Message: #87005
Ольга Княгиня » 10 Mar 2017, 19:35

Therapeutic exercises of Chinese medicine. C. Qingnan

of the schools of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and worldly means. It has an excellent effect on the physical condition, maintaining health and prolonging life. Below is a description of the exercise.
[one] Поза. The practice posture can be seated (sitting with legs naturally bent, one or both legs crossed), standing or free.
A. Sitting with naturally bent legs ("in Turkish" - approx. per.). Cross your shins, soles pointing out and back, buttocks on the mattress, thighs on your shins. The head, neck and upper body should be straight, buttocks slightly back so that the chest is slightly drawn in. Relax your neck muscles, tilt your head slightly forward, close your eyes a little, lower your arms naturally. Hold the hands together (or place one palm on top of the other), placing them on the thighs in front of the stomach (fig. 12-5).
B. Sitting with one leg crossed. Sit cross-legged, left shin on the right, instep of the left leg firmly on the right thigh, foot facing up. You can sit with your right shin on top of your left, with the instep firmly located on the left thigh, the foot facing up. All subsequent movements are similar to those described in paragraph A (Fig. 12-6).
C. Sitting with both legs crossed. Place the right shin on the left and the left shin on the right, crossing them, both feet pointing up and placed on the thighs. All subsequent movements are the same. described above (Fig. 12-7).
Although sitting in one of the three postures given may cause numbness in the legs, these positions help to achieve a calm inner state. If your legs are stiff, stretch them out or massage them with your hands, and they will return to normal. After этого можно поменять позу и продолжить упражнение.
G. Standing posture. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, chest pulled in, spine straight, head slightly tilted forward, eyes slightly closed, shoulders relaxed, elbows down, forearms slightly bent at the elbows. The thumbs are turned away from the rest, as if you are holding something in front of the lower abdomen (Fig. 12-8). Alternatively, the forearms can be raised and the hands placed in front of the chest as if holding a ball (Figure 12-9).
Standing exercises can be done both indoors and outdoors, but the best place will be where it is quiet, calm and fresh air.
D. Free posture. No specific posture is required here. it зависит от условий, при которых вы занимаетесь цигун.
[2] Breathing methods: static breathing, deep breathing, rhythmic breathing and reverse breathing.
A. Static breathing. This type is also called natural breathing. During qigong practice, breathe naturally. There is no need to alter your normal breathing or to consciously control it in any way. However, it is different from your normal breathing. Breathe with a relaxed body, without following distracting thoughts, with a calm and peaceful mind. it скажется на регуляции дыхания и умственной деятельности. This method is most suitable for the elderly and physically weakened people, as well as those who suffer from pulmonary diseases.

B. Deep breathing. It is also called deep and long breathing. Your breathing must be deep and long in order to increase the vital capacity of your lungs. On the вдохе грудь и живот раздаются, дыхание при этом тихое, тонкое, ровное, мягкое и медленное. When the brain reaches a state of rest, breathing becomes continuous and constant, it seems that it has stopped, but it is there. This method is most suitable for people suffering from neurosis, constipation or absent-mindedness.
B. Rhythmic breathing. Don't count your breaths, but count your breaths. When you reach 10, start the countdown again. itт метод хорош для успокоения ума. Leave counting when the brain comes to rest.
D. Reverse breathing. On the вдохе расширьте грудь, и втяните живот, а на выдохе втяните грудь и расширьте живот. Reverse breathing should be approached gradually until it becomes natural. It should not go through force. After практики в течение продолжительного времени, вы сможете выполнять обратное дыхание плавно, медленно, ровно, тихо, тонко, глубоко и долго. itт метод способствует массажу внутренних органов. Он также хорошо помогает достичь головному мозгу состояния покоя, предупреждая и излечивая illness.
In these four methods, breathing is through the nose and the tongue rests against the upper palate. Slowly swallow saliva as it accumulates. If you find it difficult to breathe through your nose, open your mouth slightly to make breathing easier. Deep and reverse breathing should not be used after eating. However, static breathing can be used both before and after eating.
[3] Mental concentration.
In the health-promoting exercise, the mind should also be focused on the Dan Tien, which allows you to focus on the exercise, eliminate distracting thoughts, and achieve a state of peace. Методы концентрации ума те же, что и в упражнении для развития внутреннего health.
3) Wellness exercise.
С помощью оздоровительного упражнения можно не только поддержать здоровье, но и вылечить illness. It is especially suitable for the elderly and physically debilitated people.
The exercise includes 18 parts.
[one] Сидеть в тишине.
Sit cross-legged, close your eyes slightly, pull in your chest, rest your tongue against the upper palate, connect your thumbs with the rest of your fingers and place them on your thighs (fig. 12-10).
Concentrate your mind on the dan t'ien, and do
50 breaths through the nose. On theчинающие могут дышать естественно, но со временем дыхание надо углублять, либо использовать метод глубокого дыхания, либо метод дыхания животом.
Sitting in silence helps to calm down, eliminate disturbing thoughts, relax the muscles and calm the breath, thus preparing for the practice of subsequent exercises. The fifty deep breaths in this exercise are necessary to improve the absorption of oxygen into the lungs and the elimination of carbon. Helps good blood circulation throughout the body.
[2] Exercise for the ears (beating the heavenly drum).
Massage with both hands ушные раковины, каждой со своей стороны, по 18 раз (рис. 12–11), прикройте наружные слуховые проходы возвышениями больших пальцев рук (тенарами), остальные пальцы расположены на затылке (рис. 12–12), then придавите средние пальцы указательными и with sliding movements, click them 24 times on the back of the head with the sound of "rub-a-dub" (the sound of a heavenly drum) (Fig. 12-13.)
Ear massage helps to stimulate the auditory nerves, increase their excitability, improve hearing, and prevent and cure tinnitus and deafness. Ear exercise provides mild to moderate stimulation to the brain and regulates the central nervous system. On theряду с этим, оно способствует усилению деятельности центра, ответственного за циркуляцию крови, улучшает работу сердца и лёгких, помогает избавиться от головных болей и головокружения.
[3] Clicking teeth.
Сконцентрируйте ум и слегка щёлкните 36 раз upper and lower teeth.
it помогает стимулировать зубы, улучшает циркуляцию крови в области зубов, сохраняет их твёрдость и предотвращает illness.

