Message: #64783
Татьяна Юсупова » 27 Jan 2017, 20:41

Post workout nutrition. Athlete’s Golden Rules

Post-workout nutrition is one of the most important meals of the day. It is at this time (post-workout) that your body has the most active metabolism and absorbs all the nutrients received from food much faster. If you do not give him these substances, then the body will begin to eat itself, burning both our fat layer and muscles, because they contain the necessary amino acids for its recovery. This is where the golden rule of athlete nutrition after training follows: after training, never leave your stomach empty!

A properly designed post-workout nutrition program is very important for the most rapid and effective recovery of injured muscles, and also greatly affects subsequent sports performance in training. Remember, NUTRITION is your main anabolic. Studies have confirmed that the main macro-nutrients – protein and carbohydrates – are responsible for muscle recovery after physical exertion. These are the main nutrients for recovery and further muscle building. During training, muscle fibers are injured, their healthy structure is disturbed and the muscles weaken. The amino acids that make up the protein and glucose from carbohydrates help return the muscles to their normal structure, which allows the muscles to adapt to the loads and the training process in general. The synthesis of glycogen (glucose) in the muscles will occur 2 times faster if carbohydrates are immediately given to the body after training. Moreover, the high rate of glycogen synthesis will be maintained if the body receives a balanced diet based on the required amount of carbohydrates and proteins throughout the day.

For quick recovery, it is especially important to feed your muscles within 30 to 60 minutes after a workout. The best option is a protein-carbohydrate cocktail, which is very quickly absorbed, gives the body all the essential amino acids and fast carbohydrates. The use of protein along with fast carbohydrates immediately after training stops catabolic processes (protein breakdown) and stimulates anabolic processes (protein synthesis). Fast carbohydrates dramatically increase blood sugar levels, which leads to a high secretion of insulin by the pancreas. Insulin is an anabolic transport hormone that transports glucose and amino acids into the cell, which helps to accelerate anabolism (protein synthesis). During the recovery period of the body after heavy physical exertion, proteins, carbohydrates and omega-3 fatty acids are very necessary, which support anabolic processes and replenish glycogen stores in the muscles. The process of restoring glycogen in the muscles and the injured muscles themselves can take up to several days, therefore, it is important to ensure the regular intake of proteins, carbohydrates and “correct” fats in the body. The quality and quantity of proteins consumed is of paramount importance. The protein must contain the entire spectrum of amino acids. If after training you do not have the opportunity to prepare a protein-carbohydrate shake, then just eat a protein bar, which, in addition to protein, also contains carbohydrates.

After this meal, within a maximum of 1.5 hours, you should make a good full meal with regular foods. As a rule, everything that you eat after a great intense workout will go to restore muscles and energy. After training, however, within two hours, it is not advisable to consume foods high in caffeine and unnecessary fats. The fact is that caffeine interferes with the work of insulin and, thus, your muscles will hardly replenish their glycogen stores. And the fat contained in food slows down the passage of proteins and carbohydrates from the stomach into the blood. If you are not able to eat properly after a workout, then before the main meal, continue to consume 50-100 grams of carbohydrates + 10-20 grams of protein every 2 hours. As a healthy alternative, you can again use a protein-carbohydrate shake.

Post-workout nutrition is one of the most important parts of an overall training program. A heavy load on the body is stress that causes catabolic processes in the muscles, which leads to both a slowdown in the growth of muscle mass and its loss. Therefore, always remember the main postulate of an athlete’s nutrition: “If you don’t give the body what it needs after a workout, then the body itself will take it from your muscles already destroyed by the load.

Nutrition in sports is a very important point that many, especially beginners, often ignore. If your goal is muscle mass – without proper nutrition not enough here. Nutrition for mass gain, for example, in bodybuilding actually plays a paramount role.

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