Message: #60075
Юля Смоленск » 20 Jan 2017, 13:27

Caffeine is a powerful energy drink

In the daily diet of a person there is a fairly large number of different products, many of which have a direct effect on the body and its work. One of them is caffeine, without which some cannot imagine their day, using it for vivacity and increasing the tone of the body. In addition, due to its properties, caffeine often acts as one of the components of sports nutrition, as well as pre-workout complexes. The popularity of caffeine is associated with its availability and properties, as well as the ability to positively influence the processes occurring in the body. In order to get the maximum benefit from caffeine, it is necessary to study its main features and properties, and only after that include this nutritional supplement in your diet, since caffeine has not only advantages, but also contraindications, which are recommended to be familiar with in order to avoid unwanted negative effects. consequences.
What is caffeine
Many people confuse caffeine with coffee, however, coffee is the only product that contains caffeine. In fact, caffeine is a white powder, odorless, with a bitter, very specific aftertaste. Sometimes caffeine is presented in the form of small colorless crystals, not at all similar to the coffee we are used to making an invigorating drink.
Get caffeine from plants in which it is contained in large quantities. As a rule, these are coffee tree seeds and tea leaves. Depending on where exactly the caffeine was extracted from, its name also changes. Caffeine is a substance derived from coffee seeds, theine is found in tea, and mateine ​​is obtained from a plant called mate.
Varieties of caffeine can be found in foods such as coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, and cola. In addition, concentrated caffeine is often found in sports nutrition, fat burners, pre-workout shakes, and energy drinks. To date, there are two types of caffeine: synthetically created and extracted from plants. Each of them has special properties and is used in various areas of human life.
Properties of caffeine
Caffeine has a fairly large number of properties, each of which has found its application. First of all, he belongs to tonic substances that can speed up the processes occurring in the body and normalize its condition, eliminating the feeling of fatigue, drowsiness and lethargy. It is thanks to this property that caffeine is taken before the start of sports training in order to increase stamina and recharge with the energy necessary for performing physical exercises. This ability of caffeine makes it indispensable for athletes seeking to improve their athletic performance.
Caffeine has a direct effect on the functioning and condition of the circulatory system. The substances included in its composition are able to speed up the work of the heart with the help of adrenaline secreted in large quantities, which is intensively produced when caffeine enters the body. In addition, caffeine significantly increases blood pressure, improving blood circulation and normalizing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the internal organs. The use of caffeine improves mood and stimulates the nervous system, increasing concentration and increasing work capacity, both physical and mental.
It is also worth mentioning the ability of caffeine to positively affect the course of the digestion process and metabolic processes occurring in the human body. This is what makes it one of the most sought-after components often used in the production of fat burners and sports nutrition for weight loss. In addition, caffeine can act as a mild diuretic that normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system, liver and kidneys. Moderate caffeine consumption stimulates the stomach and prevents the formation of unwanted body fat.
Caffeine is often used for medical purposes. It is able to significantly reduce the effect of various narcotic and hypnotic drugs on the body, exacerbate conditioned reflexes and increase motor activity, activate vasomotor and respiratory centers.
caffeine for weight loss
As mentioned earlier, caffeine is often included in the composition of fat-burning drugs, and this is no coincidence. Under the influence of caffeine, adrenaline begins to be intensively produced in the body, which contributes to the flow of fatty acids into the blood and their complete assimilation. In addition, thanks to caffeine, the body uses not muscle tissue as an energy source, but body fat, which is why muscle glycogen stores are preserved and increased, and fat reserves are broken down. This is the key to weight loss and muscle training.
It is also worth mentioning the increase in the body’s endurance, which allows you to perform more intense and prolonged physical activity, and, consequently, burn more calories. Moderate consumption of caffeine has a positive effect on digestion, contributing to the complete assimilation of products that enter the stomach and extracting the maximum amount of nutrients from them.
caffeine in sports nutrition
Special attention deserves the use of caffeine in the field of sports nutrition. It acts as a powerful energy accelerator that allows you to take training to a new, higher level, increasing the load on the muscles and accelerating their growth and strength. Caffeine helps to concentrate as much as possible during the exercise, due to which exactly those muscles that should be involved are working.
In order to get the desired effect from taking sports nutritional supplements, which include caffeine, you need to use them at a certain time. You can improve the functioning of the body and increase its endurance with the help of caffeinated cocktails, taking them no more than 30 minutes before the start of the workout. The same rule applies to fat burners, which should start the process of converting fat cells into energy shortly before the start of physical activity.
Contraindications to the use of caffeine
Despite the fact that caffeine is present in various products that we often use, and is also used as a separate food supplement, it can have not only positive, but also negative effects on the state of the body. Taking into account its properties, it is not recommended to consume caffeine immediately before bedtime, as this can cause overexcitation of the body, insomnia and disturbed sleep quality. In addition, excessive consumption of caffeine can lead to psychological disorders and even cause diarrhea.
Caffeinated products should be avoided or reduced to a minimum for people suffering from coronary heart disease, hypertension, glaucoma, atherosclerosis, insomnia, increased excitability and disorders of the cardiovascular system. If you are prone to depression from caffeine, it is also recommended to abstain.
In some cases, caffeine abuse can lead to heartburn, stool disorders, stomach pain, and stomach cramps. Foods and drinks that contain caffeine are contraindicated in pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children.

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