Message: #67214
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 18:06

The Tao of Tai Chi Chuan. Zhou Zonghua

Iн Цзянь, требует компактности поз и быстрых движений. Particular attention is paid to the movement of the waist, arms and legs as a whole. Andз этих трех форм малую труднее всего изучать, поскольку в ней движение и скорость как бы сгущены и достигается большая интенсивность внутренней силы-цзинъ.

It takes a very long time to learn all three forms. In the beginning, it is enough to study one or two poses a day. The study слишком большого количества поз сразу приводит к искажениям. At this time, high speed of execution and the use of force are unacceptable. The first harms the development of qi, and the second spoils the blood. If practiced correctly, you may get more benefit from one or two postures than someone from the full form of tai chi repeated several times incorrectly.

During training, pay attention to the following details. Touch the palate with your tongue, close your teeth and lips, breathe through your nose, straighten your body, lift your chest and back, relax your shoulders and elbows, keep your neck and head straight. Start exercising with the feeling of the body as a whole, feel fullness and qing. Различайте плотное и пустое, Andнь и Iн, очищайте ум, концентрируйтесь для роста осознания и отбросьте all thoughts. Develop perseverance of spirit and physical endurance and relieve all tension. With constant persistent practice, breathing can be brought under control. Relaxation relieves clumsy strength. In every movement of the posture, let an atmosphere of relaxation and softness permeate from the outer forms into the interior of the body. Such exercises increase vitality and harmonize qi and blood. If these conditions are not observed, the spirit-shen and consciousness are excited, seethe and worry, giving rise to undesirable reactions.

Andтак, изучение комплекса тайцзицюаньских поз, независимо от ваших знаний и способностей, требует по крайней мере полугода. Skill is proportional to the frequency of training. The more you practice, the better you will perform the poses. If you действительно хотите достичь боевого мастерства, надо на каждом занятии повторить весь набор форм не менее трех once. The first repetition only stretches the body. If there are more than two repetitions, then energy is already developing and skill is increasing. If you want to exercise for health, then half a set per session is enough.

Butвичкам для занятий нужно просторное помещение со свежим воздухом. If the lack of space does not allow you to perform taijiquan without interruptions, you will not be able to concentrate well and maintain the desired direction of movement. But для достигших мастерства не требуется вообще никакого пространства для занятий. The master can perform taijiquan even while sitting or lying down. В этом случае он сосредоточивается не на внешних проявлениях, а на ментальной practice.

It is recommended to practice twice a day - half an hour after waking up and an hour before going to bed. Each lesson lasts 20-25 minutes.

As you complete the form, maintain a constant rhythm until the end. Move from one pose to another smoothly. Perform poses without mistakes. Show neither excessive concavity nor excessive convexity. Do not make incoherent movements, act with awareness.

Необходимо знать применение каждой позы, а также то, как вовлекаются в движение Andнь и Iн. The beginner should not worry too much about breathing. For him, the most important thing is to make the form smooth. Let the body be filled with qi. Let the mind and body be in harmony.

The next step (after having studied the form completely considering all the points mentioned above) is to practice the entire form to the left. side, i.e. with the replacement in each position of the legs, arms and directions of rotation to the opposite ones. So, if the left hand is raised in the original position, then raise the right hand, etc. Familiarization with the mirror version of the form makes it possible to achieve higher levels of mastery. Then you can learn fixed Pushing Hands, non-fixed Pushing Hands, dalü tai chi sparring and weapon forms. In any case, it is necessary to move on slowly, and then there will be the expected effect.

Beginners may experience bodily weakness and pain in the leg muscles. This is a physiological reaction. Andногда эти явления длятся несколько месяцев, и не нужно их пугаться. There is a restructuring of the body. Old structures are destroyed and replaced by new ones. Another reason for these reactions is too much tension in the body. Since Tai Chi Chuan teaches general relaxation of the body, the legs get tired easily. Such fatigue disappears after 2-3 hours and is replaced by an influx of spirit and energy. In the initial period of practice, other phenomena may also be observed. There is an improvement in appetite. Due to improved blood circulation, beginners need more time to sleep - 8-9 hours. But через небольшой промежуток времени возвращается нормальная потребность в сне, а старшие практикующие обходятся только 4-5 часами сна.

