Message: #62370
Татьяна Юсупова » 23 Jan 2017, 21:30

The structure of the classical aerobics class

impact on problem areas.

Strength exercises in aerobics can be performed:

со свободными отягощениями: гантелями от 1 до 3 кг, бодибаром (штанга в мягкой оболочке) от 5 до 12 кг, утяжелителями и т.d.;

в преодолении сопротивления упругих предметов: резиновых амортизаторов, мячей, всевозможных эспандеров и т.d.;

in overcoming the weight of one's own body and its parts.

Most often, the study of muscles in the power part begins with the large muscles of the legs, buttocks and back, ending with the smaller muscles of the arms and upper limb belt.

The share of exercises in the stalls, in order to avoid a decrease in the intensity of the lesson, should not exceed 20% of the total number of strength exercises.

The final part of the classical aerobics class

The final part of the lesson is stretch (stretch), which is designed to solve the following tasks:

Restore muscle length to the initial state, since during the performance of strength exercises, the muscles tend to shorten.

Moderately develop flexibility - the ability to perform movements in the joints with the greatest amplitude (increase joint mobility and muscle elasticity in excess of the initial state).

Create emotional relaxation after physical activity and facilitate the psychological transition to everyday life.

Go to a standing position.

The duration of the final part is about 10 minutes.

The final stretch includes stretching exercises for muscle groups that are weakly stretched in most athletes and can provoke injury in subsequent sessions. Thus, insufficient elasticity of the muscles and synovial formations of the upper limb belt leads to a violation of posture, which during exercise creates an additional load on the spine. Poorly stretched muscles in the lower back, hip flexors (hamstrings, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus), and inelastic hamstrings can interfere with proper, safe movement technique and can lead to lower back injury. With insufficient flexibility of the calf muscles, the effect of "dragging the foot" occurs, which is especially pronounced when moving in the frontal plane (step-touch, grep-vine steps) and provokes various injuries of the lower extremities.

Unlike the whole lesson, the final stretch is created by the structural-choreographic method and performed to the music of a lyrical nature chosen by the coach. Stretch starts from the supine position, in which static stretches are performed for the muscles of the legs. Каждое положение фиксируется и удерживается в течение 8-10 секунд, выполняются поочередные подтягивания ног руками к корпусу, как прямых, так и согнутых с фиксацией в конечном положении, разведение ног в стороны и т.d.

The establishment of legs behind the head, as well as a stand on the shoulder blades, is strictly prohibited, in order to avoid injuries to the cervical spine.

Далее осуществляется плавный переход в сеd. Unlike the power part, the final stretch may include sitting, since during static stretching it does not have a traumatic effect on the lumbar region of the spine. In gray hair and in gray legs apart, the leg muscles are stretched (adductors, abductors and biceps femoris), as well as oblique and lateral muscles of the body. Tilts forward and to the sides are performed while maintaining the final position, as well as stretching the adductor muscles of the thigh in a sitting position, feet together, knees apart.

Due to the possible injury to the knee joint, the use of stretch marks in the hurdle step position is unacceptable.

From the squat follows a thoughtful transition to a standing position, in which all kinds of static stretches are performed in lunges, bends, as well as balance exercises based on one leg.

The final stretching of the muscles is a very important part of the session. It leaves an impression of the lesson as a whole, therefore it should be well thought out: all transitions from one position to another should be logical, beautiful, complete and correspond to specially selected music. The last movement should fall on the last chord of the phonogram. This is necessary to create a sense of completion of the lesson among the trainees.

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