Message: #61931
Лена Калининград » 23 Jan 2017, 09:45

Methane for muscles.How to use

Methandrostenolone, aka danabol, aka methane, aka dianabol, aka naposim, aka methandienone, in general, the prince of darkness in all its forms, giving beauty, youth, strength, endurance and envious, perplexed looks of bumps from the local gym. Именно метан стал тем пре­па­ра­том, ко­то­рый из­ме­нил ли­цо спор­та навсегда, он лег в основу мировых рекордов, он дал воз­мож­ность спорт­сме­нам выс­тав­лять достойную форму на Олимпиадах, он по­да­рил ни од­ну зо­ло­тую медаль самым вы­да­ющим­ся спортсменам всего мира!Метан для мышц сегодня, конечно, уже далеко не лучший андрогенный анаболический сте­роид. There are more expensive and more “clean” steroids, but in its price range in amateur dosages, methane is still one of the most popular doping agents. It is used by jocks, powerlifters, runners, weightlifters, the range of its actions is amazing, and the price and ease of use warms the soul. We have already described the method of taking methane solo, from which, in general, you can start your acquaintance with both this drug and AAS in general. For the same swingers, whom nature has endowed with an abundance of shekels in their pockets, for the first course, we can recommend the individual Oksana, well, and for serious athletes, complex metashki courses, which will be described below, can come in handy.

Methandrostenolone: ​​characteristics of the drug

Methane is a 17-alkylated oral androgenic anabolic steroid whose anabolic activity in relation to testosterone is equal to 200%, and androgenic to 50%. But, despite this, methandrostenolone is easily converted into estrogen, so methane is one of the best AAS for muscle growth, because muscle fiber hypertrophy requires not only a high level of testosterone, but also a slightly elevated level of estrogen. Methane is also great for increasing strength, as it accelerates the synthesis of creatine phosphate in muscle cells, due to which the muscle becomes more enduring and stronger. The fact is that creatine phosphate is involved in the resynthesis of ATP, both in the process of converting ADP into ATP, and in the reverse process, and in practice this means “getting stronger”.

But, in fairness, it is worth noting that dianabol is usually loved keep the heavyweights in the loop, since methane stimulates muscle growth, and light weight athletes, of course, try to avoid this. This effect is partly due to the fact that methane shifts the nitrogen balance in a positive direction, stimulating the athlete’s appetite and blocking cortisol receptors in muscle cells. It is also worth noting the so-called “steroid pump”, which is due to an increase in the total volume of blood and red blood cells in it. Между прочим, именно этот эффект вы­нуж­да­ет ис­поль­зо­вать да­на­бол бегунов, поскольку увеличение объема крови поз­во­ля­ет лег­че снаб­жать мыш­цы кислородом, делая атлета более выносливым.Как Вы уже успели заметить, дианабол буквально универсальный стероид, но для роста мышц ме­тан все же подходит лучше, чем для проработки скоростно-силовых ха­рак­те­рис­тик. Not because it does not contribute to their growth, but because this growth is accompanied by other undesirable effects. By the way, there are quite a lot of negative effects from the use of danabol. Во-первых, меташка угнетает дугу ги­по­физ-ги­по­та­ла­мус-яич­ки, во-вто­рых, очень негативно сказывается на печени из-за того, что аль­ки­ли­ро­ван в 17 по­зи­ции, в-третьих, способствует развитию гинекомастии, повышению ар­те­ри­аль­но­го дав­ле­ния, акне, росту уровня «плохого» холестерина и прочим пре­лес­тям, раз­ви­тию ко­то­рых способствуют ААС.

Separately, it is worth noting the topic of PCT during the course, which is not uncommon, especially because many still begin their experience of taking pharma with danabol. The fact is that in order to avoid liver diseases, hepatoprotectors and cholagogues are taken right during the course, but this should not be done. Hepatoprotectors thicken the walls of the liver, which contributes to the stagnation of bile. Cholagogues are of two types: choleretics and cholekinetics. Choleretics increase the production of bile, and this will negatively affect your body during the course. Cholekinetics contribute to the outflow of bile, so they, in principle, can be taken.

Duration: 6-12 weeks, due to the fact that the meta box is short-lived, so it can be used on both long and short courses.
Dosages: effective dosages start with 30mg per day, more than 50mg per day is not recommended, although the pros take 100 or more, but this is the lot of professionals.
Frequency of dosages: Methane is not just taken every day, it is desirable to take it 2-3 times a day, even 4, especially since it is an oral steroid. There is, of course, an injectable form, but it is pointless to take it.
Компот: данобол ставят с множеством самых разных препаратов, фактически схемы при­ема ог­ра­ни­че­ны лишь фантазией юного «химика», ну а мы приведем самые по­пу­ляр­ные и эф­фек­тив­ные из них.Курс соло: первая неделя 10мг в день, вторая неделя 20мг в день, 3-6 недели по 30мг в день, 7 неделя 20мг в день и 8 неделя 10мг в день, дли­тель­ность курса 8 недель.
The course of methane and dough: 40 mg per day of methane and dough propionate 100 mg every other day, the duration of the course is 6-8 weeks.
Course deca and methane: 30 mg of methane every day, deca 400 mg per week, duration 8 weeks.
Курс метан, дека и тесто: 30мг метана в день, 200мг деки в неделю и 500мг теста энантата в неделю, длительность 8 недель, а ещё 2 недели тесто пропионат 100мг через день и вин­строл 50мг в день, что позволит за 10 недель не только набрать мяса, но ещё и при­вес­ти его в «качество».

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