Message: #73959
Аннета Эссекс » 12 Feb 2017, 01:23

5 Keys to Fat Loss Through Strength Training

➕ 1. Strength training

Many people associate strength training with building muscle. But be that as it may, if you want to enhance the process of losing weight, you just need to train at least three times a week. Strength training requires a huge amount of energy, which is why they are able to burn the same huge net calories and fat. Strength training is also able to build muscle, which subsequently increases the metabolic rate. Strength training also has “post-workout fat burning.” Post-workout fat burning is a process, or effect, observed after the end of a workout and continuing for a certain amount of time. So even hours after a training session, your body is still burning a lot of calories. For all these reasons, it is very important to make sure that your strength training is on a consistent basis.

➕ 2. Basic exercises

Returning again to the topic of strength training, it is impossible not to point out once again the importance of multi-joint, or basic, movements in your training scheme. Under multi-joint, or again basic, exercises, we mean such exercises, during which several joints are involved and more muscles are involved in the work. The bench press, squat, and deadlift, for example, are basic movements. These exercises involve a greater number of muscle fibers in comparison with isolated exercises, which in itself is more energy-consuming for the body.

➕ 3. Shorter rest periods

During your training session, try to keep your rest periods between sets to a very minimal range. The rest periods between sets should not exceed 30 to 60 seconds. With shorter rest periods, your heart rate will remain consistently elevated throughout your workout. Again, this is another simple strategic move that will allow you to increase your calorie expenditure and fat loss!

➕ 4. Cardio

Regular cardiovascular training should be an integral part of your training plan. I recommend that you at least take it and try it. It is optimal to do cardio three to five times a week. If you are not trying to urgently lose weight, then three workouts per week will be enough to train the cardiovascular system. Adjust the frequency of training depending on your own progress.

➕ 5. Choose the right time for cardio

Start doing your cardio right after your training session. After a good strength training session, your body should be completely depleted in terms of not only strength, but also glycogen stores. So, in my personal opinion, the best time to do cardio is right after a workout. Essentially, strength training puts your body into a state of increased fat return, so you should take advantage of this and try cardio right after your workout.

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