Message: #85119
Аннета Эссекс » 06 Mar 2017, 21:05

Types of Aerobic Exercise

So, do you like cardio or are you taking the first steps to start doing it. First of all, decide what type of aerobic exercise you like: running, walking, exercise bike, etc. Whatever type you like, do it if there are no contraindications for health. No need to force yourself and set strict limits on the types of aerobic exercise. Comfort matters. Comfortable to swim – swim, etc.

In case you are ready to give all your best at 100% and you don’t care what type of aerobic exercises you use, then use all possible load options. To get the best result, choose the most effective cardio loads, which we will talk about right now.

Types of aerobic physical exercises and loads
Aerobic training, which will be discussed, in my opinion, the best for weight loss, because. are interval. As you know, interval training with a variable load gives better results compared to regular physical activity that does not change in intensity.

1. Boxing

Both disciplines offer such a varied physical activity for many muscle groups, including the heart, that there is no point in arguing about effectiveness. No cardio machine will exhaust you as quickly as after boxing or kickboxing. For example, 10 minutes of boxing equals 40 minutes of intense walking on a treadmill. There is a difference?

2. Hiking

In the article about strengthening the heart, I forgot to mention tourist walks. Cross-country hiking is a great cardiovascular workout. Natural interval loads, which are present throughout the trip, have a positive effect on the physical and mental state of a person. Plus, it’s not as monotonous as going to the gym.

3. Wrestling

Anyone who has never taken part in wrestling will hardly understand how difficult this type of martial arts is. For an unprepared person, 1 minute will be enough to collapse from fatigue. What to say about 15 minutes? If there is a desire and health, then wrestling can be safely used as an interval aerobic workout. Now there are many sections, including fitness centers.

4. Team sports

Football, volleyball, basketball, hockey, tennis, badminton, etc. absolutely interval cardio loads. Unlike professional athletes, you are not required to complete a super-task. Play for fun and burn calories efficiently. Play sports are suitable for most people. Choose a sport that is convenient for you and your physical fitness.

5. Cardio equipment

exercise bike
Elliptical Trainer
rowing machine
Stair simulator (dynamic escalator)
On all simulators, you can set the required level of load (resistance) and speed. If desired, you can work in a constant rhythm or change the pace and load, creating variable interval loads. The body will have to adapt more often to the changing load, thereby burning more calories.

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