Message: #61812
Лена Калининград » 22 Jan 2017, 23:58

Testosterone Enanthate Course

The testosterone enanthate course is a classic AAS course, which has been used both in sports and in medicine for half a century, which speaks for itself about its effectiveness. Of course, the course of testosterone enanthate, used for medical purposes, is very conditionally interested in bumps, or rather, not interested at all, but this indicates the effectiveness and relative safety of the drug. It should be noted that testosterone is the reference androgenic anabolic steroid against which all other drugs are compared. This steroid is used both solo and as part of a complex course, and the drug goes well with any other AAS. При­ме­няя энантат, Вы сможете набрать мышечную массу, до­бив­шись её ги­пер­тро­фии и ги­пер­пла­зии, увеличить силовые показатели, улучшить сос­то­яние сус­та­вов, до­бить­ся пам­пин­га и повышения выносливости.The testosterone enanthate course is a classic AAS course, which has been used both in sports and in medicine for half a century, which speaks for itself about its effectiveness. Of course, the course of testosterone enanthate, used for medical purposes, is very conditionally interested in bumps, or rather, not interested at all, but this indicates the effectiveness and relative safety of the drug. It should be noted that testosterone is the reference androgenic anabolic steroid against which all other drugs are compared. This steroid is used both solo and as part of a complex course, and the drug goes well with any other AAS. Using enanthate, you can gain muscle mass, achieving its hypertrophy and hyperplasia, increase strength, improve the condition of the joints, achieve pumping and increase endurance. The advantage of the enanthate course is a pronounced anabolic effect, which manifests itself in a sharp increase in strength and muscle mass. Testosterone enanthate is popular in a huge number of sports disciplines, but weightlifters and powerlifters especially love it, because it also fills with water, which prevents joint injuries. Bodybuilders, of course, are not very happy with the “flooding” effect, because at the end of the course, the newly minted kachek looks extremely unaesthetic. The tendency to accumulate water and aromatization also cause a pronounced recoil phenomenon. That is why athletes who decide to use a course of testosterone enanthate should carefully study the issue of post-cycle therapy.

Since testosterone enanthate is prone to aromatization, it is recommended to take antiestrogens or aromatase inhibitors during the cycle. Testosterone may well be the only drug on the course, that is, a solo course of testosterone enanthate is quite effective. At the same time, you can cook “compote” by mixing any AAS with the dough, since the dough has a pronounced non-genomic activity and is able to successfully attach to androgen receptors inside muscle cells. Nevertheless, the classic complex courses are: testo-methane, testo-nandrolone, testo-prima and testo-tren. Experienced chemists can be creative and try a wide variety of cocktails.

How to make a testosterone enanthate course. Duration of the course: 8-12 weeks, since enanthate is a long ester
Dosages: from 200mg per week to 2000mg per day, but such brutal dosages are suitable only for pros, beginners should limit themselves to 200-400mg per week, intermediate chemists – 500-700mg per week, and senior alchemists at doses of 750-1000mg per week.
Частота дозировок: инъекции производят, как правило, в ягодичную мышцу, а тес­то­сте­ро­на эн­ан­тат является длинным эфиром, поэтому, с одной стороны, делать час­тые уко­лы бо-бо, а, с другой стороны, для поддержания равномерного ана­бо­ли­чес­ко­го фо­на лучше их делать почаще: минимум раз в неделю, желательно 2-3 ра­за в не­де­лю, а можно хоть по два раза в день.
Компот: тесто можно ставить с любыми препаратами, собственно, классические курсы уже опи­са­ны вы­ше, но, вообще, логичнее всего ставить тесто с короткими эфирами, что­бы ку­пи­ро­вать анаболические ямы.Курс соло: 500-750мг в неделю, длительность 8 недель, ставить препарат 2-3 раза в не­де­лю, на 8 неделе добавить кленбутерол и принимать его 4 недели.
Course for beginners: testosterone enanthate 250 mg per week, turinabol 40 mg per day, duration 6-8 weeks.
Course for average chemists: testosterone enanthate 500 mg per week and deca 200 mg per week, injections should be done 2-3 times a week, duration 8 weeks.
Course for старших алхимиков: тесто 1000мг в неделю и трен 300мг в неделю, дли­тель­ность 8-10 недель, ставить препараты 2-3 раза в неделю.

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