Message: #67237
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 18:20

Ba Duan Wellness Qigong Jing (eight pieces of brocade)

Palm внутренней стороной направлена к себе, пальцы направлены влево, рука расслаблена. Following the right hand, raise the left hand from the bottom up, turning the palm away from you, fingers pointing up. Hands seem to be crossed in the area of ​​​​the forearms. Then you begin to spread your arms: one to the left, the other to the right. As soon as the centers of the palms are directed at each other, we clench the palm of the right hand into a fist and continue to pull the arm to the right to the side, as if trying to pull the bowstring. it натяжение необходимо осуществлять плечом и предплечьем. At this point, you must focus your mind so that you actually feel that you are drawing a very powerful and tight bow. Simultaneously with the execution of the movement with the right hand, we turn the palm of the left hand outward to the left and begin to stretch the arm to the left away from us.

At the moment of turning the palm of your left hand to the left, you must move it to the position shown in the photo. You seem to be holding a bow in your left hand, and pulling the bowstring of this bow with your right hand. The movement must be performed simultaneously, just as at the end point your hands must be at the same time. The left arm extended to the side should be slightly bent at the elbow in the final phase of the movement. First, you stretch it as much as possible, then, instantly relaxing your hand, slightly bend it in elbow. When you relax your arm, your elbow will involuntarily bend as much as necessary. When you stretch your hand to the left, you must first concentrate on the center of the left palm - the Laogong point, then on the index finger extended upward.

In order to correctly perform the movement with your left hand, create the following figurative representation: an elastic band is tied from the shoulder to the index finger, the more we push the arm, the more it stretches. We kind of have to overcome this tension.

Now consider a figurative representation for the right hand. At the moment when the centers of the palms are directed at each other, imagine that there is a piece of viscous dough between them. The dough pulls your hands together and prevents them from coming apart. Clenching your right hand into a fist, you sort of grab the dough and, trying to tear it away from your left hand, stretch your right hand to the side. In the final phase of the stretch, your arms should be in a straight line at shoulder height. If you raise the elbow of the right hand above the required level, there will be excessive tension in the upper body, if you lower the elbow down, this tension will completely disappear. Therefore, your arms should be in a straight line and tense to stabilize the draw of the bow. At this point, you should clearly focus on stretching the imaginary bow. This concentration of your mind is the source of the circulation of Qi energy.

In the first exercise, we already mentioned that the “second piece of brocade” is aimed at stretching our energy sphere in a horizontal projection. If you lower your right elbow too far down, the sphere will have a distorted outline, as the tension will disappear and the line of your hands will no longer be straight.

If you stretch your left arm too far to the side or tense it too much, then the sphere will end at the point of tension, that is, at the elbow, as the free circulation of Chi energy will disappear. Accordingly, there should not be any excessive stress. Помимо вышеописанных двух mistakes, может возникнуть и третья – если вы, пытаясь сесть в низкую стойку, слишком сильно наклоните корпус или плечи вперед, то нарушится свободная циркуляции энергии Ци вдоль позвоночника. Therefore, your body should be like a cross, the vertical line of which runs along the spine, horizontal - exactly through arms stretched at the same level. it положение и будет являться каркасом правильной сферы.

Another important point is the look. You should not look at the outstretched hand, but at a distant point, at the intended target.

After you have completed the exercise in both directions, relax your arms, straighten your knees, step your left foot to the right if you are doing the exercise to the left, and vice versa, if you are doing the exercise to the right, lower your arms down and return to the starting position.

Exercise 3

One hand in the air - normalizes the work of the stomach and spleen

As the name suggests, doing this "brocade cut" has a beneficial effect on the stomach and spleen. When you alternate between pushing with the palm up and pressing with the palm down, you relax the muscles of the front of the body, and focusing on the palms up and down will allow you to stretch your arms as much as possible without straining the muscles. Thus, tendons and muscles are strengthened. Changing the position of the hands alternates stretching and relaxing the muscles of the body, due to this, we kind of awaken Qi in the energy channels of our body and increase the circulation of energy in the stomach, liver and spleen.

Let's take a closer look at the correct execution of hand movements. Standing in the starting position, we place our hands at the level of the Lower Dan Tian area. The right palm is above the left, both palms are turned upside down. You must imagine and feel the inseparable connection between the palms of the hands. Turning the left palm with the inside down, we kind of break the connection between the hands, but it is imperative to continue to feel it further. While inhaling, we begin to raise the right hand, facing the edge of the palm towards ourselves, along the anterior median meridian upwards.

The left hand remains in the same position. When the right hand reaches the level of the Middle Dan Tian, ​​turn the palm around the wrist clockwise and perform a push with the palm up. Simultaneously with this movement, we move the left hand from the position at the level of the lower Dan Tian to the position near the left thigh and press it with the palm down. During pushing and pressing, there is concentration on the palms, but by “straining the palms”, you do not strain the muscles of the hands.

After concentration, you need to relax your hands, for this, on the exhale, turn your palms - the right one at the top with the inner side down, the left one at the bottom with the inner side up, transfer the left hand to the level of the lower Dan Tian and begin to smoothly connect the hands, pulling the right to the left. At this point, the hands are as relaxed as possible. The change of concentration and relaxation, alternating stretching and relaxation of the muscles of the body, allows you to increase the circulation of energy in the stomach, spleen and liver.

When the hands reach the level of the middle Dan Tian during the approach, we inhale again and change the position of the hands, then we perform a push with the left hand at the top, pressing with the right hand at the bottom.

The mistake is excessive tension of the hands during the movement up and down, the hands should not tremble from excessive muscle tension. To understand with what effort it is necessary to spread your arms, create the following figurative representation: your hands are inextricably linked with a gymnastic tourniquet and the tension with which you spread your arms should correspond to the stretching of this tourniquet, but no more.

Another mistake is to perform movements only with your hands. Be sure to include the body. When you break the connection between the hands, the body remains motionless, during the turn of the palm before raising the arm up, the body turns slightly in the direction of raising the arm (the right arm stretches up, the body turns to the right). While raising the arm up, the body is again slightly turned forward. You should do the same when raising your left hand up.

it необходимо для спиралевидного закручивания энергии Ци в нижней части позвоночника в точке Минмэнь. Another important point is the look. While raising the hand up, look at the hand. After relaxing the hands, the gaze should be directed forward.

Упражнение four

Looking back - prevents various diseases and sprains

With the previous four exercises, we worked out the "Small Heavenly Cycle" - from the top of the head to the buttocks. The next four exercises should also involve the legs - the Great Heavenly Cycle.

First, let's understand what the five ailments and seven injuries are. The five diseases are diseases of the heart, liver, spleen, kidneys and lungs. The seven injuries are those caused by strong emotions: happiness, hate, grief, joy, anger, love, and desire. In Chinese medicine it is believed that the occurrence of diseases is associated with the impact of emotional upheavals on the internal organs, if they are weak. However, not only the internal organs are affected by this effect - strong emotions cause an excessive accumulation of our Chi energy in the head. Turning the head loosens the muscles, blood vessels, and Qi channels in the neck area, allowing our energy to circulate more smoothly and freely to the head. In addition, since you train your


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