Message: #83701
Аннета Эссекс » 03 Mar 2017, 23:22

Fitness for beginners – tips from a trainer

In no schedule of a sports club can you find the direction “fitness for beginners”. Therefore, every person who decides to go in for sports for the first time remains confused: which direction to choose, how to improve the figure, not harm health. After all, an active lifestyle and a toned, slender body affect not only self-esteem, but also significantly improve the quality of life.
Before choosing the type of training and the place of training (at home or in a club), it is necessary to analyze not only the initial state of the body, but also correctly assess your capabilities.
If finances allow, you want diversity and communication, and willpower is not enough for regular home exercises, then it is better to turn to the services of numerous fitness clubs and studios. There, a person will not only be able to change himself with the help of a professional trainer, but also make new friends and relax after a day’s work in a sauna or massage room.

If there is practically no free time (for example, a small child in your arms), the financial situation leaves much to be desired, and the motivation is strong enough, then it is quite possible to stop at home or outdoor training. This is not only useful, but also very effective. The main thing is to exercise regularly and stick to the right diet and fitness for beginners at home will definitely help you achieve what you want.

How to choose a sports club for a beginner?

How to choose among the variety of fitness organizations one that will not only fit in all respects, but will also become the place where you want to return? There are several parameters that will affect the choice of center:

the location of the club;
price policy;
domestic issues;
the main contingent of those involved;
presented directions.
Location is the key point that you should pay attention to in the first place. The closer to home or office, the better. This will allow you to attend training in any weather, regardless of the availability of transport or other factors. This is very important for beginners who have not yet “drawn into” the training process and often quit classes after the end of the first month.
The next important factor is the types of subscriptions and their cost. Large players in the fitness market often offer club cards for 6 and 12 months, which include many additional services such as a swimming pool, sauna, sports doctor consultation, access to the gym and several fitness areas.

Here you need to decide whether all this is necessary or whether a standard monthly subscription for one or more types of classes will be enough. In addition, it is not uncommon for trainers in a prestigious fitness center to become ill with “star fever”, which can create discomfort for a beginner and discourage him from exercising. Therefore, a small studio near the house, with a cozy, almost home-like atmosphere, may appeal much more than a popular fitness club.
Everyday moments, the presence of which should be paid attention to a novice fitness enthusiast:

hair dryer and shower;
dressing room with individual lockers;
hood, windows and air conditioners (all these items must be present);
non-slip coating in the hall, easy to clean;
hall area;
water cooler and cups.
Each of these items is a mandatory component of any, even a small club. If there is mold in the shower cabin, and there are no windows in the hall, then it is better not to visit such an institution.
Personnel related issues are equally important. And if you can still tolerate a not very polite administrator, then the coach should be not only a professional, but also a pleasant person. Here are the qualities that a good fitness instructor must have:

communication skills and the ability to communicate with people;
high level of professionalism;
love for your work;
at least one year of experience in the fitness industry;
the desire to constantly grow and develop, attending conventions and other educational events;
the presence of special education (at least – these are courses of trainers with the study of human anatomy and physiology);
good physical fitness and pleasant appearance;
A sports background for a coach is not a prerequisite, as good athletes do not always make good teachers.

As for the directions presented in the club, yoga, callanetics, Pilates, a variety of power classes, water aerobics and any kind of entry-level aerobics, dancing are perfect for beginners. In the absence of contraindications, after a month of regular classes a beginner can move on to more intense loads in the form of tai bo and cross fit. The main thing is to pay attention to the state of health. There is a list of absolute contraindications for all types of fitness, as well as some restrictions that apply only to some of them. For example, step aerobics is strictly prohibited for diseases of the joints and varicose veins, and it is better not to go to water aerobics for people with allergies and skin diseases.
Organization of fitness for beginners at home

Training at home has a number of indisputable advantages compared to classes in the club. At home, you can practice at any time of the day or night, in a simple T-shirt and shorts, without spending money on a subscription. Of course, you can equip a fitness corner in the apartment, which will require some costs. But these expenses will be one-time and a home simulator can always be sold if there is no need for it. The main thing is to practice on an orbit track or a treadmill, and not hang clothes on them.

Both in free sale and on the Web, you can always find video fitness lessons for beginners. They present various exercises, both with and without additional equipment, for all muscle groups. An excellent alternative to home workouts will be outdoor activities (stadium or in the park), which can be supplemented with cycling, swimming, running and just walking.
What do you need to start home workouts and how to equip a mini gym with special equipment or improvised home remedies? To begin with, you need to set a specific goal, then break it down into small steps (for example, lose 5 kg in two weeks or wear a dress down a size) and carefully consider your diet. For a person who has never played sports, the result of regular exercise and diet will be noticeable in the first week of a new lifestyle. This is what will be the best impetus for continuing to play sports.
The room in which the training will take place should be well ventilated and have enough natural light. The minimum set for beginners is a yoga mat and a pair of dumbbells weighing 1-1.5 kg. Dumbbells can be replaced with two liter plastic bottles filled with water.

If it is possible to purchase and place a cardio machine (treadmill track, orbit track or stepper) is just great, but you can organize jogging in the park or just jump rope. Energy costs when running on the track or on the street range from 700 to 850 calories per hour. Jumping with a rope can lose no less, but such a load is more difficult, and a beginner will not be able to withstand it for more than 1-2 minutes in a row.

An example of a home fitness corner, complete with improvised equipment:

plastic water bottles;
paper disposable plates (for gliding);
large-format books (for push-ups);
a bench 15-20 cm high (instead of a step platform);
a tightly rolled towel;
rubber children’s ball of medium diameter;
elastic bandage (instead of a shock absorber tape);
wooden handle of a shovel (instead of a bodybar).
When a person says that he does not have time and money for sports, he simply justifies his laziness and does not want to strain. After all, not everyone can eat right, get up early for a run and refuse to eat cakes. But we must understand that all this is a matter of habit and time. After two or three months of regular exercise, the body itself will require a load, and previously beloved semi-finished products and sweets will not cause the same appetite. The main thing is the desire to look good and stay healthy for many years!

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