Message: #363352
Аннета Эссекс » 12 Jul 2018, 23:16

Best Foods for Gaining Weight or Muscle Fast

For some people, gaining weight or muscle mass can be just as difficult as losing those extra pounds for others. Include these healthy foods in your diet and you will be able to cope with the task more effectively.

Milk уже несколько десятилетий используют как строителя мышц. It will provide you with a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Milk содержит как казеин, так и сывороточные белки. With it, you will get faster weight gain compared to other sources of protein. In addition, milk is rich in calcium and other vitamins and minerals.

Studies have shown that when combined with exercise, milk will add muscle to your body. Try drinking 1-2 glasses as a snack throughout the day, with meals, or before and after your workout.

Rice — удобный и недорогой источник углеводов для быстрого набора веса. Just 1 cup (165g) of cooked rice contains 190 kilocalories, which has 43 grams of carbs and very little fat. That is, you can easily get a lot of carbohydrates and calories from one serving. This will help you eat more, especially if you have a poor appetite.

nuts — идеальный продукт для набора веса. Just one small handful of almonds contains over 7 grams of protein and 18 grams of healthy fat. Since they are high in calories, just two handfuls of nuts a day as a snack or with a meal can add hundreds of calories.

red meat
Red meats are the leading muscle building foods available.

Beef steak, for example, contains about 3 g of leucine per 170 g of product. Leucine is a key amino acid that stimulates muscle protein synthesis in your body and builds new muscle tissue. red meat содержит и необходимый для наращивания мышц креатин.

Meat is an excellent source of protein. Fatty meat contains more calories that will help you gain weight.

Potato и другие крахмалистые продукты — простой и экономичный способ добавить дополнительные калории.
Try choosing one of these healthy carbohydrate sources:

winter root crops;
beans and legumes.
Potato и другие крахмалы также увеличивают мышечные запасы гликогена — основного источника сил для большинства видов спорта.

Salmon and oily fish
Like red meat, salmon and fatty fish are excellent sources of protein and important healthy fats. Main The nutrient they contain is omega-3 fatty acids. They are very important for health and disease control.

170 grams of salmon will add you 350 kilocalories and 4 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. This serving will give you 34 grams of high quality protein to help you build muscle or gain weight.

Dried fruits
Dried fruits are a high-calorie snack that contains healthy fibers and antioxidants. Mix dried fruits with protein sources (meat, protein shake) or mix with nuts and yogurt.

Whole wheat bread
Whole grain bread is another good source of carbohydrates for weight gain. Make a balanced diet by combining bread with protein sources such as meat, egg and cheese.

Avocado наполнен здоровыми жирами и питательными веществами. One large avocado (200 grams) contains 332 calories, 29 grams of fat, and 17 grams of fiber. Add avocados to main dishes, salads, sandwiches, omelettes, or eat them on their own.

healthy cereals
Healthy grains are an excellent source of carbohydrates, calories, and nutrients. Avoid cereals that are high in sugar. The perfect choice is oatmeal.

Dark chocolate
High-quality dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants and other nutrients. It is recommended to choose chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or more. 100 grams of the product contains 600 kilocalories.

Cheese — очень хороший источник белка и здоровых жиров. Cheese можно добавлять к большинству блюд, и с ним вы получите несколько сотен килокалорий.

It is one of the healthiest muscle building foods. Eggs отлично сочетают высококачественные белки и здоровые жиры. They are filled with nutrients. It is recommended to eat 3 eggs a day.

Full fat yogurt
Another healthy and convenient snack. Yogurt has a well-balanced combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Eat yogurt with fresh or dried fruits, berries, nuts, seeds, honey or coconut flakes.

healthy oils
healthy oils — один из самых высококалорийных продуктов. One tablespoon of oil adds 135 kilocalories to the dish.

Choose healthy oils: olive, avocado, coconut, pumpkin seed, linseed, almond and walnut oils.

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