Message: #93556
Аннета Эссекс » 29 Mar 2017, 02:24

Swimming Tips: How to swim in a free crawl

Swimming is a sport that allows you to keep your body in good shape and just in good shape. There are several styles, each of which is individual and has its own unique features. But first, we will analyze how to swim crawl.
A little about the pool: what is important to know?

If you are swimming in the pool, then you should remember just a couple of elementary rules. First: put on special glasses before class. This will protect your eyes from redness and other possible but unlikely problems. Second: make sure that your swimsuit is intact and that its elastic bands, if any, are strong enough.
About rabbit. How to swim crawl?

Crawl is a style that allows you to swim faster than it is done using other methods. It involves the position of the body belly down, alternating arm strokes, scissor-like movements of the legs up and down (otherwise they may begin to sink, which will mean incorrect technique). With all this, you need to maintain a straight body position, directing your face directly into the water, and try to close your fingers in a “boat”. The elbows cannot be bent. It is also worth doing full strokes with them, starting from the chest muscles, similar to something pulling up on the horizontal bar. It should be noted that this style requires “swimming, which is like walking” – natural, easy and quick movements from one side to the other. Before you start crawling, you should, by the way, try to take a special position of the body – a “stretched string”. In this case, your legs should rise up while your chest presses on the water. Balance and relaxation should remain your main principles. Also, do not forget to keep one of the hands (of course, alternately changing it to the other) in front of your head for balance. This is the only way to learn how to swim properly.
How to swim on your back: detailed instructions

This exercise allows you to feel like a fish in water and learn how to behave in it. Swimming on your back is pretty easy. First, you should try the “asterisk”, that is, lying on the surface of the water. To do this, it is enough to relax, spread your legs, slightly bending them, slowly and gradually lean back and, pushing off from the bottom, take a horizontal position of the body on the surface of the water. Then it’s like you’re learning how to swim crawl, start moving your legs like scissor blades, and your arms – as described in the last paragraph.
How to breathe properly when swimming: important points

To do this, there are a few simple exercises (for example, “Float”) and rules. Try first diving into the water with your arms around your knees, holding your breath for fifteen seconds. Then pop up. Remember: you need to breathe rhythmically, in time with the strokes; exhalation is twice as long as inhalation; less breaths – more swimming time.
These are the very easy to follow rules of this sport, which allows you to become more flexible, stronger and fitter. Work on yourself, and the results will not keep you waiting: you will become not only more beautiful, but also healthier. A healthy mind in a healthy body, right?

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