Message: #118699
Аннета Эссекс » 29 May 2017, 14:09

Turkey meat is good for human health

Each person prefers the food that he likes the most. Someone prefers meat, someone loves fish more, some eat only vegetables and fruits. However, more than half of the population of our planet cannot refuse to eat meat. Yes, and you shouldn’t do it. We will not repeat that meat contains protein, which is so necessary for our body – the material for the structure of body cells. But is all meat useful and how to choose it correctly so that it only benefits a person? It’s definitely turkey meat. Turkey meat is useful for humans, as it is not only tasty, but also dietary.
Healthy and tasty turkey meat, compared to other types of meat, is rich in vitamins A and E and has very little cholesterol. Turkeys have been domesticated for over 1000 years. Healthy meat and its great taste intrigued the Spanish sailors, who brought the turkey to Europe in the 16th century. The Spaniards appreciated the benefits of turkey meat, the French, the British, and then the “Spanish chicken” got to our tables.

Turkey meat, compared to other types of meat, is the most juicy and tender, easily digestible and no less easily digested by the human body, so we have every right to call it dietary. Turkey meat is rich in phosphorus, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, manganese and iodine. But this suggests that in addition to high-quality protein, our body also receives a whole composition of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary and useful to our body.

In terms of taste, turkey can compete with chicken and beef. In other words, we can say that turkey meat is tastier than chicken, but digested just as quickly as beef or veal. But in terms of sodium content, it is ahead of these two types of meat. Sodium is useful for the human body, it replenishes the volume of blood plasma and is involved in all metabolic processes of the body. And do not forget that sodium is salt, so turkey meat tastes slightly salty and does not require a lot of table salt during cooking, which already speaks of the benefits of this meat. And this is a huge plus for people suffering from hypertension and diseases of the heart muscle.

Potassium, also found in large quantities in turkey meat, is simply necessary for a person suffering from diseases. cardiovascular and nervous systems. Eating only 100 g of turkey meat per day, you can provide yourself with a daily intake of potassium.

Turkey meat is less fatty than other types of meat, so it promotes the absorption of calcium that enters our body with other foods. Turkey can be an excellent means of preventing diseases such as osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, and arthritis.

In turkey meat, iron is 1.5 times more than in chicken and 2 times more than in beef. Therefore, such meat is indicated for people suffering from iron deficiency anemia.

B vitamins are found in full composition and volume in healthy turkey meat. They do not just improve the absorption of food, they are involved in the production of red blood cells. And no less they are useful in diseases of the central nervous system. A serving of turkey replenishes the daily dose in vitamins by 60%.

The turkey gives us vital energy much more than all other types of meat, since it surpasses all others in protein content. And the vitamin PP contained in it will be an excellent prevention of diseases such as beriberi, cellulite, brain disorders.

Turkey meat helps fight autumn depressions and all kinds of nervous disorders. This meat simply needs to be included in the diet of pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and children, as well as those people whose work is associated with heavy physical exertion. It will be necessary as a diet for people who have had severe infectious diseases, as well as those suffering from AIDS and tuberculosis.

In a word, what could be healthier for a person than turkey meat cooked for lunch or dinner?

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