Message: #94706
Аннета Эссекс » 31 Mar 2017, 19:22

Learning to swim

Who doesn’t love to swim? It seems that this is an activity for everyone. Both adults and children spend time in rivers, ponds, seas and other bodies of water with the same pleasure. But swimming is one thing – you don’t need much for just splashing in the water. And a completely different thing is swimming. Some even do not master this skill until adulthood. And no wonder, because swimming is a whole science that needs to be comprehended under the guidance of a sensitive coach.

Those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to learn to swim well should, without delay, go straight to the pool. After all, it is here that you can hone your ability to stay on the water and move on it as quickly as on land. The most important thing is to completely trust the coach and unquestioningly follow his recommendations.

First of all, those who decide to take up swimming tightly will have to seriously work on their physical form. Swimming engages every muscle group that is possible. However, even many days in a row spent in the water are not enough to make your stroke stronger. Here you can not do without a real athletic load in the gym. It is exercises on simulators that will help build muscle mass in those departments that are most important for a swimmer. First of all, the load will be on the arms, shoulder girdle, legs and chest. It is here that the force is concentrated, which works on the speed and endurance of the athlete. Thus, it will be possible to make the stroke very powerful, and turn the legs into a real propeller.

But physical strength isn’t all a swimmer needs. You can have huge muscles, but still seriously lose to experienced athletes who are not so strong. It’s all about using your body properly – technique. It is precisely the perfected movements that help to direct your strength to where it is necessary to make the movement in the water truly swift. The technique hides the answer to the question of how to learn to swim butterfly, crawl or breaststroke. Therefore, it is so important here to listen carefully to the coach, because only the exact following of his instructions will help masterfully master this or that style.

Of course, not everyone wants to become professional athletes. For many, it is much more important to just have a good time, including with your family, and splash around in the pool. Today gyms offer a variety of membership options, both including lessons with a coach and free swimming. So finding a suitable option for yourself will not be difficult.

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