Message: #372371
Аннета Эссекс » 10 Aug 2018, 08:43

Facial Fitness – Exercises to Strengthen Facial Muscles

If you want to look beautiful – take care of the most important thing, the face. After all, facial care betrays you in the first place. This is not only what catches a man’s eye when you meet, but also something that indicates how much you love yourself and take care of yourself.

Face and eyelid skin care has long been a necessary cosmetic procedure for ladies of all ages, but treacherous wrinkles are not exterminated by creams alone. To delay the appearance of these unpleasant signs of age, it is necessary to prevent sagging skin, keep the muscles of the face in good shape. Start the fight for skin elasticity right now with facial fitness!

When we frown, rejoice or talk, the muscles of our face are actively working. They tense and relax, but this happens very unevenly. Even in sleep, our face is not completely relaxed: the eyelids and eyeballs twitch, the muscles around the mouth contract. It is this uneven work of different groups of facial muscles that we owe the appearance of premature wrinkles. Over time, a constant load on the same muscles leads to an overstrain of the connective tissues and therefore – hello, wrinkles and a “floated” facial contour. To avoid this, today, now you need to do facial fitness.

Facial fitness – exercises
By performing a set of exercises based on alternating tension and relaxation of various facial muscle groups, we can achieve a striking effect. After a month of doing such gymnastics, the contour of the face becomes clearer, the skin is more elastic and toned. Of course, such a result will be achieved only if you perform a set of exercises every day. But do not rush to get scared, it takes no more time than morning makeup, only about 15 minutes. If you do face fitness several times a day, then you will see the result faster.

In the West, such a set of exercises is called “Facebuilding”. But many of these exercises were known in ancient times, because women have always dreamed of attracting admiring glances. The principle of the exercises has remained unchanged for centuries, but everyone combined them in their own way. For example, the self-lifting system, which is now popular, was developed by Camilla Voler, who picked up an effective combination of various exercises. Face-building and self-lifting systems called non-surgical facial plastic surgery.

When performing gymnastics, it is important not only to achieve a good result, but also not to harm your skin. To do this, there are a number of rules that must be followed strictly. Before doing gymnastics, do not use face cream. After doing the exercises, you will rinse your face with room temperature water (which further tones it) and lubricate it with your usual cream. Hands and face must be perfectly clean. The gymnastic complex is best performed while sitting, the back is straight, the neck is even, without tilting.

It will be easier for you to get used to this gymnastics if you do not assign yourself a strictly defined time to perform facial fitness. Do it when you feel like it, tune in to the fact that this is not a hard routine, but the joy of creating your own beauty. You can perform gymnastics in several steps. For example, in the morning, once all the exercises and in the evening, 2 more times.

The maximum number of repetitions for each exercise is 10. But start with 2-3 repetitions and add one repetition every day, gradually reaching 10. Perform all exercises without holding your breath, straining as much as possible and holding the tension for 8-10 seconds.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the face
Gently place your fingers on the inner tips of the eyebrows, on the bridge of the nose. We press the skin, but very lightly, so that the pressure is uniform and soft. Continuing to press, we are trying to move the eyebrows to the bridge of the nose. We relax the skin, but do not remove the fingers. This overcoming of resistance trains the skin on the bridge of the nose and avoids wrinkles and creases from anger or frown.
We place three fingers of both hands on the forehead, so that the ring fingers lie above the eyebrows. Press lightly on the skin again. Slowly raise your eyebrows, feeling the resistance overcome. Remember that pressing should be uniform and weak.
With the pads of the index fingers, we hold the skin at the outer corners of the eyes, slightly pressing on them. It is very important that it is the fingertips that press on the skin, and the entire surface. The skin around the eyes is especially delicate and thin, it is important not to overdo it. Overcoming tension, we raise the upper eyelid as much as possible. Then we put our fingers on the inner corners of the eyes and repeat the same exercise.
The following exercise can be done several times a day independently, apart from the rest of the complex, because it not only keeps the muscles in good shape, but also perfectly relaxes the eyes. So, the back is straight, we keep our head straight, without tilting. We open our mouth as wide as possible, look up, as if looking at the ceiling, and blink often for half a minute.
The face is relaxed, the lips are closed, but not compressed. We put the pads of the middle fingers on the corners of the mouth and press them. We press harder than on the corners of the eyes or forehead, because. compared to them, the skin in the nasolabial triangle is somewhat thicker and more elastic. We stretch our lips and loudly “smack” the air. At the same time, do not take your fingers off your mouth.
The lips are tightly closed, but not compressed. We take a deep breath through the nose and puff out the cheeks strongly. We exhale the air at first gradually, then in jerks. During the exercise, the lips do not open.
Inhale through the nose and hold the breath for 4-5 seconds. With the fingertips of both hands, we again press on the corners of the mouth and exhale the air through the mouth as if we are blowing on something.
Keep your neck straight, do not lower your head. We strongly strain the muscles of the neck and begin to push the lower jaw forward. Pushing it as far as possible, we move the jaw to the right and left. Keep your head and neck straight during the exercise, do not tilt!
We clasp our cheeks with our palms so that the tubercles under the little fingers cover the corners of the mouth and press on the lips. The fingers are closed and lie on the cheeks. Without lifting the surface of the palms from the cheeks, we begin to smile as widely as possible. We do not open our lips and overcome significant resistance.
Lips are closed. We place the index fingers of both hands on the nasolabial folds, from the chin to the nose, and press them. After that, we try to press the lips as tightly as possible to the surface of the teeth and gums. During the exercise, do not tear off the fingers from the nasolabial folds.
Interestingly, many of these exercises are used not only to preserve the beauty of the face. They are actively used in speech therapy and for the development of speech in young children. Now, when the increased number of neurology in children is increasingly leading to a delay in speech development, such exercises that strengthen the muscles of the mouth, stretch the lips and hyoid frenulum come in handy for babies. Therefore, if you have a child, do these exercises with him. This fun game will bring a lot of benefits to both of you.

Combining skin care products and gymnastics for the muscles of the face and neck, you will very soon achieve that healthy and elastic face that so attracts men’s looks. Treat yourself to youth and beauty – you deserve the best!

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