Message: #64113
Юля Смоленск » 26 Jan 2017, 13:20

Whey protein

Proper nutrition is based on the correct intake of micronutrients, namely, protein should be 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight for a fitness person, which is ~ 150 grams of protein per day. Eating this amount of protein from regular food is quite difficult. Therefore, we must use additional protein shakes. If you are just starting to take protein, then you need to start with whey.

We focus on the correctness and usefulness of using whey protein due to the fact that milk protein is 80% casein and 20% whey. Those. in the normal human diet, whey is represented very, very sparingly. Whey protein has a very high value in terms of the presence of BCAAs (amino acids) in relation to other amino acids, and the second feature, if the whey is of high quality and made by a good manufacturer, then it contains immunoglobulin.

Immunoglobulins are protein molecules that support the normal functioning of the immune system. Those. If you include a protein shake based on whey protein in your diet, you will first of all notice that you have become less likely to get sick. Even though you don’t exercise, simply improving your diet with a whey protein shake will give you a better quality of life (improved immunity).

Manufacturers have chosen whey for the production of whey protein because it has a high biological value, is very well and quickly absorbed.

How protein is made. Whey is a by-product of cheese production. After the cheese is made at the dairy, what is left is whey. Whey has been a by-product for a very long time and drained away. When the sports nutrition whey came in, an ultra microfiltration method was produced, as a result of which the whey was passed through an extremely fine sieve and the protein concentration increased sharply, the concentration of carbohydrates and fats began to decrease.

Filtration. As a result of filtration, we get two forms of whey protein

1 form, when filtration occurs almost to zero, when the product is completely cleared of carbohydrates. The result is a product with 90% protein and zero carbohydrates and fats. This product is called Whey protein isolate. Diet protein drink.
2 product, when the filtration is not carried out to the end, and we get somewhere around 60% protein drink and 25 – 30% carbohydrates and fats in total. This drink is called a concentrate. Which protein to choose
When choosing protein products, we always pay attention to lactose (milk sugar).

Milk sugar (lactose) – is a natural component of any milk protein, respectively, a person, as a rule, assimilates lactose well up to 15 – 20 years. The enzyme that breaks down lactose is called lactase. It ceases to function and the vast majority of adults do not digest lactose, so this problem often arises: a person took a protein drink on milk protein, and then notices that he has an indigestion. The first thing to pay attention to is how you are friends with milk. If you are good at digesting milk, and if this is not a problem for you, then you can use milk protein-based protein drinks, but keep this in mind: if you take a milk protein-based protein shake, which by definition contains lactose, and plus dilute it milk – you increase the amount of lactose. There is a situation when a person normally digests a glass of milk, but in this situation, lactose can exceed your ability to assimilate this product, which leads to indigestion.

As a rule, absolutely everyone absorbs the isolate, there are no contraindications to the use of the isolate, since it does not contain lactose.

A concentrate if it is 60% may have a lactose restriction and some segment of the population will say that indigestion occurs. A mixture of concentrate and isolate is generally well absorbed.

Should I take whey protein after a workout? Often people mix up shakes after a workout. Someone protein shakes, someone yogurt snacking on a banana.

There are many opinions about when to take whey protein. One of these opinions says that it is best after a workout. But it’s not.

For example, training is over, due to the work of the body, which provided intense physical exercise, digestive enzymes are not yet ready for the absorption of digestive substances, it takes time to in order for the digestive system to recover and, accordingly, the opportunity to absorb nutrients. That is why drinking whole protein immediately after exercise is not right, because whole protein takes time to get into the blood. Immediately after exercise, you should drink amino acids or fast carbohydrates to restore strength.

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