Message: #300792
Аннета Эссекс » 18 Feb 2018, 18:16

6 easy salad recipes with shrimp”

SHRIMP WITH CHEESE + more shrimp salads
Half a kilo of shrimp
4 boiled eggs
100 gr. mayonnaise
Quarter of a lemon
Finely chopped greens
Half a glass of grated cheese

Chop eggs and shrimp. Cheese mix with mayonnaise and half greens, add lemon juice and shrimp with eggs. Mix everything and sprinkle with the rest of the herbs.

2.5 kg of shrimp, 2 fresh cucumbers, 1 tomato, 50 ml of 20% cream, 50 g of processed cheese, ground black pepper – to taste.
Boil the shrimp and cool them down a bit. Meanwhile, make the cheese sauce by mixing cream cheese and cream until smooth. Cut cucumbers and tomatoes.
Clean the shrimp and cut each in half. Sliced ​​cucumbers, shrimp and tomato put in a common dish. Stir, add sauce and black pepper. Do not salt!

400 г креветок, 4 картофелины, 100 г mayonnaise, 150 г зеленого горошка, 50 г соевого соуса, зеленый салат, лимонный сок – по вкусу.
Boil shrimp, peel, sprinkle with lemon juice. Boil potatoes, peel and cut, add green peas and shrimps.
Season with soy sauce and mayonnaise, mix. Garnish with green lettuce leaves.

1 kg of boiled peeled shrimp, 200 g of potatoes, 200 g of green onions, 200 g of green peas, 200 g of fresh cucumbers, 200 g of apples, 100 g of vegetable oil, herbs, spices – to taste.
Free the boiled shrimp from the shell. Boiled potatoes, cucumbers, apples, finely chop the onion, add green peas, shrimp meat, dress the salad with vegetable oil and spices. Put in a salad bowl with a slide and decorate with herbs.

500 г свежемороженых или варено-мороженых креветок, 3-4 boiled eggs, 1/2 стакана тертого неострого сыра, 100 г mayonnaise, 1 ст.л. finely chopped greens, 1/4 lemon.
Мясо отварных креветок нарезать кусочками, соединить с нарубленными яйцами, сыром, частью зелени, заправить частью mayonnaise, солью, соком лимона и перемешать. Put the salad in a salad bowl, pour over the remaining mayonnaise and sprinkle with herbs.

600 g shrimp, 3 tbsp. rice, 2-3 onions, 100 g green peas, 3 boiled eggs, 50 g green salad, 100 g soy sauce, parsley or dill, salt – to taste.
Boil shrimp, peel and finely chop. Cook rice in salted water rinse, cool. Finely chop the onion, dip in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, cool. Crumble the egg whites, grind the yolks with soy sauce.
Mix everything, add green peas, salt. Garnish with lettuce leaves, herbs and egg.

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