Message: #66244
Аннета Эссекс » 01 Feb 2017, 00:32

Calcium intake

As you know, the most important mineral necessary for strong bones is calcium. But why don’t Japanese people who don’t eat dairy and cheese suffer from diseases of the skeletal system? Where do they get their calcium from?

Today, the most common problem associated with a lack of calcium is osteoporosis, a condition caused by calcium deficiency that leads to rapid bone loss. According to statistics, osteoporosis develops in one in four women and one in eight men over the age of 50. However, the first signs of osteoporosis develop at a much younger age.

Of course, there are other factors that contribute to the development of osteoporosis: smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and taking certain medications that inhibit calcium absorption. The best way to avoid osteoporosis is early prevention, which consists in adequate intake of calcium and other minerals.

The role of calcium in our body
Calcium plays an important role in maintaining our body’s pH, making it more “alkaline” which is beneficial to our health. It is known that many diseases are the result of an overly acidic environment in the body (which can negatively affect the immune system, by the way), which is caused by our typical diet rich in sugar, processed foods and other “bad” foods.

Calcium also has antioxidant properties (fights free radicals). Scientists believe that calcium plays an important role in the prevention of colon cancer. It is also necessary for the proper functioning of the muscular, nervous and hematopoietic systems.

However, in order for calcium to be fully absorbed by our body, other substances are also necessary, these include magnesium, boron, vitamins D and K. The degree of absorption of calcium also depends on the type of calcium and the state of the digestive system.
There are many myths surrounding the topic “The benefits of calcium and what is its source?”, and most people have very little idea of ​​the real situation. The biggest myth is that people believe that in order to strengthen the skeletal system and avoid bone disease, dairy products should be consumed as the main source of calcium.

Sources of calcium. Except dairy products, sources of calcium are many green leafy vegetables, seaweeds, beans (including soybeans), nuts and seeds. For example, in Japan, fish is usually eaten with the bones (another source of calcium), especially “small” varieties of fish that are eaten with the head.

The best source of calcium
You may have heard that the best source of calcium today is coral calcium from the waters of the Japanese island of Okinawa. This ancient coral reef grew underwater but is now above sea level, forming part of the earth in the form of coral fossils that are easy to collect without damaging the environment.

Scientists believe that in addition to the traditional Japanese diet, the longevity of the Japanese is promoted by calcined water, which they drink daily.

Except того, коралловый кальций содержит и другие важные минералы, такие как магний и калий.

According to studies conducted in Japan, the blood calcium levels of those who take coral calcium are twice as high as those who take regular tablets of calcium.

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