Message: #74766
Лена Калининград » 13 Feb 2017, 10:41

Coriander: Culinary Uses and Medicinal Benefits

There are many types of coriander, and at least one of them is always used in most countries of the world – both for culinary and medicinal purposes. For medicinal purposes, coriander was used by Hippocrates, and in the East it has always been considered an aphrodisiac.
Roman physicians used it as a sedative, and the Chinese considered it a plant that bestowed immortality.
In medieval Europe, the French monks were the most famous physicians: they used coriander to treat stomach diseases, and then managed to create a drug based on it for the treatment of heart diseases and even eau de toilette, which was in great demand.
According to most scientists, the name of this crop comes from the Greek word “koris” – “bug”, and its green leaves really smell like bugs.
However, coriander seeds smell quite differently: their delicate, delicate, slightly sweet aroma can be called exquisite, therefore, in cooking, leaves and seeds are considered completely different spices and are also used in different ways.
The taste of leaves and seeds is also completely different, so it may even seem to an ignorant person that these are really different plants.
The use of coriander in cooking
When coriander leaves are used, they are commonly referred to as cilantro and are added to salads, soups, sauces, meat and fish dishes, sandwiches, and snacks. Not everyone likes the taste and smell of the leaves, so you should not use them without first knowing about the tastes of those who will eat these dishes.
The seeds are much easier to use: they are added to breads and pastries, sausages, cheeses, stews, vegetable dishes, legumes, sauces, soups and pastries. Both whole and ground seeds are used: they are put in marinades – for example, spicy salted fish, as well as alcoholic drinks – liquor or gin. Essential oil is also obtained from the seeds, which can be used in the manufacture of perfumes.
In eastern countries, coriander has always been an integral part of sweets – sweets and other delicacies; in Greece, olives are preserved with it and a delicious national dish of pork is prepared: it is stewed in red wine with the addition of seeds, so even the French, who do not like coriander, really like it.
The essential oil contained in coriander has a complex and rich composition; fatty oils are also part of the plant – they, in turn, consist of glycerides – substances that take participation in many chemical reactions; unsaponifiable substances; alkaloids that can have different effects on the human body, and vitamins.
Coriander contains vitamins A, PP, C, group B; proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, organic acids, starch, natural sugars; macroelements – potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium; trace elements – iron and iodine.
In medicine, coriander is used for its wound healing, choleretic, analgesic, decongestant and antiseptic properties.
It also stimulates digestion, improving the functioning of the stomach and intestines, so it is used internally – dry and fresh, or squeezed out for juice. If the juice is mixed with milk, it soothes severe pain in the stomach.
The use of coriander in traditional medicine
In folk medicine, seed powder, their decoctions and infusions, as well as coriander essential oil are used.
Coriander infusion is easy to make at home. The fruits (seeds) of coriander (3 tsp) are poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted like tea, and drunk. You can use this infusion as a pain reliever or digestive aid, a component of choleretic or laxative teas.
With flatulence, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, you should drink coriander infusion 3 times a day, 1/3 cup before meals. If you add cardamom seeds to coriander, then the infusion will help with indigestion, indigestion and nausea.
An amazing effect is given by the use of coriander infusion with increased nervous excitability, irritability and various mental disorders – even with epilepsy, it is able to reduce the convulsive activity of the brain.
With depression, dry red wine infused with coriander helps a lot: crushed (ground) coriander fruits (100 g) are poured with wine (1 l), insisted for a week in a dark place, shaking occasionally, filtered and taken 100 ml 3 times a day.
For diarrhea, which is not caused by an infection, but by eating foods that relax the stool, or by a nervous breakdown, a decoction of coriander seeds is prescribed. You can add pomegranate peels or pomegranate juice to it, and temporarily change the diet: eat boiled rice, natural yogurt, blueberries, bananas – in small portions.
With fever and elevated temperature, they also drink coriander infusion. Pour the seeds (2 tablespoons) at night with water at room temperature (1 glass), and in the morning they drink on an empty stomach. Then all day long they drink tea from coriander and lemon – the fever subsides. This effect is caused due to the diuretic effect of coriander, so they can relieve swelling, removing excess water from the body.
