Message: #118668
Аннета Эссекс » 29 May 2017, 13:25

How cabbage affects human health

Cabbage is a huge source of vitamins, and each variety of this vegetable crop is rich in healing properties. How cabbage affects human health and how useful it is, we will consider further.
Useful properties of white cabbage
The leaves of this variety of cabbage contain a large amount of vitamins, provitamins, phytoncides, fiber and other minerals necessary for human health. White cabbage is an excellent remedy for many diseases. It helps with dysfunction of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obese people. Acts as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antitoxic, bactericidal, wound healing and laxative. White cabbage stimulates the immune system and normalizes metabolism, helps to improve well-being in diseases of many internal organs. Cabbage leaves are also good for wounds, burns and skin diseases.

The properties of cabbage may vary, it depends on how it is cooked. If you cook cabbage for more than 30 minutes, then it can have a fixing effect, and if it takes 10-15 minutes, then it can be a laxative. Well-cooked cabbage enhances the properties that prevent insomnia, chronic cough, and inflammation of the intestines. Helps improve vision and heal burns. However, for people suffering from ulcers, fresh cabbage is contraindicated.
No less healthy is white cabbage in sauerkraut. It restores and develops beneficial intestinal microflora with dysbacteriosis balance, and has antimicrobial properties. Sauerkraut well stimulates digestive processes, strengthens teeth and gums. But for many people, sauerkraut can cause bloating, so you need to be careful with this type of cabbage.
White cabbage is used as a cosmetic product. It is able to strengthen hair, and for those who suffer from acne, it will help get rid of it.

How does cauliflower affect human health
Even cauliflower is often called curly, because of its appearance. Cauliflower is high in fiber. People with gastrointestinal problems should replace white cabbage with cauliflower. This type of cabbage contains vitamin C and it is 2 times more in it than in citrus fruits. Thanks to With such a high content of this vitamin, cauliflower is a natural antioxidant. It has a very good effect on the nervous system, and tartronic acid is a barrier to the appearance of new fat deposits. Cauliflower is useful for children, because the significant content of protein that prevails in this variety of cabbage is indispensable for a growing organism. Vegetable protein acts as a building material. Cauliflower removes cholesterol, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and acts as a prophylactic against heart attack and stroke. Curly cabbage juice is highly valued because it is rich in glucose and fructose. The brine helps to restore appetite.
If the wound or burn does not heal for a long time, then you can prepare a mixture of protein and lettuce leaves and apply a bandage or compress to the wound.

red cabbage
red cabbage была привезена из Западной Европы и изначально называлась “синей капустой”. It is somewhat similar to white cabbage, but it also has its own differences. This variety of cabbage is a prophylactic against tuberculosis. It contains phytoncides, which prevent the development of tubercle bacillus. Red cabbage is famous for its cleansing properties – it removes toxins and other harmful substances from the human body and cleanses the liver.
It is recommended to use red cabbage for patients with hypertension, as it helps to reduce pressure. Cabbage juice gives young girls a blush, and guys strength.

Chinese cabbage
This variety of cabbage contains:
amino acids;
– organic acids;
– glucose;
vitamins of group B, vitamin A, C, E, R.
In the East, this variety of cabbage is considered the key to good health and longevity. Often this variety of cabbage is included in all kinds of diets, fasting days are spent. with the help of it, stomach ulcers, intestinal diseases, gastritis are treated.

sea ​​kale
This cabbage, also called kelp, is rich in iodine, which removes toxins, heavy metals and radionuclides from the human body. It affects cardiovascular activity, normalizing it, controls blood pressure, lowers cholesterol. Eating seaweed, you simultaneously carry out the prevention of influenza, atherosclerosis, increase immunity, and normalize thyroid function.
Dried kelp is suitable for throat treatment, as a gargle, you need to pour a tablespoon of dried cabbage with a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 hours.
sea ​​kale – это еще и сильный афродизиак. It helps in the treatment of the female reproductive system. It is also well known and popular in cosmetology.

But there are also contraindications to sea kale, these are:
1. Iodine intolerance
2. During pregnancy
3. With kidney disease
4. With hemorrhoids
5. With tuberculosis
6. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
7. For acne
8. Chronic rhinitis

kohlrabi cabbage
This type of cabbage favorably affects the gastrointestinal tract. It is able to quickly and effectively cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins. But you need to remember that introducing this variety of cabbage into your diet, you need to drink plenty of water. Just like Chinese cabbage, kohlrabi improves appetite and normalizes metabolism. It removes excess fluid from the body, reducing the load on the liver, kidneys and gallbladder.
Useful for anemia, to restore immunity, with diabetes. Calcium, which is contained in this variety of cabbage, favorably affects the formation of hair, teeth, nails and bones in children.
All varieties of cabbage are beneficial for the health of each person in their own way.

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