Message: #76357
Аннета Эссекс » 15 Feb 2017, 17:20


Halotest is a very strong androgenic anabolic steroid intended exclusively for professionals who are already weakly worked by other AAS. Fans of fluximesterone absolutely do not need it, moreover, most likely, the halotest that you can get will be a fake, since the drug is very rare. In any case, fluximesterone pros are used solely because of its non-receptor effects on muscles. The bottom line is that anabolic receptors become less sensitive from horse doses of steroids, so professionals are simply forced to change drugs. And you remember, in the matter of AAS, you need to proceed from the principle of EOM, when the result is achieved with the minimum necessary impact.
Halotest is used in professional bodybuilding during preparation for the championship, since the drug practically does not aromatize, as a result of which it does not retain water, and since any gain is a loss, it will not work to gain muscle mass on fluximesterone. Perhaps the use of halotestin could be relevant in powerlifting or weightlifting, but the toxicity of the drug does not allow its positive properties to be realized. The course of fluximesterone is very short, a maximum of 6 weeks, and most often it is given no more than 4 weeks in a row. On the other hand, the discovery time of the drug is already 2 months, so it will have to be canceled at least 8 weeks before the championship, so you should agree with its exceptional specialization.

Halotest: characteristic

Halotest is a short testosterone ester with an anabolic index of 1900 and an androgenic index of 850, that is, its anabolic activity in relation to testosterone is 19 times greater, and androgenic by 8.5. It goes without saying that the dosages are appropriate, namely from 20 to 40 mg per day, but keep in mind that fluximesterone is toxic, causes dizziness, increased blood pressure and often problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Separately, it is worth highlighting the ability of Halotest to change the ratio of lipoproteins in favor of low-density lipoproteins, that is, in favor of “bad” cholesterol, which contributes to diseases such as atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular joys. It is for this reason that during the “course” of fluximesterone it is recommended to take choleretic drugs in order to facilitate the work of the liver and improve blood filtration.
Of the advantages of the drug, you can indicate that it is taken orally, that is, you do not have to inject needles into yourself, which is not only psychologically pleasant, but also eliminates the possibility of an abscess formation. Since the drug increases hemoglobin and red blood cells, which causes an increase in blood pressure, it also helps to better pump muscles, which, of course, has a positive effect on the training process. Part of the plus is the lack of aromatization, although the drug is converted into dihydrotestosterone, which allows you to effectively utilize subcutaneous fat, increasing strength. Because of its rapid half-life, fluximesterone avoids anabolic pitfalls, although it has to be taken twice a day for the same reason.

It is not recommended to take the drug for people who are overweight, that is, on halotestin you can go to competitions, it is intended for “drying”, but it is for “drying”, and not for weight loss. If you want to lose weight for the beach season, then you don’t need AAS at all, but to speed up this process and minimize muscle loss, you can use oxandrolone, and leave professional preparations to professionals. And even if you absolutely do not care about your health, losing weight on a halotest is also pointless! Due to the increase in the level of bad cholesterol and the corresponding load on the liver, it will most likely not help you, but also interfere. It is this property of it that is the cornerstone of building a “course” with its use, which forces the athlete to take clomid or tamoxifen on a PCT without fail.

How to make a halotest course

Course duration: 2-6 weeks, and this applies to athletes of any level, putting fluximesterone longer is dangerous and pointless.
Dosages: 20-40mg per day, and you can start with 10mg, using the “ladder”, as when using methandrostenolone.
Dosing frequency: 2 times a day, since the half-life of the drug is from 6 to 9 hours, which depends on the individual qualities of the athlete.
Compote: the drug can be put with long testosterone esters or nandrolone, although it is best to use a fluximesterone solo course to lead to the championship.
Solo course: 20-40 mg per day, you can take 5 mg on the first day, 10 mg on the second, etc., until you reach the working dosage, exit the course in the same way with a “ladder”, duration 2-6 weeks, at the end of the course, PCT begins immediately.
The course with the test: 500 mg of enanthate per week and 20 mg of halotest per day, duration 6 weeks, then 2 weeks 50 mg of oxana per day and 50 mg of winstrol, after the abolition of all drugs, PCT begins.
Course with deck: deck 600-800 mg per week and halotest from 20 to 40 mg per day, after canceling deck and halotest, oksana and Winstrol are put at 50 mg per day for another 2 weeks, after the abolition of all drugs, PCT begins.

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