In the Middle Ages, ground coriander seed mixed with honey was used to treat diseases of the external genital organs of men: the mixture was applied to inflamed testicles and fixed with a bandage. Nowadays, there are many medications, but this recipe can also be used, if necessary, in addition to the main treatment. The choleretic and diuretic effect of coriander allows you to use it for diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, painful urination, cystitis.
It is necessary to prepare an infusion: coriander (1 tsp) and gokshura (1/2 tsp) insist in a glass of hot water, which was washed with rice, and taken 2 times a day. It helps with difficult urination and kidney stones.
Gokshura is an Indian herbal supplement (supplement) that strengthens the kidneys, improves their functioning and relieves inflammation.
If you suffer from burning sensation in the urethra or constant thirst, you need to prepare an infusion of coriander seeds (1 tsp), sugar and amalaki (by ? tsp), pouring them into a glass of boiling water overnight. The infusion should be drunk in the morning as soon as you wake up.
Amalaki is also an Indian medicinal plant with anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties. You can buy Indian drugs in pharmacies.
For women, coriander helps to normalize the disturbed menstrual cycle, soothes and reduces pain during menstruation. This is because coriander contributes to the production of the required amount of female sex hormones.
It also stimulates the activity of the endocrine glands, lowers blood sugar, which makes it very useful for diabetics.
With heartburn, they drink a drink from coriander, brewing a glass of boiling water 1-2 tsp. seeds; when coughing, prepare an infusion in water after washing the rice, adding sugar and ground coriander to it (1 tsp each).
Coriander, fennel and cumin seed tea improves digestion. The ingredients are mixed, take 1 tsp. mixture and brew like tea – for 10 minutes.
Coriander seed tea also helps with allergies: it improves well-being, soothes and relieves itching.
With conjunctivitis eyes are washed with a strong infusion of coriander: in a glass of water – 1 tbsp.
Coriander tea also helps to clear the skin of rashes and acne: it is enough to drink it for several days, and the skin condition noticeably improves.
As already noted, coriander is widely used in cooking, giving dishes a special, piquant taste.
A very simple and tasty dish – baked potatoes with coriander. It will take about 10 potatoes, vegetable oil (3 tablespoons), sour cream -? cups, ground and whole coriander (2 tsp each), black pepper and salt to taste.
Peeled potatoes cut into circles, put in a greased form, sprinkle with salt, pepper and coriander (use about 1/3), pour vegetable oil and sour cream (also use 1/3 part).
In the same way, lay out 2 more layers, put in a preheated oven and bake for about 30 minutes at 200 ° C, until a light brownish crust forms.
Coriander-based preparations should not be taken with thrombophlebitis and after myocardial infarction, as well as during pregnancy. Coriander juice in large quantities (about 100 ml per 1 dose) can cause fainting and mental disorders, so it should be used carefully and in small quantities. Seed coriander (cilantro) has a stable aroma and a burning, spicy taste.
In cooking, fresh and dried herbs and plant seeds are used. Fresh herbs are added to salads, vegetable soups, fish, rice and vegetable dishes (stews, saltworts). It is served with fatty meat dishes such as goulash and stewed or fried pork. It is good for sauces. Dried herbs are also added to soups.
The taste of coriander seeds is different from the taste of its greens. It has dry lemon and pepper tones. Coriander seeds are widely used in canning a variety of products: salting fish, sauerkraut, pickling mushrooms, in the preparation of meat (for example, stew) and canned fish, cheeses. Coriander improves the taste and aromatic qualities of legume dishes – peas, lentils and beans. The seeds of the plant are added to poultry and game dishes.
In the production of bakery and confectionery products (buns, loaves of cookies, gingerbread, etc.), coriander plays the role of a flavoring agent, enriches the taste of sausages.
This spice serves as a component that improves the taste of kvass and beer. Coriander is in the majority complex mixtures of oriental classic spices, such as “masala”. Coriander, like cardamom, is often used to make beer in European countries.
It is best to buy whole coriander seeds. Grind them, if necessary, immediately before use. To improve and enhance the taste, the seeds can be fried in a dry frying pan for 1-2 minutes before grinding and cooled.

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