Message: #73731
Лена Калининград » 11 Feb 2017, 19:13

Sports nutritional supplements and their types

There are several types of additives. Here is some of them:
1. Multivitamin complexes – unequivocal “Number-time” in our list. You can’t do without vitamins. So, we go to the pharmacy and stock up.
2. Proteins. They are whites. The main sports supplement of an athlete-bodybuilder. Basically, it’s just a meal replacement, but without fats and carbohydrates (mostly, although not always). Why is it needed? I explain! For further muscle growth of an athlete weighing, say, 100 kg, he needs to eat 200 g of protein and more per day. Usually, about 250g (with a margin if – to be sure). 100g of boiled chicken breasts contains a little less than 24g of protein. Do you understand what I mean? With a large body weight, it is sometimes quite difficult for an athlete to eat the required amount of protein, while keeping within his daily caloric intake. This is where protein supplements come in handy. There is a lot of protein in them, the calorie content is minimal. In addition, they need to be drunk, and drinking is easier than stuffing an extra 200g of chicken breasts into yourself. From protein shakes, it is recommended to get up to 50% of the total daily protein requirement (sorry for the tautology). This also includes amino acid complexes. Including the so-called BCAAs.
3. Gainers. Again, the essence is a food substitute; but this time it is a protein-carbohydrate mixture with a fairly high calorie content. They are intended mainly for the rapid delivery of carbohydrates to the body when it needs energy most of all – before and after training. Most often, gainers are used by ectomorphs to get the weight off the ground – it is often very difficult for lean people to gain muscle mass without the use of supplements. If you are an endomorph, you do not need to use carbohydrate mixtures – you risk gaining more fat than muscle.
4. Fat burners. Drugs (sports supplements), one way or another contributing to the burning of excess fat. The principle of operation may vary, but the essence, I hope, is clear. Some of my friends use fat burners, some don’t. To be honest, I’ve never seen much of a difference. See for yourself if you need it.
5. Preparations for the prevention and prevention of various injuries. Mostly joint injuries. I must say, in some cases, these complexes can be very effective. But they are intended, rather, for professional athletes, the load on the ligaments and whose joints are close to space ones.
6. Anabolic steroids and other hormonal drugs. Actually, these are no longer sports nutritional supplements, but products of the pharmacological industry. Significantly accelerate muscle growth and minimize recovery time after training. But at what cost? Do you agree to pay with your health for the unnaturally huge size of the biceps or trapezoid? Or do you still go in for sports for health, and an athletic figure and large muscles are a nice bonus? Everyone decides for himself.

Although these drugs are working (that is, they have an effect to one degree or another), the main emphasis on them should not be made. They only complement the three pillars of bodybuilding: load, recovery, nutrition. That is, you can perfectly do without all of the above sports nutritional supplements – take vitamins from fruits and vegetables, protein from meat, and so on. You can’t do without, in fact, training and rest and, of course, food.

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