Message: #69426
Татьяна Юсупова » 05 Feb 2017, 04:25

Five basic exercises

Basic exercises for muscle growth and increasing testosterone levels – why are these exercises so important and how to learn how to perform them technically correctly?

Testosterone and basic exercises
Different physical exercises affect the hormonal background of the body in different ways. The more muscles involved in an exercise at the same time, the more it affects the production of testosterone and other anabolic hormones important for muscle growth (1).

It is customary to divide exercises into multi-joint, involving several large muscle groups at once (various types of pull-ups, push-ups and squats, deadlift) and isolating (lifting dumbbells to the biceps, breeding dumbbells to the sides, and others).

The role of testosterone in muscle growth
In a large-scale scientific study lasting ten weeks, forty men aged 19-40 years were divided into several groups: half received regular injections of 600 mg of testosterone, the other received placebo dummy injections; some of the subjects trained, and some did not.

Men who were injected with testosterone and who did not strength train at all gained more muscle compared to those who did but did not receive supplemental testosterone. The conclusion of the study is that muscles grow more from hormones than from training (2).

The most important exercises
When performing multi-joint exercises with heavy weight, the entire body of an athlete is immediately subjected to a complex load. In addition to the muscles of the arms and legs, the respiratory and central nervous systems are included in the work – this is what provides a serious hormonal response.

Since the greatest effectiveness for muscle growth is achieved with 5-7 reps per set, this requires the use of additional weight and a constant increase in load. Only five multi-joint exercises allow you to do this – that’s why they are called “basic”.

What are basic exercises?
Basic exercises are strength exercises that simultaneously involve several muscle groups at once and affect muscle growth through an increase in the hormonal level of the body. Five exercises are considered basic – squats, bench press, standing barbell press, deadlift and traction to the belt.

Deadlift — базовое упражнение номер один для мышц корпуса. If you only do it and give up any others, you will still see the result in the form of a set of masses, since the deadlift involves the maximum number of muscles in the work.
In order to learn how to perform the deadlift correctly, it is recommended to start with minimal weights on the bar and using a stand – lifting the weight “from the ground” breaks the technique, not allowing you to keep your hips tense and your back perfectly straight.

Squats со штангой в раме
Squats со штангой — базовое упражнение для развития мускулатуры ног, начиная от ягодичных мышц и квадрицепсов бедра и заканчивая икрами. With the right technique, the spine and abdominal muscles are also included in the work, forming a steel press.
It is recommended to learn the correct squat technique in a special frame that allows you to squat with a small weight, but with an emphasis on the full feeling of the muscles working. You should start the movement by pushing your buttocks up, while straightening your knees and not thinking about the muscles of the legs.

Bench press lying on a bench
Bench press lying on a bench — ключевое упражнения для развития мышц груди, трицепсов и передней части дельтовидных мышц. Depending on the angle of the bench and the width of the arms on the bar, it is possible to include various bundles of the pectoral muscle in the work.
In order to learn how to perform a bench press correctly, you must first learn how to do push-ups correctly. Perform push-ups from the bench, focusing on the fact that the movement is made by the power of the pectoral muscles. The press must be constantly tense.

Rod pull to the belt
Rod pull to the belt является базовым упражнением для развития мускулатуры спины и придания ей визуальной ширины. When performed correctly, the deltas, pectoral muscles, forearms and numerous muscles of the hand holders are also included in the work.
It is recommended to start learning how to perform a barbell row in an incline with a block pull to the belt while sitting in the simulator. First, you pull the weight to the knees, then almost to the chest, while reducing the shoulder blades. It is in the phase of pulling the weight to the chest that you should feel the tension of the latissimus dorsi.

Standing barbell press
Standing barbell press (называемый также «армейским жимом») развивает плечевой пояс, дельтовидные мышцы, руки, улучшает осанку и укрепляет мускулатуру брюшного пресса. It is this basic exercise that forms the classic sports figure with wide shoulders.
It is recommended to start training in the standing barbell press with a standing dumbbell press, paying special attention to ensuring that the weight moves exclusively vertically, and the body is statically tense. Remember also that a lot of weight can be traumatic for the joints.

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Set of muscle mass for ectomorphs. Training program strategy for muscle growth, nutrition and diet recommendations for a lean body type.
Benefits of basic exercises
1. Muscle growth and simultaneous fat burning. Basic exercises require an increased consumption of nutrients from the body. During the training itself, glycogen is actively used, and after the end of the training, recovery processes are launched that burn fat.

2. Increased appetite. Due to the acceleration of metabolism, the desire to consume food increases significantly. This is especially important for skinny ectomorphs who have problems gaining muscle mass due to a constant lack of appetite.

3. Increased libido. Since testosterone is the main male sex hormone, its high level definitely increases attraction. The good news is that making love after strength training helps muscles grow faster.

4. Improving the symmetry of the muscles. Properly performed basic exercises have a positive effect on the symmetry of muscle development. As a result, not just pumped, but athletic and powerful physique is formed.

5. Strengthening the “muscle-brain” connection. Most beginners can’t force a certain muscle with willpower, which indicates a weak connection between the brain and muscles. Performing heavy basic exercises can improve this connection, increasing the effectiveness of the training.

The most important for gaining muscle mass are basic exercises that increase testosterone levels through a complex effect on the body. Five such exercises are highlighted in the basic group: deadlift, squat, bench press, bench press, and traction to the belt.

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