"Is sexual life allowed for people who practice Tai Chi Chuan?"

The answer to this question will be yes. We are not superhuman. But, конечно, чтобы иметь больший резерв энергии, половая жизнь должна быть менее интенсивной, чем у обычных здоровых людей, а в переходный период от слабости к силе и вовсе остановлена (для пожилых и немощных). Smoking and drinking are allowed, but not within 30 minutes. before and after taijiquan classes. Otherwise, harm is done to internal organs.

Beginners may also experience numbness in the fingers, hands, and feet due to the use of force during the exercise. To избавиться от этого ощущения, потрясите конечностями пару минут.

If beginners attach too much importance to the correct execution of a pose, sometimes they can forget the next movement due to inexperience.

Now about breathing. For beginners, it is better to breathe naturally through the nose and temporarily ignore the long and deep breathing combined with the movements of the body and limbs. If you на этой стадии будете focus on the inner breath, the outer form will be easily forgotten. But when you reach the level where the movements of the body guide the breath, then the smooth breathing will make the external posture freer and more fluid. Butвичкам настоятельно рекомендуется не спешить опускать ци в Даньтянь, поскольку, делая это в неверно выбранное время, вы получите как раз обратную реакцию. Ask if the position doesn't feel comfortable. Contact the teacher and he will make the necessary corrections. Do not continue if the position is not comfortable for you.

The author lists some of the misconceptions that he had before starting to practice taijiquan:

1. Taijiquan movements are so soft and slow, how can they improve health? Atкреплять силу?

2. The movements of Tai Chi Chuan are so gentle, how can they be a martial art?

3. Does the emptying of the chest harm the work of the lungs (han xiong).

four. Может быть, Даньтянь -это просто толстая кишка? After practicing taijiquan, he got rid of his prejudices with the following arguments:

1. Since the application of force is done without effort, it is possible to move faster. Atдобная поза и естественное дыхание плюс сокращение излишнего напряжения способствуют свободному току крови и ци. This improves health and generates internal energy.

2. How can you fight with slow movements? Slow movement is intended to seek immobility, but as a result, you can increase speed if necessary. In addition, through Tai Chi Chuan, one can develop the skill of "listening to the enemy's energy", or ting jin, and "understanding the opponent's energy", or dong jin. Strength develops from softness. There is potential speed hidden in slow motion. The movements of tai chi quan originate from the center of the body and are controlled by the lower back, not just the movements of the arms and legs. The main axis of the machine rotates slowly, but, being transmitted through a system of gears and cardans, the movement can acquire a high speed. The same principle operates in the transmission of motion to the limbs.

3. Does the emptying of the chest, or han xiong, interfere with the functioning of the lungs? Straightening the chest and back without relaxing the shoulders and lowering the elbows does have a bad effect. For natural breathing, you need to try to empty your chest and relax everything at the same time. body.

four. Справедливо ли, что Даньтянь и толстая кишка, в сущности, одно и то же?

The author initially felt empty in the abdominal region. But он ничего не знал о Даньтяне целых три года, пока не осознал, что Даньтянь, штаб-квартиру всего тела, можно натренировать так, чтобы он хранил, возмещал и питал ци. If qi is stored, the dan tian is full. Then you can beat on it like a drum. The breathing of tai chi practitioners who breathe dan tian rather than lungs is different from the breathing of other people. Butворожденные младенцы дышат, как замечено, через живот. But по мере роста ребенка дыхание все больше удаляется от Даньтяня. People who die of old age breathe only through their nose and throat. Andтак, между жизнью и дыханием через Даньтянь существует прямая связь. The author did not know how to store qi in the Dan Tian. But как можно знать вкус пищи, не отведав ее? How can you describe the beauty that you have never seen?

The reason for the appearance of random thoughts is mental unrest. To избавиться от них, смотрите перед собой так, как будто перед вами стоят враги. Don't let the excitement build. By familiarizing yourself with a set of tai chi quan postures, you will achieve peace of mind.

After performing four or five postures, there may also be an increase in salivation. From swallowing this saliva, the body receives both great benefits and a sense of comfort. Saliva, for its tonic and nourishing


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