Message: #93771
Аннета Эссекс » 29 Mar 2017, 17:58

All you need to know about swimming breaststroke – the right technique

Swimming is one of the most popular and widespread sports today. And this is not surprising, because those who swim a lot and actively notice what an amazing effect such training has on their body and body.

One of the most common and popular swimming methods is the breaststroke. This beautiful style allows you to quickly and easily move over fairly long distances.

About how the breaststroke appeared, what benefits it brings to the body, and how to properly master the difficult technique of this style, we will tell in this article.

Breaststroke as a style of swimming ^

Breaststroke is considered one of the oldest swimming styles. According to some sources, its history goes back more than nine thousand years.

Excavations of ancient Egyptian cities have revealed rock paintings depicting a swimmer with movements very reminiscent of the breaststroke technique.

In the sixteenth century, the Dane Nicolas Winman published a detailed manual for those who wished to master breaststroke swimming. The book contained a detailed description of the technique of this style and all its features.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, breaststroke was first included in the swimming competition program at the Olympic Games. Since then, the popularity of this style has become enormous. Today it is one of the favorite swimming methods for many swimmers.

It is believed that among all styles, breaststroke is the fastest. To overcome the same distance, for example, butterfly, it will take much less time. At the same time, the breaststroke technique is much more complicated, and not everyone can master this style perfectly.

But at the same time, breaststroke is considered one of the most reliable types of swimming. A swimmer can, albeit not so quickly, but overcome a long distance, and at the same time not get tired for a long time. It’s all about the right combination of movements of the arms and legs and the almost horizontal position of the body.

What are the benefits of swimming breaststroke? ^

Swimming helps anyone to become healthy and physically fit. A huge number of positive results of this sport can be listed endlessly.

Firstly, the swimmer’s skin, being under a rather long exposure to the water flow, is cleaned of dust and all kinds of impurities that are not visible to the eye, thereby improving skin respiration.

In addition, water pressure has a kind of massaging effect on the skin, which greatly improves circulation.

While swimming, a person learns to breathe correctly, because he has to overcome the rather intense resistance of water, which presses on the lungs and chest.

This becomes a kind of gymnastics for the respiratory system, developing its muscles.

In addition, swimming, as you know, perfectly tempers the body. Constant exposure to various not the most favorable environmental conditions, including the influence of low temperatures, makes the swimmer’s body strong and protected.

After all, the water in the pool is rarely very warm. Constantly interacting with such a peculiar stimulus, the body accustoms itself to cold and becomes more resistant to its influence.

Those who dream of losing extra pounds and gaining a beautiful sculpted body will surely be pleased with the fact that swimming is a great way to lose weight.

First, it is associated with high energy costs. In just a two-hour session, a swimmer can lose one to two kilograms.

In addition, the same water resistance, which sharpens the contours of the body and makes them clear and perfect, gives an excellent effect.

The active movements that a person has to do in the process of breaststroke swimming and any other style make the swimmer’s muscles developed and the joints mobile.

Constantly performing smooth and rhythmic movements in the water, the swimmer begins to walk more gracefully and easily on land, and his movements become relaxed and graceful.

To constantly maintain the body in a state of balance, you do not have to experience static muscle tension. And this makes the work of the heart easier. With constant exercise, swimming has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

How to swim breaststroke correctly? ^

Breaststroke is one of the most popular swimming styles among athletes. Most often it is used when it is necessary to swim a fairly considerable distance, while, for example, saving drowning people or overcoming any obstacles.

Perhaps everyone should learn this style, because swimming breaststroke, you can easily overcome long distances without undue effort.

The essence of this method is based on the fact that the swimmer moves forward through intense successive strokes with his hands and pushes with his legs.

Options for breaststroke techniques can be different. AT later, when you have already mastered this method of swimming to a sufficient extent, you will be able to study all its types and modifications, improving your technique and honing every movement. But for starters, it is better to familiarize yourself with the simplest and most traditional method.

The position of the body and head when swimming breaststroke is usually the following: the swimmer lies on the surface of the water almost horizontally. Arms extended forward, legs back.

The palms are turned down, the face is in the water. To inhale, the swimmer gently raises his head and shoulders a short distance up, and then just as smoothly lowers back.

Remember to avoid excessive arching of the torso, especially when inhaling and kicking. The body should be as long as possible in one line and, if possible, be in an almost horizontal position.
The movements of the arms during breaststroke swimming are clear strokes and bringing the arms forward. Making a slide with outstretched arms and a movement of the legs, the swimmer then strokes his arms in succession side-down-back.

After that, he bends his arms at the elbows and finishes the stroke, bringing his arms out in a rounded smooth upward movement. ATо время гребка многое зависит от положения ладоней и предплечий. It is they who regulate the stroke and direct it in the right direction.

Leg movements during breaststroke swimming should be especially strong and intense, because it is the work of the legs that moves the swimmer forward. Leg movements consist of pulling them up and a sharp push.

When pulling up, the legs must be bent at the knees and hip joints. Knees should be lowered down and spread shoulder-width apart. At the same time, the feet should be turned slightly toes inward.

To make an intense strong push, the feet should be slightly turned with the toes outward and bent, and the lower leg should be brought to a position perpendicular to the water surface.

When making a push, you need to keep your feet in the same position (socks on yourself), then you should spread them apart and sharply push off from the water with the inner surface of your legs. After that, smoothly move your legs closer and straighten them at the knees.

Remember that there should not be a clear line between a pull-up and a push. These two movements should constitute a smooth and unified jerk, which, if performed correctly, should propel the swimmer forward for some distance.

Highly it is important to monitor your breathing when swimming breaststroke. AT течение одного цикла следует делать вдох и выдох.

ATдох выполняется по возможности быстро, при этом голова на мгновение поднимается на поверхность и тут же опускается (без резких движений и прогибания туловища, очень плавно). ATыдох же, наоборот, должен быть медленным и спокойным.

Another extremely important point is the coordination of the movements of the arms and legs. These parts of the body must work clearly and smoothly, as a single mechanism.

The movement begins with rowing hands. After that, the legs are bent at the knees and hip joints, preparing for the push.

The arms are pushed forward, and the legs perform a powerful and sharp push. ATдох следует делать во время гребка. Then you need to smoothly lower your face into the water and exhale slowly, while pushing with your feet.

To learn how to swim breaststroke correctly, you will need to carefully hone each movement. To do this, you will have to spend more than one hour of intensive training.

It is best to learn breaststroke in the pool, under the guidance of a professional swimmer-instructor. But it is quite possible to master this method of swimming on your own.
To do this, we first advise you to carefully familiarize yourself with its theoretical component. ATы должны четко представлять себе технику этого стиля.

To do this, you can, for example, carefully (perhaps even several times) read this article in order to learn the essence of the movements of the arms and legs during breaststroke swimming.

When you have thoroughly studied the theoretical subtleties, proceed to practical exercises. Start each session with an active warm-up on dry land. Then proceed to hone the movements in the water.

If you memorize the sequence of actions properly and do everything correctly, very soon you will start to get the first, albeit not very smooth, strokes and advances.

Increase the load gradually. No need to immediately rush to swim a long distance. ATо время первых занятий ограничьтесь несколькими метрами.

For you now the main thing is not to swim as much as possible, but how to hone the technique of movements and bring them to automatism.

Swimming breaststroke (as well as any other style) will help you quickly and effectively improve your health, harden your body and make it stronger and more resilient.

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