximum results in losing weight. It all lies in the fact that using a multi-repetitive training regimen, you burn the bulk of calories and subcutaneous fat during training, and if you do more training, therefore, you will remove more weight loss. The arithmetic is simple ... Some of you are now wondering - what about the rest between workouts? After all, it should be 48 hours for muscle growth. Remember - while working on relief, there can be no talk of any set of muscle mass. Now the main work is to drive off excess weight and maintain the gained muscle mass.

Diet. Nutrition plays a huge role in the drying process. Perhaps even more than training, so remember the main thing - a strict diet with a minimum amount of fat and carbohydrates is the basis of a sculpted physique. It won't be easy, but in the end it will be justified. The rule of thumb is to eat fewer calories than you burn.

Aerobic work. Of course, during active aerobic work, you burn a lot more subcutaneous fat than during training with iron. Therefore, I recommend doing aerobic work 2 days a week, and working with iron for the remaining 3 days. The most effective sports that will help you lose weight are swimming, running, fitness classes. I also recommend using an elliptical trainer for these purposes.
Rest between sets during a multi-rep regimen should be reduced to 1 minute. Thus, you will achieve maximum muscle pumping and maximum weight loss due to accelerated blood circulation through the vessels and tissues of your body. The ideal interval between sets is to let yourself catch your breath and move on to the next set.

Press. Abdominal exercises should be paid attention to at each workout and performed 5 sets before and after the main workout.
The duration of the relief program is determined individually and can take from 4 to 8 weeks depending on the amount of subcutaneous fat, metabolic rate, body type and, of course, on a properly formulated diet. Usually, the average athlete is enough for 4 weeks to completely dry. It is precisely for 4 weeks that we will navigate with you.
Before starting a cutting bodybuilding training program, write down the following information in your training diary:

*body weight
* all muscles in a relaxed and tense state
*percentage of fat (or at least the thickness of the skin-fat fold on the abdomen 5 cm to the right of the navel)
*determine the maximum weight in bench press, squat and deadlift that you can do 8 reps with

Muscle relief training program:

Description of the weekly training cycle for dry bodybuilding:

This training program is good because it includes a high-rep regime for terrain work and one heavy set with maximum weight to accelerate the metabolic rate, which will allow you to lose excess weight even during rest from training. We will also use basic exercises, which are very energy-intensive, as they involve a large number of muscles when performing. Also, while working on this program, we will train the whole body in 1 workout. I constantly use an identical program during the weight loss period and I can tell you that it works great.


one) Bench press lying on a horizontal bench. 4 sets of 15-20 reps, 1 set of 8 reps with maximum weight.
2) Thrust on the block to the chest. 4 sets of 15-20 reps, 1 set of 8 reps with maximum weight.
3) Biceps with a barbell while standing. 4 sets of 15-20 reps, 1 set of 8 reps with maximum weight.
4) Deadlift. 4 sets of 15-20 reps, 1 set of 8 reps with maximum weight.
5) Wiring dumbbells lying down. 4 sets of 15-20 reps, 1 set of 8 reps with maximum weight.
6) Alternate pull of dumbbells to the belt. 4 sets of 15-20 reps, 1 set of 8 reps with maximum weight.
7) Leg extension in the sitting simulator. 4 sets of 15-20 reps, 1 set of 8 reps with maximum weight.


Aerobic load.
Swim in the pool or run 40 minutes


one) Thrust on the block behind the head. 4 sets of 15-20 reps, 1 set of 8 reps with maximum weight.
2) Breeding hands in the butterfly simulator. 4 sets of 15-20 reps, 1 set of 8 reps with maximum weight.
3) Alternate lifting of dumbbells for biceps. 4 sets of 15-20 reps, 1 set of 8 reps with maximum weight.
4) Squat with a barbell on the shoulders. 4 sets of 15-20 reps, 1 set of 8 reps with maximum weight.
5) Push-ups on the uneven bars. 4 sets of 15-20 reps, 1 set of 8 reps with maximum weight.
6) Bench press on an inclined bench. 4 sets of 15-20 reps, 1 set of 8 reps with maximum weight.
7) Lifting dumbbells over your head. 4 sets of 15-20 reps, 1 set of 8 reps with maximum weight.


40-minute aerobic

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