Message: #69421
Татьяна Юсупова » 05 Feb 2017, 04:18

Best Basic Exercise abs

Twisting on blocks
The best isolating exercise for building powerful abdominal muscles that you should definitely include in your program. Execution technique.

Best Abs Exercise
The most important criteria for choosing the most effective exercise for the press is both the involvement of the maximum number of fibers of the abdominal muscles, and the exclusion from the work of secondary muscles – primarily the muscles of the neck, back and front of the thighs.

Improper technique for hanging leg raises will shift a significant amount of load from the abdominal muscles to the muscles of the lower back and legs, and the inability to feel your abs in classic twists activates the muscles of the neck, provoking the appearance of chronic pain.

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Avoid difficult exercises
One of the first rules of training the press is the ability to feel the muscles of the abdomen and keep it in tension when performing exercises. At the same time, technically complex exercises and too much additional weight significantly complicate the task.

Trying to start training weak abs with the aforementioned hanging leg raises or roller crunches is doomed to failure. Untrained abdominal muscles will not be physically ready for such loads, forcing the body to include secondary muscles in the work.

Twisting on the upper blocks
Performing twists on the upper blocks allows you to both learn how to feel your abs in work and limit the involvement of secondary muscles. It is especially important to remove unnecessary stress from the cervical region – a typical cause of pain and crunches in the neck among beginner athletes.

An additional plus will be the fact that twisting variations on the blocks can include elements of the “Vacuum in the stomach” exercise – one of the few that trains the internal transverse abdominal muscles and creates not just a strong, but toned and elastic press.

Twisting on the press on the blocks: the right technique
The key parameter of twisting on the blocks is the maximum range of motion. You should not be hindered by a too short piece of rope or a block weight limiter. The weight in the exercise should be moderate – in no case should you come off the floor.

Twisting on blocks: start of movement
1. Grasp the rope, take a few steps back and kneel down. Bend your elbows at a right angle. Lean forward with your back slightly arched. Shift your body weight onto your knees and toes, as if hanging on your hands (but without straining them). Feel the tension in the press.
Twisting on blocks: нижняя точка
2. As you exhale, with the effort of the abdominal muscles, slowly twist until your elbows touch the floor or knees, constantly feeling the work of the press. At the bottom, the back should be slightly rounded. After a short pause while inhaling, slowly return to the starting position.
Complicated variation

Twisting on blocks для косых мышц живота
To engage the oblique abdominal muscles, bend not vertically down, but with a turn to the right or left side alternately. Bring your right elbow to your left knee and vice versa. In this case, the free hand can be held both behind the back and on the knee.

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Common Mistakes
It is important to ensure that when performing twists on the blocks, the elbows do not unbend and the position of the shoulders does not change, otherwise the load will fall on the arms and latissimus dorsi, turning the exercise into a kind of pullover. The movement should be carried out precisely by the muscles of the press.

The pelvis during movement should remain motionless. The movement in the exercise starts from the bottom of the back, as with normal twisting. If you start to move the pelvis and bring it forward, the bulk of the work will shift from the press to the hip flexors.

How many repetitions to do?
To increase the strength of the abdominal muscles and achieve a massive press, do 3 sets of 6-10 repetitions. To work out the relief of the abdominal muscles, perform 3-4 sets of twists on blocks with a high number of repetitions (from 12 to 25) and a lower working weight.

The exercise can be performed in every workout – it is only important to ensure that its analogues (for example, reverse twists) are not included in the program. A good addition to the twists on the upper blocks will be the plank or the aforementioned vacuum in the stomach.

Twisting on the upper blocks являются одним из немногих изолирующих упражнений на мышцы брюшного пресса. A simple technique will allow even beginners to perform this exercise correctly, which guarantees a quick result in the form of a powerful abdomen and pumped abs.

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