Message: #300809
Аннета Эссекс » 18 Feb 2018, 18:33

Chicken salad with vegetables and sesame seeds


Tomato – 1 pc.
Cucumber – 1 pc.
Olives – 100 g
Hard cheese – 100 g
Smoked chicken thighs – 2 pcs.
French mustard – 1.5 tbsp.
Sesame seeds – 1 tsp


1. From smoked chicken thighs, we cut the meat and chop it lightly with a knife.
2. Hard cheese should be cut into beautiful medium-sized cubes.
3. Olives are best taken pitted – they can be easily and simply cut into neat rings.
4. Cucumber and tomato, well washed, we also cut into medium-sized cubes.
5. Now it remains to combine all our prepared ingredients.
6. In a deep salad bowl, first put the chopped chicken meat.
7. Followed by rings of olives.
8. Behind them, put cheese cubes in a salad bowl. Now it’s the turn of chopped fresh vegetables.
9. As I already noted, we will fill the salad with French mustard.
10. Now you can mix. I want to note that we don’t need salt at all – it will be enough due to chicken meat, cheese, olives and mustard.
11. Now you can put the salad on a dish and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

The salad turns out to be insanely delicious – light, juicy, with a slight hint of smoked meats and spicy mustard seeds!

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