Message: #67237
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 18:20

Ba Duan Wellness Qigong Jing (eight pieces of brocade)

post-workout state

Training is a process that combines body movement, breathing and mental regulation. The post-workout state is the comfortable and natural state of the mind and body after a workout. You must independently choose the level of load and intensity of classes in accordance with your physical condition. This is necessary for the correct execution of the exercises. The same applies to breathing.

Training and post-workout state are interconnected. You must determine the duration of the exercises, the number of repetitions and the intensity of the movements, so that after training your mind, body and circulation of Qi (internal energy) will find balance. This combination applies equally to everyday life. Compliance with the daily routine improves health and increases the effect of performing the exercises of the Ba Duan Jing complex.

gradual progress

At the beginning of the complex, beginners may feel pain in the muscles and joints. Gradually she will leave.

For those who have just begun to perform this complex, we advise you to breathe naturally. When a certain time has passed and you have gained experience in coordinating movements and breathing, you can move on to deep breathing.

The effectiveness of this complex depends on the characteristics of each person. But with the constant, correct performance of the exercises of this complex, each person will feel their healing effect. The most important thing is persistence.

Chapter four

Step by step description of movements

Section one

The position of the arms and legs

Basic hand positions


The fingers are bent, the thumb touches the base of the ring finger (Fig. one).

rice. one


Первая форма ладони: пальцы слегка согнуты и растопырены (rice. 2).

rice . 2

Second palm shape ("empty grip"): Straighten your thumb and forefinger. Согните первый и второй суставы остальных пальцев (rice. 3).

rice. 3


Fingers together, wrist straight. Первый сустав большого пальца и первый и второй суставы остальных пальцев согнуты (rice. four).

rice. four

Base Rack

horse stance

Feet two to three feet apart. Примите положение полуприседа, при этом бедра находятся на уровне чуть выше уровня горизонта (rice. 5).

rice. 5

Section 2


Starting position

one. Станьте прямо. Legs are together, arms are freely located along the body. Взгляд направлен прямо (rice. 6).

rice. 6

2. Shift your body weight to your right leg, stomach and thighs relaxed. Take a step to the side with your left foot. The toes point forward. Legs shoulder width apart. Взгляд направлен прямо (rice. 7).

rice. 7

3. Turn your arms inward. Raise them to the level of the hips, palms facing back. Взгляд направлен прямо (rice. eight).

rice. eight

four. (Продолжение.) Слегка согните колени. Turn your arms outward, in the form of a semicircle, raise them to the level of the navel. Ладони направлены в сторону живота на расстоянии one0 см друг от друга (rice. 9).

rice. 9

Key points

? Stretch your neck up, lips pursed. The tongue touches the sky. Shoulders and elbows are down. Straighten the chest, relax the stomach, the hips and buttocks do not rise, the upper body is straightened.

? Breathe slowly, directing the air to the Dan Tien point (5 cm below the navel). Take 6-9 breaths and exhalations.

Common Mistakes

? With the hands in the shape of a semicircle at the level of the navel, the thumb is pointing up, and the rest of the fingers are pointing down.

? Bulging belly. The knees are strongly bent. The feet are too far apart.

Error correction

? The shoulders and elbows should be lowered, the fingers pointing towards each other, the thumbs should be at the same level.

? Tighten the buttocks, the Mingmen point (on the lower back) is relaxed, the knees are bent, but do not go beyond the toes. Feet apart, parallel to each other.

Purpose and effect

? This exercise calms the mind, regulates breathing and relaxes the internal organs. The body is straightened, is in a ready position.

Raising the palms to the sky - normalizes the work of internal organs

Упражнение one

one. (Продолжайте с последнего движения предыдущего упражнения.) Опустите руки вниз. Interlace your fingers in front of your stomach, palms facing up. Взгляд направлен прямо (rice. one0).

rice. one0

2. Slowly straighten your knees. Raise your arms to chest level, palms facing up. Turn your palms inward and raise them to the sky. Now the palms are facing up. Raise your head and зафиксируйте взгляд на ладонях (rice. oneone).

rice. oneone

3. Straighten your elbows to fully straighten your arms. Втяните подбородок, взгляд направлен прямо (rice. one2).

rice. one2

four. Слегка согните колени, перенесите вес тела вперед. Spread your fingers, lower your hands to the level of the navel. At this level, hold your arms in a semicircle, palms facing up. Взгляд – прямо (rice. one3).

rice. one3

This exercise should be done six times.

Key points

? Raising your arms, expand your chest. Then take a short break.

