Message: #413817
Аннета Эссекс » 21 Nov 2018, 16:24

Foods rich in lysine

Lysine, as an essential amino acid, is not synthesized, but enters the body with food or other supplements. It is a component of many proteins that create conditions for the normal functioning of the body and tissue repair. This amino acid also contributes to the regulation of metabolic processes, as an integral part of enzymes and hormones.

According to scientific data, being present in the body, it serves as an energy component, and, without accumulating, is released along with metabolic products. Lysine is rich in foods such as nuts, legumes, cheese, eggs, yeast, fish, meat.

Lysine performs a number of important functions:
increases muscle strength and endurance;
increases muscle volume;
develops memory;
reduces irritability and reduces headaches;
has an antiviral effect;
strengthens the hair structure.
In the fight against viral diseases
With the appearance of viral diseases, especially those serving as a source of herpes, this amino acid, paired with vitamin C, is able to exert an antiviral effect. When it enters the body, the herpes virus multiplies very actively, using the amino acid arginine as a building material for newly formed viruses. In view of the fact that this virus is not able to distinguish between these two amino acids, since they are similar in structure and chemical properties, new viruses begin to grow from lysine. And they quickly die, not multiplying further, since lysine is not suitable for them as a building material. Therefore, as a preventive measure, it is worth taking lysine, which is less harmless than antibiotics and other drugs.

In sports
Lysine in the human body serves as a component of various proteins. This explains the fact that without it, muscle tissue is not formed and muscle fiber synthesis does not occur. Therefore, it is used as an additive in sports nutrition to maintain nitrogen metabolism, protect and nourish muscles. It is also indispensable after injuries and in the postoperative period.

In addition, lysine promotes the breakdown of fats, has an antidepressant effect and acts as a powerful source of energy. Its deficiency negatively affects protein synthesis, which can cause fatigue, weakness and fatigue. Body weight also decreases, irritability, anemia, hair loss appear, appetite disappears. As a person ages more lysine is required than in youth.

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