Message: #67218
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 18:09

The Way of the Qigong Master. Life story of teacher Wang Liping. Kaigo

Van Липин сказал, что главное-то не в широте или узости учебных курсов. Сами «Three Мира» – это три разных уровня единого. The key point is that you need to have a "three-dimensional" thinking, you need to have a new philosophy.

BUTвторы книги спросили, не о том же ли самом говорится в словах буддийской сутры «На кончике иглы замечаешь десятиугольную пагоду, ничтожная пылинка на сидении превращается в ATеликое Колесо Дхармы»?

Г-н Van Липин с улыбкой кивнул.


Towards a new dawn of Eastern culture

Against the backdrop of Western science and technology that flourished over several centuries, Eastern culture faded. The desire of mankind for material goods is stimulated by the development of productive forces achieved with the help of science and technology, it has already become unprecedentedly high and continues to grow faster and faster. People have known the comfort of human life and at the same time endure unprecedented suffering. it век культуры and anticultures. When it is dark in the east, it is light in the west.

But few understanding people already foresee the future dawn in the east. And вскоре станет видно, что на этом ATостоке есть древний и в то же время вечно новый мир, в котором сияет и искрится новый свет древней культуры.

With all the development of science and technology, mankind has now come to the boundary of difficulties.

Science and technology cannot continue to develop according to their own logic, to which they owe their gigantic successes. Heа очертила круг, из которого они не могут вырваться, не могут его превзойти.

What, ultimately, are the forms of the existence of matter, the forms of motion? Many scientists are puzzled by these questions. Another limit is the speed of light. Is it possible to hope to surpass the speed of this material movement, even if we consider this constant as the only and universal for all radiations? Is there anything else moving faster than the speed of light?

Science has received a very large development in the humanities, but these successes are also limited to the area delineated by science. Heа как будто коснулась другой стороны человека, но у нее не хватает смелости признать существование этой другой стороны. Only a few scientists are now fighting for the recognition of its right to exist. We имеем в виду познание человеческого духа.

AT этом вопросе религия и наука стоят на разных позициях. The two given forces were once in antagonistic relations, but only for a short time, and it must be said that it has already passed. ATсе больше и больше людей начинает теперь понимать, что наука и религия должны дополнять друг друга. As Einstein said, "Science without religion is fatal; religion without science is blind." Taoists would find Einstein's words very insightful.

Byложение нынешней науки можно оценить так: современная философия не указывает ей ясного направления и правильного выхода.

Another serious problem is the use of scientific results. We will not list the important mistakes made by mankind in this direction, as well as their serious and sad consequences. Many, many scientists, naturalists and social activists have issued warnings here, and the warnings are becoming more and more urgent. But, as Toynbee said, "The unfortunate consequences caused by science cannot be remedied by science itself."

Need a new one worldview, a new culture is needed.

Today, the development of science and technology has threatened the very existence of man. Danger threatens him not only from natural disasters, but also from humanity itself.

Jung put it even more poignantly:

Today, more than ever, we see clearly that the danger to all of us, people, is threatened not at all by nature, but by humanity itself, by its individual and mass intellect. Heа состоит в том, что человеческий дух утратил свое постоянство.

Two scientists concerned with human intelligence spoke about the problem of the spiritual crisis of mankind. One of them is the Japanese Suzuki Daisetsu, the other is the American Erich Fromm. The following are quotations from Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis.


Although the peoples living in the West do not feel this (or do not feel it in their majority), they are now experiencing a crisis of Western culture. But at least all critical observers recognize the existence of this crisis and understand its nature. itт кризис может быть описан как «беспокойство», «усталость», «болезнь века», инертность, механизация человека, изоляция человека от самого себя, от своих соотечественников, а также от природы. AT следовании рационализму человек дошел до такой степен, когда рационализм становится нерациональным. Byсле Хайдеггера человек с каждым днем все более отделяет мышление от чувства; counts. that only thinking is rational, and feelings obey their nature, that is, they are irrational. Man is cut into two halves, one of them is rational and is considered to be the true Self, which must control the other Self in the same way as it should control nature. The rationalistic management of nature, as well as the production of more and more goods, has become the highest goal of life. AT этом процессе человек превратил самого себя в вещь, человеческая жизнь превратилась в приложение к товару, и существование стало управляться обладанием. AT истоках западной культуры – греческой и иудейской культурах –целью жизни был совершенный человек, а современный человек считает, что целью жизни является совершенная вещь, а также знание того, как эту совершенную вещь создать. Western man is now in impotence from spiritual split - in the impotence of feeling. Byэтому он и ощущает тоску, anxiety and despair.

Судзуки Дайсэцу, говоря сначала о ATостоке. quotes a story from Chuang Tzu:

One farmer dug a well to water the field. He таскал воду из колодца ведром, как это делалось в древности. Шел мимо прохожий и сказал: «Byчему ты не используешь журавль, ведь сил тогда тратится меньше и сделать можно больше». The peasant said: “I know that it saves strength, that's why I don't use it. I am afraid that from the use of such a cunning mechanism, a person’s heart can also become like a mechanism, and a mechanical heart will make a person dissolute and negligent.

Westerners often wonder why the Chinese do not develop more of their science and machines. Heи удивляются потому, что когда-то у китайцев было ведь много открытий и изобретений, например, магнит, порох, колесо, бумага и прочие вещи. The main reason is that the Chinese and Asians in general like to live for the sake of life, and they do not want to turn it into a means to achieve other goals, because life can take a completely different track in this way.

BUT теперь посмотрим, что Судзуки говорит о Западе.

The machine is opposed to the philosophy of work or the philosophy of work of Chuang Tzu, and the Western idea of ​​personal freedom and human responsibility is contrary to the Eastern idea of ​​absolute freedom.

Man comes into conflict with the machine, and because of this conflict, the West is experiencing a gigantic psychological stress, which manifests itself in all areas of his life.

A person can talk about freedom, but the machine limits him everywhere, so the matter does not go beyond talk. Western man is subject to restrictions and prohibitions from the very beginning. His spontaneity is by no means his own, it is the spontaneity of a machine. The machine is incapable of creativity, it moves only because something in it allows it to do so, it never "acts" like a "man".

A man can only be free if he is no longer an individual. He свободен только тогда, когда отрицает себя и сливается с целым, говоря более точно, когда он является и не является самим собой. Only when a person fully understands this seemingly obvious contradiction, he has the right to talk about freedom or responsibility or spontaneity. For example, the spontaneity that Westerners, especially psychoanalysts, talk about is nothing more and nothing less than childish or animal spontaneity, and not at all the spontaneity of a mature person.

The crisis facing humanity is generated by the machine, generated by science.

Need a new one мировоззрение. a new culture is needed.

When it is dark in the west, it is bright in the east.

“The earth is shrouded in darkness, not at all like the darkness of natural night. it первобытный мрак духа, сегодня он таков же, каким был миллионы лет назад» (Юнг)

But in the east, in this darkness, the first glimpses of dawn are already appearing.

it новая заря восточной культуры. ATстанем же навстречу приходу зари с востока.


BUTвторы выражают глубокую благодарность следующим лицам, много способствовавшим созданию и публикации этой книги:

Ms. Shi Fenglan, Head of Human Resources, Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

Г-же Цзян Andн, заместителю генерального директора гостиницы Цзиньчэн проинции Ляонин и всем ее сослуживцам.

BUTвторы, 19 сентября 1990 года.

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