[four] Упражнение для языка.
Move the tongue in the mouth up and down the buccal surface of the teeth from left to right, and from right to left 18 times. Before as проглатывать накопившуюся во время упражнения слюну, сполосните ею рот.
[5] Rinsing the mouth with saliva.
Close your mouth and rinse it 36 ​​times with the saliva accumulated during the tongue exercise, and then swallow it in three steps with a characteristic gurgling sound.
Mentally slowly bring the saliva down into the Dan Tien.
Tongue exercises and rinsing the mouth with saliva help to stimulate the secretions of the endocrine glands associated with the digestive process, increase the secretion of intestinal juices, thus improving the functioning of the digestive system, increasing appetite and promoting better absorption of nutrients.
[6] Rubbing the nose.
First, warm the backs of the thumbs by rubbing them (figs. 12-14), pinch your nose with them and lightly rub it on both sides (the ying-hsiang points act as the center) 18 times each (fig. 12-15).
it упражнение повышает сопротивляемость верхних дыхательных путей, помогает предупредить простуду.
Helps to cure chronic nasal diseases, allergic rhinitis and gives a quick effect when nasal congestion.

[7] Exercise for the eyes.
Close your eyes slightly, bend your thumbs slightly and gently rub your eyelids with their knuckles 18 times each (Fig. 12–16). After этого тыльной стороной больших пальцев несильно потрите брови по 18 раз каждую (рис. 12–17). Then again close your eyes slightly and perform 18 rotations of the eyeballs to the left and right in each direction.
it упражнение улучшает подвижность глазных яблок и укрепляет глазные мышцы, ускоряет циркуляцию крови в области глаз, предупреждает возникновение глазных болезней и нормализует зрение.
[8] Rubbing the face.
Согрейте ладони, потерев их друг о друга, then разотрите ими лицо – ото лба вниз, по обеим сторонам носа (рис. 12–18) до низа подбородка, а от него вверх ко лбу (рис. 12–19). Rub your face in this way 36 times.
[9] Exercise for the neck.
Cross the fingers of both hands and clasp the back of the neck with them, look up (Fig. 12-20), then pull your hands forward, while bending and massaging the back of the neck. Perform the exercise 3-9 times (Fig. 12-21).
It helps eliminate shoulder pain and dizziness, improve blood circulation.
[10] Rubbing the shoulders.
First, rub the left shoulder with the right palm 18 times (Fig. 12-22), then rub the right shoulder 18 times with the left palm (Fig. 12-23). This exercise improves blood circulation in the shoulders, prevents and cures inflammation of the shoulder joints and adjacent areas.

[11] Jiaji exercise.
Clench your fists loosely, bend your elbows at a right angle and swing your arms back and forth alternately, 18 times in each direction (Fig. 12-24, 12-25).
[12] Rubbing the waist (rubbing the inner kidneys).
First, warm up the hands by rubbing them against each other, and then rub them on the lower back on both sides 18 times (Fig. 12–26).
it упражнение улучшает циркуляцию крови в пояснице, снимает усталость с поясничных мышц, предупреждает и излечивает люмбаго, дисменорею и аменорею.
[13] Rubbing the coccyx.
Rub the coccyx on both sides with the index and middle fingers of both hands, 36 times


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