? Lowering your arms, relax your stomach and buttocks. Shoulders and elbows are down. Relax your hands and fingers, the torso is straight.

Common Mistakes

? When raising the arms, the head is not raised enough up. In the middle of the execution, the movements stop, which interrupts the flow of power.

Error correction

? Raising the arms and straightening the chest are performed with effort. First lift your chin to support the movement, then pull it in to help lift your arms up. The force should be concentrated in the lower part of the palms.

Purpose and effect

? The purpose of the exercise is to activate the Sanjiao (three body cavities in which the internal organs are located). Raising the arms up and down, ensures blood circulation and the circulation of Qi energy within the organs.

? By stretching the muscles and ligaments around the joints and soft tissues of the body, we increase their mobility and flexibility. This prevents problems around the shoulder and neck area.

Shooting with the right and left hands in the pose of an archer

Exercise 2

one. (Продолжайте с последнего движения предыдущего упражнения.) Перенесите вес тела вправо и сделайте шаг в сторону левой ногой. Straighten your knees, stand straight. Raise your hands in front of your chest, left hand out, palms directed inward. Взгляд – прямо (rice. onefour).

rice. onefour

2. Slowly bend your knees to take your horse's stance. After forming a paw with your right palm, move your right hand to a position in front of your right shoulder. Separate the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, slightly bend the first and second knuckles of the remaining fingers. Rotate your left arm inward and move it to the left to a position in front of your shoulder. Bend your left hand, palm facing left. Your stance should resemble an archer preparing to shoot. Зафиксируйте это положение, взгляд при этом направлен влево (rice. one5).

rice. one5

3. Shift your body weight to the right, opening both arms. Raise your right hand in an arc to the level of your right shoulder, fingers pointing up, palm tilted forward. Spread the fingers of your left hand, palm tilted back. Взгляд направлен на правую ладонь (rice. one6).

rice. one6

four. Переместите вес тела вправо. Connect your legs together. Lower your hands to the level of your stomach, palms pointing up, fingers on top of each other. Взгляд направлен прямо (rice. one7).

rice. one7

Движения 5–eight – те же, что и one–four, но выполняются в противоположном направлении (rice. oneeight–2one).

rice. oneeight

rice. one9

This exercise is performed three times to the right and three times to the left.

rice. twenty

rice. 2one

Performing the last movement a third time, shift your body weight to the left. Feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent. Lower your hands down to the level of your stomach, imagine that you are holding a ball in your hands. Ладони направлены вверх, пальцы – друг на друга, взгляд – прямо (rice. 22).

rice. 22

Key points

? Being in the position of an archer, ready to shoot, close the fingers of the hand drawing the bowstring, and keep the hand at shoulder level.

? The shoulder and elbow of the left hand are lowered, the left hand is bent, the thumb and forefinger are pointing up, the palm is in the “empty grip” position.

? Elderly or physically difficult people should take into account their condition and perform the exercise in accordance with their feelings.

Common Mistakes

? The shoulders are raised, the back is stooped, the feet are too far apart.

Error correction

? Keep your shoulders and elbows down, torso straight, feet parallel to each other. This makes it easier to perform movements with effort.

Purpose and effect

? The imitation of the archer's posture stimulates the meridians, such as the Dumai meridian (the vessel of the emperor), as well as a number of points, such as Shu-xue (runs along the spine). Performing this exercise normalizes the flow of energy along the pulmonary canal of the Thaiyin arm.

? Also, this exercise strengthens the muscles of the legs and improves the sense of balance. The muscles of the forearms and hands are strengthened, the mobility and flexibility of the joints of the fingers and hand are increased.

? This exercise corrects bad posture and prevents neck and shoulder problems.

One hand in the air - normalizes the work of the stomach and spleen

Exercise 3

one. (Продолжайте с последнего движения предыдущего упражнения.) Медленно выпрямите колени, ноги врозь. At this time, raise your left hand in front of your face, turning it inward, to a position above your head on the left, elbow slightly bent. Fingers point to the right. Concentrate strength at the bottom of the raised palm. At the same time, lift your right arm slightly and then move it to a position near your hip, elbow slightly bent, fingers pointing forward. Concentrate the force at the base of the right palm. The gaze is directed straight ahead. Зафиксируйте это положение (rice. 23).

rice. 23

2. Slowly shift your body weight down, bend your knees slightly. The abdomen is relaxed, the hips are lowered. At the same time, bend the elbow of the left hand and move the left hand down

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