Message: #292789
Аннета Эссекс » 25 Jan 2018, 21:40

Post workout nutrition principles

Sport is life, and this is known to many. But equally important is proper nutrition. Professional athletes are well aware that if you use certain foods, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of training, get rid of extra pounds faster or build muscle mass. How and what should be used?

Nutrition before training
Before describing nutrition after classes, it is worth saying a few words about how to eat before them. After all, if you do not pay attention to this, then all efforts will be in vain. Here are some basic rules:

The last time before classes it is recommended to eat no later than 2-2.5 hours before training. If you decide to eat right before class, then nothing good will come of it. Firstly, carbohydrates will not have time to transform into the energy necessary for muscle work, and secondly, it is difficult and even harmful to train with a full stomach.
The composition of the products must certainly contain carbohydrates, they are necessary for the production of energy, without which the work of the muscles is simply impossible. But such carbohydrates should not complicate the process of digestion, that is, the products should be easily digested. Bananas, apples, potatoes (preferably steamed or baked), and raisins or white rice have been proven to be the best sources of carbohydrates in this case.
Sports nutrition should certainly include protein foods, since protein is a real building material for all cells, it is also part of muscle tissue. Protein foods must also be easily digestible. You can eat some boiled fish, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese or yogurt. But it is better to refuse meat products, they are digested for a long time.
It is better to drink only water, give up sugary drinks altogether, they will not give anything but extra calories.
Post-Workout Nutrition to Increase Muscle Mass

Drying is not easy, building muscle mass is not as easy as we would like. And the right training is only half the battle. It is important to improve your diet. Listed below are a few basic and important principles.

There is such a thing as an “anabolic window”. In a given period of time, all the nutrients that come with food are absorbed much faster and better and go not “in reserve”, but to provide all the necessary muscles. But not it is worth trying to eat to satiety, it will not lead to anything good. But a little refreshment immediately after a workout will be completely out of place. Be sure to eat carbohydrates, you already know why to do this. You can refresh yourself with porridge or muesli, bananas, bran bread or rice.
If your main goal is to quickly build muscle mass, then you can even use the so-called fast carbohydrates, they stimulate the production of the hormone insulin, which is necessary for proper energy processing. If carbohydrate reserves are not replenished, then the body may begin to consume those that are available. And this will lead to a reduction in muscle mass, which you do not need at all. Foods containing faster carbohydrates include honey, sweet juices, rice, confectionery and baked goods (especially white bread), and potatoes.
Do not forget about proteins, they provide restoration of muscle tissue after intense exercise. Protein foods that are easy to digest are preferred. For example, you can eat eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, boiled fish.
Don’t forget to replenish your fluids! Drink plain purified water, juices are also acceptable in moderation. By the way, drinking water with food is not worth it, it can suppress the production of gastric juice and, thereby, complicate and slow down the digestion process, which you do not need at all. It is best to drink in between meals.
After about 1.5-2 hours, even if you refresh yourself immediately after class, you will feel hungry anyway. Allow yourself to eat well. The best option is a piece of boiled meat or boiled fish with vegetables. Meat or fish are proteins, and vegetables are vitamins, which are also necessary with constant training. Wash it all down with a glass of fruit juice.
Forget about fatty foods, fats slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and proteins and are almost immediately deposited in adipose tissue. So exclude fatty meat, lard, sour cream, sauces and more.
For about two or better than three hours after training, it is strongly recommended not to consume drinks and foods containing caffeine. The fact is that it prevents the loading of glycogen into the muscles and other tissues, which provides their nutrition. So give up chocolate, cocoa, coffee and tea.
Post workout nutrition for weight loss

How Should there be proper nutrition after a workout in the event that you need to get rid of extra pounds? For weight loss, certain rules must be observed. Here are a few main ones:

A feature of intense and fairly long workouts is that even after the end of classes, the body works in such a way that fats and carbohydrates continue to burn for some more time. And if at the same time they do not come from the outside with food, then the extra pounds will certainly begin to go away. And if you decide to refresh yourself immediately after training, especially with something sweet or fatty, then consider that you performed all the most difficult exercises in vain. And if you wait a couple of hours, then something will have time to be used up and burned.
Even to burn fat, you should not completely refuse food. If you are exercising, then by all means you need to eat. If you decide to go on a hunger strike, you can literally start to “swell with hunger.” This is due to the fact that in such harsh conditions, with a constant energy deficit, the body can begin to work in such a way that literally everything that comes with food will immediately be deposited “in reserve”. So you need to eat, but right.
So, how can you refresh yourself after two hours? Carbohydrates should be limited as much as possible, it is better to consume them in the morning, before training. On the other hand, low-fat and easy-to-digest protein foods are useful and necessary: ​​eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, boiled fish, lean meats. All this can be eaten with vegetables. If the training falls in the evening, then at night you can drink a glass of kefir or yogurt.
Don’t forget to drink! This can and should be done immediately after exercise, as a lack of moisture can lead to dehydration.
Helpful Tips

A few nutritional tips:

Try to eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, they are rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. But off-season ones will not be useful, so during such periods it is worth taking additional vitamin supplements or complexes.
Do not eat “to satiety”. Finish your meal as soon as you feel a little full.
All dishes are best steamed or in the oven. Refuse fried food completely, it is harmful not only for athletes, but also for everyone else.
Eat right for your workout to be effective.

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